Body Being

About Body Being

At BODY BEING we offer a holistic path to improving your health and wellbeing. A path that offers blended approaches to movement, breathing, nutrition, lifestyle, mind‚ÄĎbody and self-healing practices to connect you to your most vital self.

Body Being Description

At BODY BEING we offer a holistic path to improving your health. A path that offers blended approaches to movement, breathing, nutrition, lifestyle, mind‚ÄĎbody and self-healing practices to connect you to your most vital self.



What the heck is Breathwork?
Breathwork is a powerful body centred approach to self-exploration & healing. It is a gentle yet dynamic process & the most effective way we know for creating deep & lasting change. It focuses on integration of the mind, body & spirit towards a wholeness of self through conscious breathing.
It’s a potent modality that unlocks parts of yourself you might not otherwise be able to access. Supporting you to unpack & heal the emotional anchors of many... health & emotional wellness complaints (including physical, mental, emotional & spiritual).
Breathwork supports:
- stress, overwhelm - anxiety - body tension, physical pain & bodily symptoms - emotional wellbeing - self esteem, confidence & self love - depression - gaining clarity & self understanding - trauma - relationships (to self and other) - emotional & mental resilience - addictions - exploration of consciousness - spiritual growth.
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Choose. . #bodybeing #wildwomenrising #choosejoy #choosewhatnourishesyou


Do your health practices support you to be more present in your life or less?
... ūüĆÄ
Do they bring you into deeper relationship with your kids, partner, friends, family & community? Or away from????
Do they bring you back in better relationship with yourself, your emotions, thoughts, physical self, bodily sensations, energetic self, your inner wounds, your resilience & your fragility. Having you enjoying your body, your felt experience of life, your connection within?
Or do they shut it down?
Do they give you a sense of freedom to be exactly who the fuck you are? To know you are worth it.
Or through them are you trying to be something other than you? Someone with better abs, a cooler party trick, #thighgap, someone who knows it all, a life winner, someone who can dominate others, someone who only feels #goodfeels, is insta worthy etc.
Just wondering ......‚̧ԳŹ
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It’s a wrap.
Thanks to Dave and Craig of Physical Alchemy for sharing their Repatterning work with us.
... ūüĆÄ
A big thank you also to all the beautiful humans who came out to play. Looking forward to more connections.
#physicalalchemy #bodybeing #bodyconnection #repatterningstretching #daoistphysicalcultivation #collaboration #bodycrafts #payitforward #owmygua
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New recipe bee ūüźĚ coming soon. #nourishworkshop #naturalskincare #botanicallyinfused #renegadebeauty #essentialoils #diybeauty #diybodybalm #nontoxicskincare #noliverloaders #bodybeing #holistichealth #bodybeing


‚ÄúThe body is more than a brain taxi‚ÄĚ....
ūü߆ ūüöē
I talk a lot about ‚Äėembodiment‚Äô. Often encouraging my clients to notice their bodies, their sensations, their emotions, their energy. To stay connected to their bodies, to be present within as they move, discuss, breath, relate, work, play etc. To be curious, explorative and conscious as they dive deeper within.
... Embodiment is a primary intention of all of my practices.
But what the heck is embodiment???
This podcast is a great discussion on just this question.
If you have a body, it’s worth a listen.
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Over and over I have seen the power of supported conscious breathing in ... changing people’s felt experience of their lives.
Breathwork works with our original wounds, the anchors deep within that keep us performing the same old patterns and behaviours. It works with the old ways of speaking to ourselves that no longer serve us and keep us small.
It changes things, beyond what our minds can comprehend.
It supports us to be with ourselves in a way I have never experienced before. Letting us dive deeply within, beyond the mind and it’s clever traps and into the body where we store and hide our unresolved hurts.
It has revolutionised my life and that of many of my clients. It has changed the way we feel about ourselves, our understanding of our sticky dysfunctional patterns and given us a freedom within and without that cannot be achieved by doing the same old thing under another banner.
Want to try something different?
Breathwork works with: - depression and anxiety - self love and self worth - addictions - trauma - many physical ailments and pain - overwhelm - stress - relationships (to self and other) - dysfunctional behaviours - consciousness exploration - clarity and self understanding - spiritual growth.
#breathwork #bodycentredtherapy #consciousbreath #perspectiveshifting #bodybeing #beyondego #innerwork #bewoke #wildheart #befreetochoose
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So powerfully true.
#nayyirahwaheed #selfconnection #deepselflove #perspective #youAREtherevolution #innerwork


Winter sun kisses. ūüĎĄ Recharging my batteries. ‚ėÄÔłŹ Reminding my skin. ūüôŹ Slowing my mind. ūüďŅ
#takingtimetorecharge #vitaminD #VDRs #wintersun #nakedsuntime #elementalnutrition #downregulate #holistichealthcoaching #beinghuman #slowdown


Less than two weeks to sign up for this intimate workshop treat.
I’m looking forward to absorbing some juicy corporeal practices and insights from Craig and Dave.
Come join me.
... Book now as places are very limited.
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- new recipe ūüĎä
This simple homemade deodorant is a beautiful nontoxic alternative to commercial deodorants.
... Many store bought deodorants are full of liver loading, gut eroding and endocrine disrupting ingredients!
No thanks!
This is just one of five beautiful, simple and effective natural products we will make in my upcoming NOURISH Workshop on Sat 11 Aug.
This workshop gives you the why, what and how to detox your body, home and life.
Event details in profile.
#nourishDIYworkshop #bodybeing #detox #detoxyourbodyhome&life #naturalbeauty #naturalhomecleaning #DIYbeauty #essentialoils #notoxBO #naturaldeodorant #renegradebeauty
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‚ÄúThe need for connection and community is primal, as fundamental as the need for air, water, and food.‚ÄĚ
Dean Ornish.
#rewildtribe #bluegumbushcraft #rewildcommunity #connection #longhouse #builditandtheywillcome #vitamincommunity #backfromthebush #natureimmersion #natureconnection #beinghuman


Adventure calls. ūüĎ£
We are called out to immerse our family in nature, in each other and in our rewild tribe.
... Away from the comforts of our urban lives and into the embrace of the wild spaces and wild community.
Cold rivers, warm fires, gentle humans.
See you in two weeks.
#natureimmersion #natureconnection #rewildcommunity #bluegumbushcraft #selfconnection #rewildingfamily #tribeheals #bushcraft #rewildmychild #rewildmentor #bushbreak #elementalnutrition #forestbathing
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This delicious rejuvenating, nourishing and totally natural body balm is one of the yummy goodies we will make at the upcoming NOURISH workshop on Sat 11 Aug (see event tab for details).
Can you hear your skin saying YASSSSS!
... ūüíöūüíöūüíöūüíöūüíöūüíöūüíöūüíöūüíöūüíöū üíöūüíöūüíö
#nourishworkshop #detoxyourbodyhome&life #bodybeing #diyhealth #naturalskincare #diyskincare #renegadebeauty #holistichealth #noliverloaders #makeityourself
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It’s a game changer.


To these amazing women who:
- heard the call of the wild and actually answered.
... - ventured out into the bitter cold to reconnect with themselves, the natural world around them and each other.
- made time for themselves because they know it matters and because THEY matter.
- faced their fears of a cold cold river and stood solid in their faith in themselves.
- yelled with joy at the amazingness of what their beautiful bodies are capable of.
- stopped the busy, the hectic, the do and dropped into just being.
- played, laughed, shared, breathed and were wild women rising!
ūüôŹ my gratitude and love for a beautiful day shared.
#vitalityworkshop, #bodybeing #coldimmersion #wildwomenrising #rewildingwomen #elementalnutrition #naturalmovement #rewild #natureconnection #embodiment #tummo #innerfire #selfcare #connection #balance #wildwomanwellness #comfortablewithuncomfortable
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Last chance to book in for this Sat’s VITALITY workshop.
Winter is a unique and powerful ally in bringing us back to ourselves and back into deep relationship with our environment.
Does the river call you?
... ūüí¶ūüĒ•‚ĚĄÔłŹūüćāūüĆŅūüĆĺ
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More about Body Being

Body Being is located at Giralang, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory 2617