Canberra Community Law

About Canberra Community Law

Canberra Community Law is a community legal centre providing legal services to people on low incomes or facing other disadvantage in the ACT and its region

Twitter: @cancommunitylaw
Instagram: canberra_community_law
LinkedIn: Canberra Community Law

Canberra Community Law Description

Canberra Community Law (formerly Welfare Rights and Legal Centre) has been providing legal services to people on low incomes for over 25 years and has substantial advocacy experience and expertise in its areas of speciality.

However we cannot provide legal advice via this page. Please contact us on 6218 7900 or au if you would like legal advice.

This page is monitored between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday.

Canberra Community Law operates this page to:

• Provide updates about CCL;
• Provide information about the rights and obligations of Canberrans in our specialist areas of practice;
• Provide information about the activities of CCL including events and outreach;
• Share links to other organisations that assist Canberrans by providing information, advice and /or support;
• Engage with clients and stakeholders;
• Share content (news, photos etc) relevant to clients and stakeholders.

Aside from our own posts, comments posted to this page by members of the public or other organisations do not represent the opinions of Canberra Community Law.

We may choose to follow organisations or individuals that are relevant to Canberra Community Law. Being followed by Canberra Community Law does not imply endorsement of any kind.

Responses to your comments, questions and messages

We will try our best to answer or respond to as many of your comments, questions and messages as possible during business hours but this will not always be possible, especially during busy times.

If you do not get an answer to your question through Facebook, please contact us on 6218 7900 or au.


This page provides information about the law designed to help users understand their legal rights and obligations. However legal information is not the same as legal advice (the application of law to an individual’s specific circumstances). Although we make all efforts to ensure our information is accurate and useful, we recommend you consult Canberra Community Law for advice specific to your circumstances.

Please note that this page is NOT intended to be used as a substitute for specific legal advice or opinions and the transmission of this information is NOT intended to create a solicitor-client relationship between the Canberra Community Law and members of the public.

Please also note when a post was last published or updated, as the law may have changed.


Your feedback is important to help us improve the way we help people. Please consider providing us with more information, either by phone on 6218 7995, or au.

Moderation Policy

We support lively, open discussion and welcome your comments, questions and contributions on this page.

We monitor this page regularly, at least once a day Monday to Friday and your comments will be ‘post-moderated’, that means moderated after you have posted them.

We will usually allow comments that:

• are on relevant to CCL and its areas of responsibility;
• are constructive and respectful of others views;
• do not infringe on the rules below.

We reserve the right to delete any comments that don’t comply with our rules, or which are otherwise deemed inappropriate. Where possible, we will contact you if we remove your post to provide you with an explanation as to why it has been removed and the necessary action(s) for the content to be reposted.

We ask that you keen the following rules in mind when posting on our page.

• do not post your personal details about yourself or any other person including full name phone number, address, location, email address or any other personal information;
• do not use inappropriate language including obscenities;
• do not post anything that could be considered obscene, offensive, pornographic, vulgar, profane, indecent or is otherwise illegal;
• do not incite violence or hatred, or are likely to offend, insult or humiliate others based on race, religion, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation or any physical or mental disability;
• do not make personal attacks, abuse and threats to cause physical or mental harm;
• do not post content which you know (or is reasonably expected to know) is false, misleading or deceptive;
• do not post content that contain is defamatory to any person;
• do not spam the page with multiple or lengthy posts or links to or endorsements of unrelated websites, businesses, commercial products or services;
• do not post links to pages that contain the aforementioned material.

Any users who repeatedly break these rules may be blocked from posting on the page.

If you see content that you feel does not comply with the rules above, please report it to us at au.

More about Canberra Community Law

Canberra Community Law is located at 21 Barry Drive TURNER, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory 2612
6218 7900