Bikram Yoga Kingston

Monday: 09:30 - 12:00
Tuesday: 05:30 - 07:15
Wednesday: 05:30 - 12:00
Thursday: 05:30 - 07:15
Friday: 05:30 - 12:00
Saturday: 07:30 - 10:00
Sunday: 07:30 - 12:00

About Bikram Yoga Kingston

Address Details:
Street Number: 27
Street Name: Eyre Street
Municipality Subdivision: Kingston
Municipality: Canberra
Country Secondary Subdivision: Canberra
Country Subdivision: Australian Capital Territory
Country Code: AU
Country: Australia
Country Code ISO3: AUS
Freeform Address: 27 Eyre Street, Kingston, Australian Capital Territory, 2604
Local Name: Kingston

View Port:
Top Left:-35. 31584, 149. 14056
Bottom Right:-35. 31764, 149. 14276

Entry Point:
main:-35. 31679, 149. 14176

Bikram Yoga Kingston Description

Address Details:
Street Number: 27
Street Name: Eyre Street
Municipality Subdivision: Kingston
Municipality: Canberra
Country Secondary Subdivision: Canberra
Country Subdivision: Australian Capital Territory
Country Code: AU
Country: Australia
Country Code ISO3: AUS
Freeform Address: 27 Eyre Street, Kingston, Australian Capital Territory, 2604
Local Name: Kingston

View Port:
Top Left:-35. 31584, 149. 14056
Bottom Right:-35. 31764, 149. 14276

Entry Point:
main:-35. 31679, 149. 14176



This place is amazing. Friendly staff, great facilities, advanced humidifier and heating system.


In yoga, as in life, the temptation for comparison is strong: ourselves to others, ourselves now to previously, ourselves now to our ideal selves in the future. Really engaging in our practice, in what we are doing in the moment, doesn't so much reduce that urge to compare ourselves as it makes it irrelevant. When we practice mindfully, with full attention and focus, we discover what it is to be ourselves in the world rather than in relation to the other things in it that we might otherwise use to judge.


Beth’s back! Catch her class tonight at 5.45pm & Sunday 10am for her first classes back at BYK. @warnerbets we’ve missed you so, and welcome you back with open arms and happy smiling faces ☺️ Happy Friday, y’all ✌🏼💗


Discomfort is not uncommon in yoga practice (am I right, folks?!). It’s expressed in a physical, visceral, tangible way (think triangle pose...). However, discomfort could be framed as *physical sensation interpreted by the mind*. What we sense, is just that....but how we feel about and what we think about a particular sensation presents an opportunity for self-observation. If we can observe our emotions and thoughts without attachment or judgement, this self-observation is t...he interesting part of a physical, mind-body practice! In Bikram yoga we can journey through the physical body for non-physical outcomes. Of course physical outcomes are a beautiful by-product of hatha yoga practice, but keep an open mind and eye - your practice may yield more than you initially bargained for!
Today is a good day for yoga. See you at 5.45pm, lovely yogis. ✌🏼💗
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The world we live in often forces us to choose between being cerebral, and being physical. For many of us, the work we do preferences one over the other, so we spend much of our lives in our heads, not realising that our mind and body work better together because they are part of a cohesive system, rather than autonomous units that communicate and coordinate. Yoga brings us back into synthesis in a way that sometimes we can't remember having experienced before. It feels strange to us at first, but it is how we are supposed to be. That wholeness does more than enhance our asana practice - it heals us, entirely.


Post-yoga, nothing can steal your peace! AM yogis are set: cool, calm and connected. PM yogis, see you tonight for 5.45pm w/ Noi ✌🏼


🎉Congratulations to our July challengers! 🎉 Due to the commitment of many individuals, the collective result is many yoga classes in the bank. I don’t know about you, but I’m pumped to see a visual representation of how much connection, calm, perspective and stress-management is being shared beyond the studio walls at the end of July! Thank you, yogis (and all unofficial challengers too!) for holding the daily/weekly/monthly space for your yoga practice, and for your hard work, this month and always ✌🏽❤️


You could argue that in life, we can't really plan for anything because we don't know what is going to happen, where things will take us, or how they will turn out. That kind of uncertainty adds stress to our lives, and stress is not something we usually equate with having a life that is comfortable, easy and flexible. In our yoga practice, we learn to deal with stress and discomfort not by planning and organising and trying to take control, but by being in the moment, moving through both time and space, with a destination in mind but with an understanding of the complexity of the process of reaching it. We learn that we can not only tolerate, but embrace, challenges - even those where we are uncertain of the path or the outcome.


From muddy waters blooms the symbolic lotus flower 💗
We are nearing the end of the July challenge and it has been a truly energetic time for our community, lotus petals unfurling left, right and centre.
Over the last month I (Zoe) have heard the following: “Doing more yoga actually seems to give me time”, “my stomach feels like it’s part of me again!”, “Riding my motorbike I was more alert, more aware”. This is only a sample, and only that which has been shared. Thank you fo...r your dedication to your practice - the fruits of your efforts are far-reaching! 🙏🏻
Join us straight after the 5.45pm class this Monday, Day 30, for a post-class nibble/drink/chat at the studio. Here’s to being more, CONNECTED, more EMBODIED, more AWARE! 🙌🏻
Plus, if you’re keen, “sign up” to continue your challenge into August. A few of us are going to keep this good thing rolling! 🌸
Oh happy, sunny Saturday, yogis ☀️✌🏽
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🦋Final stretch🦋 of the July challenge, folks - how did we get to day 25?! Times flies when you’re in the flow (and having fun, of course!)💗✨
Janine has lovingly set up the AM yogis for the day...
5.45pm w/ our visiting teacher, Peggy-Rose. Last chance to practice her class while she’s in town!
... 7.30pm w/ the wonderful Adrian.
Wednesday yoga: sorted 😎✌🏽
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We all recognise the ole "southsiders/northsiders never cross the bridge" rhetoric but look closely, do you recognise this face and these walls?! Big shout out to our student, Anita for agreeing to partake in a bit of fun at the studio for a light-hearted news piece published this morning. Anita, thank you for the kind words in your own post and for the positive and authentic energy you bring to our community - we are a lucky southside yoga bunch! ✌️❤️


As adults with obligations, responsibilities and commitments, it is easy for us to forget to have fun. In fact, we can develop a tendency to turn everything we do into work. It may be true that not everything in life is fun, but it is important for us to find a balance. Our yoga practice can be hard work, but it can also be a playful exploration of our body's capabilities. Falling out of a posture can be frustrating, but it can also be a moment of humour in the midst of an otherwise serious endeavour. Yoga, like life, is a journey during which we find many things, including joy.


Consider the way in which you perceive challenging moments...
✨DAY 19✨and there’s some crazy talk around the water cooler about yogis extending their challenges into August, and yogis signing up to participate in next month’s Aussie yoga championships in Canberra 😱🙌🏻 Epic self-discovery moments left, right and centre!
Please talk to Zoe at reception for more details on “challenging-on” into August 💪🏽🌟🎉 Anyone with a keen interest to test the edge of comfort is heartily welcomed in both challenge-on instances! 💗


✨Last minute schedule change✨
5.45pm w/ Phiona (guest teacher) 7.30pm w/ Noi
... It’s a great day out there yogis. Take a deep breath and enjoy✌🏻❤️
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Challengers you’re over the [mathematical] hump - DAY 16 today! Lovely Lauren commented on my practice a few days ago and said that she could tell I (Zoe) was on the challenge because I was moving gracefully. I joked and said that I was just slow (it was a 6am class!) but upon further reflection, I too have noticed that within myself and when I’m teaching others, the sense of calm gets louder each day of regular practice that passes....regular practice helps us desensitise to the big things (e.g. heat, sweat, stiff body, general perception of difficulty for the class etc) and sensitise to the “small” (e.g. breath, circulation, sensations of body, mind and heart etc). What a beautiful, clear reflection still waters make💗 ***Warning***: things may appear as they really are with regular yoga practice 😉✌🏻


Humans are contradictory creatures. We are curious, and crave new experiences, yet we fear the unknown. We face it with anything from discomfort to abject dread. We take ourselves to the edge, and we stop there, because we don't know what's beyond. We do this in our yoga practice, and it is true that we get the benefit of our practice from doing what we know we can do. There is no need to do more. But our practice is a good place to extend ourselves, to gently and safely nudge our barriers and limits and see what happens. We can do this because the foundation of our practice is trying the right way. From that starting point, what we are doing is breathing normally and moving from where we are to where we try.


For one reason or another, and because we have a fabulous and flexible teaching crew, every class on today’s schedule plus tomorrow’s 6am has had a last minute teacher change! You know the feeling when something unexpected comes up and you feel completely adept at finding a solution, stress-free? That’s the magic of your yoga practice in real life 🙌🏻
Practice flexibility of mind: 5.45pm w/ Noi, 7.30pm w/ Zoe, Friday 6am w/ Lauren ✌🏻
Day 12, challengers - woo! 💗


DAY 10 for our July Challengers! These faces (plus Peter!) got their day 10 done this morning at 6am ☀️ What I love most about this bunch is that represent our original BYK yogis who have been practicing with us since the early days! Our community at BYK, ever growing and evolving, is one of the loveliest things I’ve witnessed in our space ☺️🙏🏻 Love your work! 💗 One third of the way to 30-days, folks 🎉💪🏼


We inhabit a world where the concept of mind-body separation is entrenched, so much so that we have internalised the separation. Yoga doesn't so much create a synthesis as it returns us to one, by teaching us that we are intended to function as a whole, in the present, with full awareness. When we do, we are able to engage fully with our experiences in ways that are meaningful and positive.


Happy Friday! Aka “day 6” to our July Challengers 💗🙌🏻 Perfect day to have our new hoody samples arrive at the studio🌧
Have a look at/try on the different styles in the women’s fit and men’s fit and give me a shout if you’re keen to represent in style! I’ll be placing an order by July 20th ✌🏻
... See you tonight for 5.45pm w/ Noi ☺️
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Another 30 Day Challenge completed – the toughest one yet.

My sincere thanks to the Bikram Yoga Kingston teachers - Ally, Chat, Zoe, Ali W, Lauren, and Gill for their enthusiasm and encouragement during these challenging August classes.

I also thank them very much, along with the other teachers that I have been fortunate to have at BYK over the last 18 months or so (including Kate, Amrei and Fiun), for their support and for sharing their passion and knowledge, good humour and friendship, leading me to what I am sure is now a lifelong love of this yoga. I also thank all my fellow practitioners at the studio – what wonderful mates!

There is no doubt that practicing Bikram Yoga has changed my life in very positive ways – body, mind and spirit. It is an ongoing journey with continuing challenges and rewards. I just wish I had started in my 20s rather than my 50s, but as Bikram says, ‘you’re never too old, never too bad, never too late and never too sick to start from the scratch once again’. So come along and start, or come back if you’ve been missing a while.

The Studio has great facilities, a great vibe and is a very welcoming and supportive place, and it’s hot, just the way we like it.

More about Bikram Yoga Kingston

Bikram Yoga Kingston is located at 2/27-29 Eyre St, Kingston ACT 2604, Australia
+61 418 408 266
Monday: 09:30 - 12:00
Tuesday: 05:30 - 07:15
Wednesday: 05:30 - 12:00
Thursday: 05:30 - 07:15
Friday: 05:30 - 12:00
Saturday: 07:30 - 10:00
Sunday: 07:30 - 12:00