Health Honey Australasia

About Health Honey Australasia

Distribution of health honey products.

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Health Honey Australasia Description

-Acid Reflux
-Stomach Relief
-Stomach Ulcers (destroys the stomach ulcer bacteria Helicobacter Pylori)
-Sore Throats
-Cold and Flu symptoms
-Peptic Ulcers
-Eye and Throat infections
-Cures antibiotic resistant infections
-Irritable Bowel Syndrome
-Protects gastrointestinal system

**Wounds: -
-Athletes Foot
-Arthritic Inflammation
-Insect Bites
-Diabetic Wounds
-Cracked lips
-Foot and Leg sores
-Relieves exzema and skin irritations
**"The clinical evidence for the effectiveness of honey as a wound dressing" by Dr. Peter Molan provides extensive information and scientific evidence. NOTE: Some benefits are recorded from anecdotal reports, others are proven by clinical trials.

What does science say about Manuka honey and stomach ulcers?
Honey has been used as a (folklore) medicine for digestive complaints for centuries. Also recent studies have shown (Manuka) honey to offer relief from gastrointestinal complaints such as upset stomach, indigestion, diarrhea, and other forms of dyspepsia. However whether or not Manuka honey is able to cure stomach ulcers remains disputed. For more on this read this post titled: Does Manuka honey cure stomach ulcers?

Why is Manuka honey such a good cure for a sore throat?
A sore throat (Pharyngitis) is an inflammation of the throat. According to Wikipedia: "Most acute cases are caused by Viral infections (40% -60% ), with the remainder caused by bacterial infections, fungal infections, or irritants such as pollutants or chemical substances. Treatment of viral causes are mainly symptomatic while bacterial or fungal causes may be amenable to antibiotics and antifungals respectively".
The fact that Manuka honey is proven to have an inflammatory, anti viral, anti bacterial and anti fungal action should say enough why this is such an effective natural remedy for an annoying sore throat.

In Wound Care: - When Applied to a wound Manuka honey provides a moist healing barrier. This barrier prevents the cross-infection of the wound. The hydrogen peroxide present in all honeys fights off bacteria.
Honey is known to work as an anti-inflammatory agent and lifts dirt from the wound. It also stimulates the growth of new blood capillaries, white blood cells and supplies nutrients that boost the regeneration of new skin. The wound heals faster, less crusting and thus less scarring occurs.
Unlike antibiotics which are becoming useless more and more while an increasing amount of bacteria gets resistant, honey has no side effects.
"In more than 500 published reports on the clinical usage of honey in open wounds there have been no adverse reactions noted other than a localise stinging sensation described by some patients".
Q: Can I use honey on scratches and wounds?
A: Honey has an extensive history of traditional human medicinal use in a large number of societies. It may be used alone or in combination with other substances, and has been administered both orally and to topically. Honeys high in antibacterial activity have been proven to improve wound healing, and can help to improve your general health. As every case differs, please check with your doctor before using these honeys as a wound dressing.

More about Health Honey Australasia

Health Honey Australasia is located at PO Box 85, Wyndham, NSW, Australia 2550