80/20 Personal Training

About 80/20 Personal Training

At 80 /20 we believe that the ideal physique is achieved through 80% diet, and 20% through exercise.

80/20 Personal Training Description

If you're looking for an 8 week ab blasting routine, look elsewhere.
Here, at 80 /20 I focus on fitness for life. Teaching skills that can be brought into your everyday life, I like to focus on diet, as I believe this is the biggest factor in changing your body in positive ways, clean eating, and eating for optimal performance as a human being.

My passion, is getting your goals, in your hands quicker by working smarter. Even after you stop training with me, you will have the knowledge and skills to be able to continue to train yourself to a much higher level, and achieve your goals, in a healthy way for your body.

Muscle that stays on, and fats that stay off are my specialty.

Call or message me to get started today!

More about 80/20 Personal Training

80/20 Personal Training is located at Canberra, Australian Capital Territory 2906