Hunter Headline

About Hunter Headline

Coalface is the mining community’s voice and guide to everything it needs to know about working in the mining industry. au /

Hunter Headline Description

Delivered as a monthly magazine, digital newsletter and online portal, Coalface covers news from theHunter & Western Coal Mining regions, and the communities within.

Inside every issue are loads of engaging and entertaining articles and stories about life in and around the mines, the people and companies that work to support the mines, and the families, friends and characters who live within these mining regions.

Coalface also delivers up-to-date news about the Hunter’s mining operations and the industry’s active involvement in and support of the community.

Coalface is the information source that shows the mining industry and community in its best and most positive light.

Coalface is the perfect medium for industries to connect and to promote their businesses to an active audience, whether it be B2B or B2C the audience covers a range of potential customers.

The magazine offers benefits to a wide range of advertisers including everyone from engineering companies and OEMs to hospitality and tourism providers, real estate agencies to insurance brokers, banking and tourism providers !