Asset Shopfitting

About Asset Shopfitting

Asset Shopfitting specialises in the project management, coordination and installation of retail shop fit-outs from small boutique to large national retail

Asset Shopfitting Description

Asset Shopfitting has a team of 35 employees, consisting of cabinet makers, site installers and three project managers. Here at Asset Shopfitting we pride ourselves in a job well done and most importantly on schedule.

The capabilities of the Asset Shopfitting installation team includes a range of projects from full turnkey of new stores, to refurbishments during trade, to multi-store rollouts and category overhauls.

Our national installation teams are able to scale to the largest of concurrent projects without compromising quality.

Our installers have fitout over 150 Big W, Woolworths and Masters Hardware stores throughout Australia.

We have provided shopfitting installations for Valleygirl, Apple, Samsung, Optus, Subway, David Jones, Just Cuts, Coles, Dan Murphy's, Target, IGA, Origani, The Reject Shop, K Mart, Harris Farm, TEMT, Freedom Furniture and Hair House Warehouse stores.

In 2014 Asset Shopfitting was awarded Big W Supplier of the year, in which we supplied joinery and site installation team.

Our factory is located in North Richmond, Hawkesbury Valley, Sydney NSW, however, we provide shopfitting services Australia wide.

Asset Shopfitting looks forward to partnering with you on your project in the near future.

More about Asset Shopfitting

Asset Shopfitting is located at 1/3 Terrace Road, North Richmond, New South Wales, Australia 2754
02 4571 3613