Arts Desire & Crafts

About Arts Desire & Crafts

Unique, unusual & useful gifts that have been designed then created by hand. Wine & gin glasses embellished with thought & passion. Aromatherapy chakra bracelets made for your favourite essential oils. Upcycled 12" vinyl become AbFab clocks!

Arts Desire & Crafts Description

Design and creation has always been an interest of Judith's along with a firm love of nature and the outdoors. Regular enjoyment of yoga, meditation and 'mindfulness' has enabled Judith to grow in her spiritual awareness thus leading to a number of positive life changes and harmony.

Early 2016 Judith & family gave up the rat race & embarked on a nomadic life of travelling around this great continent to explore the beauty of the rugged coasts, desert, rainforest, outback towns and barren bush of Australia.

Inspiration for Judith's designs started during a trip to the Indonesian island of Bali combined with the love of all things to do with the elements -Earth, Water, Air & Fire!

When Judith is not home-schooling her 3 young children or exploring, you will find her quietly busy under the cool of a tree designing and crafting away at her next beautiful, exquisite art ready to adorn your body.