Bonython Primary School - Act

About Bonython Primary School - Act

By 'Like'ing Bonython Primary School you agree to the Posting Policy outlined on the Info page.

Bonython Primary School - Act Description

Welcome to the official Facebook page of Bonython Primary School. We encourage contributions to the page. Please note the content is moderated. The page aims to highlight the achievements of our school, our teachers and students. In joining our Facebook community you agree to follow our ‘Guidelines on Wall Posts’ and Facebook’s Community Standards. ACT Public Servants are also subject to the ‘Public Sector Management Act’ and the ‘ACT Government Social Media Guidelines’. Facebook Terms and Conditions state no one under the age of 13 years should have a Facebook profile.

Wall post guidelines
The following guidelines provide advice to ensure your wall posts will not be deleted.

The ACT Government Education Directorate and ACT Public Schools, cannot endorse any sites referred to by fans in any comments or discussion submissions. Parents please ensure you monitor their child's internet usage and check the sites they are accessing.

Views expressed on our wall may not be the views of the ACT Education Directorate or ACT Public Schools. Please make sure your comments are appropriate before submitting them. Inappropriate comments could be anything that is:

• Off-topic or spam
• Soliciting funds, goods or services, or advertising
• Racially, ethnically or religiously offensive
• Defamatory
• Threatening, harassing or abusive
• Obscene, profane or vulgar
• Illegal or encouraging of criminal acts
• Known to be inaccurate or contains false attribution
• Infringing on copyright, trademark or any other rights of others
• Impersonating anyone else (actual or fictitious)

Please note that any posts deemed inappropriate will be deleted.

Photos of students can only be published if the correct Education Directorate permission forms have been completed by the student’s parent or guardian. For privacy and protection, please do not tag photos of children, and please do not name them in your comments, unless the previously mentioned permissions is sought. On rare occasions and with parental permission, students may be named by the school social media administration team. Tagging of parents or friends within the comment box is permitted with the understanding that all other rules of engagement are followed.

This page will be monitored from 9am-5pm daily and will not necessarily be monitored out of hours.