Listings in Wyndham

Wyndham, a remote town situated in the Kimberley region of Western Australia, is a place of vast landscapes, indigenous culture, and a rich pioneering history. Tucked away in the northern reaches of the state, Wyndham invites adventurers to explore its unique corner of the outback. One of Wyndham's prominent features is its location at the junction of the King and Pentecost Rivers, where the iconic Five Rivers Lookout provides panoramic views of the meeting point. The town is a gateway to the Kimberley's rugged terrain, including the stunning Bungle Bungle Range and the majestic Kimberley coastline. Wyndham's history is intertwined with its role as a port town for the pastoral and mining industries. Visitors can learn about the town's heritage at the Wyndham Museum, where exhibits showcase the pioneering spirit of the region's early settlers. The town's proximity to indigenous communities allows visitors to engage with the local culture