Celestial Wellbeing

About Celestial Wellbeing

Give a man a fish, he'll eat for the day. Teach a man to fish, he'll eat for the rest of his life. Here at celestial Wellbeing our aim is to teach you to fish so 'you can' eat for the rest of your life, or if you just need to relax and re-centre from an obstacle or a feeling you've been carrying then let us help you. Our aim is to help 'you' not to give you fish for the day.

We provide a range of services including Hypnotherapy, hands on Reiki healing, distance Reiki healing, Holistic Counselling and more, for further information please call, email or message us.

Hypnotherapy is a great way to aim for instant results, allowing you the space you need to really focus on your goal at hand to make that change you've been longing for from giving up those nasty cigarettes or you need a little help to get into the fitness mindset or just need motivation to achieve. The world of hypnosis is so vast almost anything can be achieved using it.

Hands on Reiki healing is a very deep medative and relaxing way to help your body begin the process of healing. A little background information is needed for more serious cases but for the general celestial being an open mind and willingness for health and relaxation is all that is needed. One off sessions are a great way to refresh and give an inner boost, however most cases do require multiple sessions over a period of time.

Distance Reiki is a process where healing energy is sent to you. You may or may not feel it from a distance but it works just as well as hands on. Booking a distance Reiki session is no different to booking a hands on session, the same time is required and a booking will be made with time and date. Once the session is completed an email with a report will be sent to you outlining any areas of need.

Holistic counselling is counselling with a twist, this form of counselling focuses strongly on helping you learn the tools you need to help you make the changes you need. You may think of us as tour guides, guiding you to your destination. Anxiety is a great example of where holistic counselling can really help, it seems to be affecting more and more people lately. Please note we do not prescribe drugs nor are affiliated with such companies who do so. To our clients, we provide a clean and open environment .

Fancy a mix of services? if needed we can do a mix of these services, for example lets say you're simply just not feeling right? yes? we could begin the session with a quick analysis, then move to using the wonderful healing energy of Reiki blended with a hint of hypnosis?

or maybe you simply just need to relax and let go and just have a good vent. . Whatever your concern may be we're hear to help.

Celestial Wellbeing Description

Give a man a fish, he'll eat for the day. Teach a man to fish, he'll eat for the rest of his life. Here at celestial Wellbeing our aim is to teach you to fish so 'you can' eat for the rest of your life, or if you just need to relax and re-centre from an obstacle or a feeling you've been carrying then let us help you. Our aim is to help 'you' not to give you fish for the day.

We provide a range of services including Hypnotherapy, hands on Reiki healing, distance Reiki healing, Holistic Counselling and more, for further information please call, email or message us.

Hypnotherapy is a great way to aim for instant results, allowing you the space you need to really focus on your goal at hand to make that change you've been longing for from giving up those nasty cigarettes or you need a little help to get into the fitness mindset or just need motivation to achieve. The world of hypnosis is so vast almost anything can be achieved using it.

Hands on Reiki healing is a very deep medative and relaxing way to help your body begin the process of healing. A little background information is needed for more serious cases but for the general celestial being an open mind and willingness for health and relaxation is all that is needed. One off sessions are a great way to refresh and give an inner boost, however most cases do require multiple sessions over a period of time.

Distance Reiki is a process where healing energy is sent to you. You may or may not feel it from a distance but it works just as well as hands on. Booking a distance Reiki session is no different to booking a hands on session, the same time is required and a booking will be made with time and date. Once the session is completed an email with a report will be sent to you outlining any areas of need.

Holistic counselling is counselling with a twist, this form of counselling focuses strongly on helping you learn the tools you need to help you make the changes you need. You may think of us as tour guides, guiding you to your destination. Anxiety is a great example of where holistic counselling can really help, it seems to be affecting more and more people lately. Please note we do not prescribe drugs nor are affiliated with such companies who do so. To our clients, we provide a clean and open environment .

Fancy a mix of services? if needed we can do a mix of these services, for example lets say you're simply just not feeling right? yes? we could begin the session with a quick analysis, then move to using the wonderful healing energy of Reiki blended with a hint of hypnosis?

or maybe you simply just need to relax and let go and just have a good vent. . Whatever your concern may be we're hear to help.

More about Celestial Wellbeing

Celestial Wellbeing is located at 7a 13-19 Botany street Phillip, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory