Australia Awards

About Australia Awards

The Australia Awards are prestigious international scholarships and short courses funded by the Australian Government.

Australia Awards Description

The Australia Awards Facebook page is moderated by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Moderation guidelines, including Replies, Comment Moderation and Terms of Use are available at: http://dfat. gov. au /about-us /about-this-website /Pages /disclaimer. aspx

The Australia Awards offer the next generation of global leaders an opportunity to undertake study, research and professional development in Australia and for high-achieving Australians to do the same overseas.

The Australia Awards are a whole-of-government initiative bringing together scholarships and fellowships administered by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade the Department of Education and Training and the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR).



“People [are] coming here from Asia-Pacific region, from Europe, and that…is testimony to the fact that Australia is home to…reputable universities and world class education.”
Applications for #AustraliaAwards Scholarships for nationals of eligible African countries are now open. For more information see #makeadifference


Did you apply for an #AustraliaAwards scholarship this year but miss out on an offer? Are you thinking about applying for the 2020 intake? This article will provide you with tips to keep in mind to make sure you’re better prepared this time around!


An agricultural company is placing pregnant heifers with local smallholder farms to provide extra income and training, and grow healthy cattle in southern Sumatra – all initiated by Dr Neny Santy, #AustraliaAwards and UNE International Development alumna.
Read more: ArticleId=2909


#AustraliaAwards alumnus Stephen Ithanzu is passionate about developing effective and sustainable agricultural practices in Kenya. He is a farm manager at Kamiti Medium Security Prison in Nairobi, teaching inmates about the importance of agriculture, food security and sustainability.
“I believe if you are competent in food production, you [won’t] sleep with an empty stomach…and this has been a problem in most of our African countries,” he says.
Applications for Australia Awards Scholarships for nationals of Africa are now open. For more information see #makeadifference University of New England, Armidale


#AustraliaAwards Scholarship applications are now open for nationals of eligible African countries.
For more information on scholarships including eligibility criteria, priority areas of study and more, visit
Applications close on 3 December 2018. #makeadifference


Tamarah Koleala says her #AustraliaAwards scholarship offered her the expertise she needed to return home to #PNG and support local institutions and the health sector:
‘Building a career in medical research is difficult in a resource-limited country like ours. The knowledge and skills gained from my Australian studies has helped me a lot in my work. I am very grateful to the Australia Awards Scholarship program, whose academic, personal and long term benefits to a developing... scientist like myself is priceless.’
Read more about Tamarah’s work:…/he…/Pages/austr alia-awards-health.aspx
Australian High Commission Papua New Guinea RMIT University
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A big congratulations to #AustraliaAwards alumnus Dr Jack Maebuta on his appointment as Pro-Vice Chancellor (Academic) of the Solomon Islands National University! He completed his PhD in Peace Studies at the University of New England, Armidale in 2011 and has years of experience in academic leadership. We wish Dr Maebuta all the best in this important role.
Australian High Commission, Solomon Islands


#AustraliaAwards scholar Ricardo Manuel Chao Barreto Martins is studying engineering science at Swinburne University of Technology. His goal is to work on the design of earthquake resistant buildings in his home country of Timor-Leste. Ricardo has some great tips for those who will be studying in Australia.
- Make friends with your classmates - Share information and learning to further your studies - Don’t be shy about challenging others’ approach or analyses... - Don’t forget to take some warm clothes!
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#AustraliaAwards Scholarship offers are in the process of being sent out to successful applicants.
If you have received an offer, congratulations! We can’t wait to see you in Australia soon.
If you were not successful, we encourage you to reflect on your application and consider reapplying. It was an extremely competitive intake with many thousands of applications received. Please monitor our Facebook page over the coming months for more information on how to apply for a scho...larship for study in Australia in 2020.
#makeadifference #educationalexchange
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Asking for help and getting feedback are just two of the excellent tips on starting a new job from Business Insider: st-things-i-did-wh…


“To be a good ambassador of your country here in Australia and once you get back…to be a good ambassador for Australia.”
#AustraliaAwards scholars share what inspires them to pursue their goals. What is your inspiration?


Wonderful story from UOW: University of Wollongong, Australia 29.html


”I see my overall professional development – unearthing of talents hidden within me and broadening up of opportunities for me – as my most significant change.” –Lawrence Boayke on his #AustraliaAwards experience.
What change in yourself has surprised you?


#AustraliaAwards alumna Dulce Soares is on a mission to reduce plastic waste in Timor-Leste.
She is running a campaign to encourage the use of bote (a traditional basket made from palm leaves) and cloth bags for shopping. Dulce has been holding giveaways of these at local markets - even the wife of Timor-Leste's prime minister now uses one!
"The aim is to influence everyone to start seeing the impact of plastic the environment and to encourage parents to educate th...eir kids about how to dispose of rubbish properly," she says.
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How to stretch those savings even further. Thank you Insider Guides e-save-money/


#AustraliaAwards alumnus Abelardo Apollo Ilagan David Jr, known fondly as 'Teacher Archie', says he was always passionate about serving others.
He completed a Master’s in Occupational Therapy at The University of Queensland - UQ and returned to the Philippines in 2002 to establish Independent Living Learning Centre (ILLC Philippines) in Manila, Cebu and Davao. In 2015, the program received a prestigious United Nations Public Service Award.
“I aspire to help the Philippines... [contribute] to new bodies of knowledge that would help the global advocacy for a barrier-free world for people with disabilities,” he says.

More about Australia Awards

Australia Awards is located at Canberra, Australian Capital Territory 2600