A Future For Freyja - An Uncles' Story

About A Future For Freyja - An Uncles' Story

This page is to raise money for my beautiful niece, diagnosed with an aggressive cancer and requiring extensive daily treatment 250km from home

A Future For Freyja - An Uncles' Story Description

Nobody wants to be in this position. . . setting up a fundraising page, events and campaigns for a seriously ill child, especially when that child is near and dear to you. In my case, my precious 6yr old niece has a very rare and aggressive cancer, Clear Cell Sarcoma, and of course the entire extended family is devastated.

As a single mum with three young girls (Brynn 10, Inge 8 and Freyja 6), Lizzie's life has been turned upside down. Along with the anxiety and stress that comes with having a critically ill young daughter, she has somehow to keep it together for all the girls and try her best to maintain a normal household while underneath it she's a wreck.

The disruption is hard of course and significant practical help is needed to cope with the logistics of maintaining some kind of normality for the other girls and providing family life in the face of such a full on and rare disease.

There are many unplanned expenses and associated treatment costs for the family to endure as Liz devotes herself to Freyja's battle. I need your help to not only help fund her hunt for a cure but to support Liz, Freyja, Brynn and Inge whilst earning is close to impossible.

We are dedicated to supporting the family and getting Freyja overseas where they have life saving treatments that aren't available in Australia until 2020. Freyja cannot wait that long.

You can contribute to via my GoFundMe page.

More about A Future For Freyja - An Uncles' Story

A Future For Freyja - An Uncles' Story is located at Canberra, Australian Capital Territory