Boosters Garage

About Boosters Garage

BooSTeRS HQ is where to get all your BooSTeRS gear.

If you own a Focus RS, ST, Fiesta ST, Mondeo, XR4 or XR5, then this place is for you

Boosters Garage Description

In the beginning there was one lonely ST owner looking for bros, then by chance he stumbled across two more, on instagram (car dating site?). Instantly they became STbros and soon two became ten, and then ten became twenty - and so ACT BooSTeRS was born.

No long after we did stuff . . . and things, went to meets and had cruises. Many on lookers from other states wanted to play too, so we expanded into BooSTeRS.

So with 70 members in just one small town and numbers growing interstate, STbros in other countries started to notice our STbro-outings and Boosted Banana Mondays, hear our BOVs and see our exhaust flames and wanted to join in. . . and that's how this page emerged.