Jason Starr Photography

About Jason Starr Photography

Based in Armidale - I specialise in Cars & Bikes but also have an interest in Landscapes, Macros and Maternity & Newborn Shoots

Jason Starr Photography Description

PRICING AND INFO - http://jcstarr. wix.com/jsphoto #! aboutpricing /c10fk

I'm an Armidale-based photography enthusiast wanting to specialise in Automotive Photography. These types of photos include Car Portraits, Rig-Shots or Rolling Rigs, Tracking Shots, Light Painting, and my newest favourite - Flame Shots.

I've recently begun to get a little more into Newborns and Babies and wouldn't mind trying my hand at some more Maternity Photos too.

I've always had a love for landscape /seascape photos and I'm quite proud of my achievements in that field. Not a lot of money to be made there which is why I made the jump into Babies - Both the Flesh and the Metal kind.

I started off many years ago with a simple photo of a lightning fork, taken during a thunderstorm with one of the most basic point-and-shoot cameras that you could get (5 Megapixels, 3x Zoom, and AA Batteries). From there, my love for photography was ignited.

In 2009 I entered my first competition and won my first prize. That photo also went on to win Grand Champion. From there I entered a competition in the newspaper to win a 4-week Photography Course with Steve and Julie Campbell. I was one of the 2 people that won that course. It was quite an advanced course and I had no understandings of any of the basics, and I had to borrow a dSLR from work.

That course left many many holes in my knowledge, but they were all at the beginners end. So there was no other choice but to get reading. I read dSLR Photography for Dummies, Canon dSLR photography guide and a few other. None of this came in much help when I only owned a Point and Shoot. So the decision was made to get myself camera that I could get creative with.

With money being tight, I scoured the pages of eBay for months looking for a bargain. Finally, I found one. A Canon 500D that had been dropped on it's lens and repaired. I took the gamble and ended up with a great camera.

It wasn't long however, until I outgrew that one. I was lucky enough to encounter a person on a Photography forum that had purchased a camera for his young daughter. A Canon 60D. This camera is the next step up in size from mine and for her little fingers, too big and heavy. We worked out a reasonable deal and made a swap.

Around 12 months later, I won a Canon Australia & Top Gear Festival photography competition and received a 70D. It's the update to my 60D, but the updates were many and amazing.

As it has a habit of doing, my gear soon multiplied. I now own 6 lenses, 2 flashes and a whole bunch of other accessories. Of course, it's never enough but when I'm due for my next upgrade unfortunately it'll all have to go and start again from scratch with a full-frame body - One day maybe.

More about Jason Starr Photography

Jason Starr Photography is located at 1 JSP St, Armidale, New South Wales 2350