Buddha'S Light International Association Of Qld

About Buddha'S Light International Association Of Qld

The Queensland Chapter of BLIA, Buddha's Light International Association of Queensland (BLIAQ) was formally formed in 1992 as a non-profit organisation.

Buddha'S Light International Association Of Qld Description

In Ven. Master Hsing Yun, Buddhism has found a reformer, an innovator, and an educator. Under his strong leadership, Buddhism has extended beyond traditional temple life to integrate and further enrich the modern living of city dwellers. Today, it has transcended national boundaries and has afforded people from all over the world the opportunity to be a part of it.

Initially formed on February 3, 1991 in response to the needs of local Buddhist practitioners, the BLIA ROC gradually gained recognition overseas. Subsequently, "Buddha's Light International Association" was officially inaugurated in Los Angeles, California on May 16, 1992 during which a new chapter in Buddhist history emerged.

BLIA is not the organization of a certain sect, temple, or person. It is an organization that belongs to all the Buddhists in the world. People who subscribe to the guiding principles of BLIA are welcome. Currently, over 100 BLIA chapters have been established worldwide. There are establishments in the United States of America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Russia, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, Japan, Hong Kong, Macao, Thailand, India, Brazil, Argentina, Africa, etc. Gradually but surely, there will be BLIA establishments throughout every corner of the world where the presence of BLIA members will make a difference for the benefit of humanity.

The Queensland Chapter of BLIA, Buddha's Light International Association of Queensland (BLIAQ) was formally formed in 1992 as a non-profit organisation, with endeavours to serve the community by organising Multicultural and spiritual activities which help to enrich human mind; benefiting society through charitable programs; helping people whom suffers from varies forms of difficulties; taking a fair share of social responsibilities and aiming at the establishment of a Pure Land on earth.

The BLIAQ has over 1, 000 members and 9 branches namely South District 1, South District 2, Logan, Western District, North District, Chung Tian, Gold Coast, Society Youth and Student Youth branches. Furthermore, a “Loving Care Group” was also formed under the wing of BLIAQ and it act as charitable arm of the association. Each branch is self-organised by having its own sub-committee and is under supervision of the Association’s main body.

The activities organised by the association cover a wide scope such as promotion of multiculturalism, human welfare and community awareness and all aims at improving the quality life of Australian and families through multicultural activities, education, recreation, support and assistance.

國際佛光會,是佛光山開山宗長星雲大師於1992年5月16日,在美國洛杉磯正式成立的組織,總部設於美國加州的佛光山西來寺。國際佛光會的四大宗旨是「秉承佛陀教法,虔誠恭敬三寶,弘法利生,覺世牖民;倡導生活佛教,建設佛光淨土,落實人間,慈悲濟世;恪遵佛法遺制,融和五乘佛法,修持三學,圓滿人格;發揮國際性格,從事文化教育,擴大心胸,重視群我」。在星雲大師「佛光普照三千界,法水長流五大洲」的願心願力下,目前全球有170多個協會,600萬會員,遍佈世界五大洲。2003年國際佛光會正式成為聯合國非政府組織 (NGO) 的成員,充分展現人間佛教深受普羅大眾的認同。


1997年5月,昆士蘭協會和中天寺在布里斯本市南岸公園,聯合舉辦佛誕節慶典,活動呈現多元文化的內容,十七年來,每年吸引20多萬人次來參與,贏得昆士蘭州及布里斯本市認定為重要多元文化活動,也是年度最盛大的活動之一。2001年昆士蘭協會榮獲州政府「國際義工年團體銀牌獎」;2003年榮獲聯邦移民與多元文化部「Moreton澳洲日社區服務獎」;2006年5月7日 布里斯本市政府頒給佛誕節慶祝大會「文化貢獻獎」;2010年1月榮獲洛根市政府「年度優秀市民及傑出社團獎」;2011年榮獲昆士蘭州政府「傑出社會服務團體獎」,可見昆士蘭協會深獲社會大眾及政府肯定與讚賞。

More about Buddha'S Light International Association Of Qld

Buddha'S Light International Association Of Qld is located at 1034 Underwood Road, Priestdale 4127
(07) 3841 3511