Crg Creative Networking

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 17:00

About Crg Creative Networking

� National Award Winner �

We help business owners and their staff to Network more effectively and efficiently to build better business connections.

Crg Creative Networking Description

Juggling a business and family can be tough and sometimes your not always in a position to get out and network and promote your business to our local community.

You may have a partner who is running the business whilst your at home with the kids, you could be running your business from home or like our situation you could be working with your partner in the business but also committed to your children who may not be in care yet.

Running a local plumbing company CRG Plumbing & Maintenance, my husband Cameron and i found it hard to get to a lot of networking meetings as we had our children and were committed to family time.
Whilst Cameron was on job sites and i was at home with the kids i felt like i needed to still actively help in the business and do what i could to promote our brand.

Attending networking meetings prior to having children, we knew how important and crucial this is to the growth of our business and what an important role these meetings played in our success to date so we decided to take the leap and introduce our own networking meeting within the local area that offers a child care service whilst our networking meeting is taking place.
This enables us to promote our business, learn from other business owners and network with like minded parents whilst our children are being cared for by professional educators and also meeting new friends of their own.

This meeting is perfect for the parent who may be at home watching their children and who wants to actively help grow their family business or is someone who works from home and have children restricting them from getting out and networking.

Our meeting is a weekly event every Monday 10am-12pm held at Oran Park Smart Work Hub starting February 2018.

Our goal for the meeting is to Refer - Learn - Grow

REFER - Let's network and build trust and help each other by referring our business and services to everyone we know.

LEARN - Let's learn by talking to each other, sharing our tricks and tips for success, brainstorm idea's and welcome guest speakers who are professionals in their field that can offer education and training to help you improve your business.

GROW - Let's help each other grow our business and be successful so our family can be proud, after all isn't that the WHY in all of this?

If you would like more information or would like to attend please register your interest now



Oh what a great question from the Business Builders Group. Who would you choose?


Share your favorite motivational quote, or maybe you have one yourself? Let's inspire each other. Let's share and create a massive wave of inspiration for all our connections today.


It’s always great getting out and meeting people and learning about our great opportunities


Because we have created that something special. Sure we network but it’s so much more than that. So what should you expect when you come to our meeting?
🔗 Build better business connections with genuine people
🏠 Feel comfortable in a relaxed non judgmental environment
... 🧠 Be inspired and educated by both other attendees & special guest speakers who are experts and motivators
🗣 Gain confidence in owning your value and sharing your knowledge
👏 Share and spread success, referrals and wraps every week.
🌟 Be motivated every week to be the star you are
🍩🍰☕️🍉🍇 Enjoy and connect over cakes, coffee, tea & fruit. After all food brings people together.
All businesses welcome 👷‍♂️👩‍⚕️👩‍🎓👨 ‍🚒
and we also offer child minding 👶
Want to know more? Lets connect. 📱💻📞✉️🤝☕️
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What a great initiative and opportunity for businesses. Check out all there is a to know about the up and coming Jacaranda Festival.


Hey guys, just letting you know that if anyone was interested in attending this it is now free. So you get a free breakfast and you get to network and meet new potential connections. If your interested let me know and ill book you in as my guest or you can register below. -the-south-west-ti…


Are you ever stuck for idea’s or inspiration? Maybe you could try some of these quirky techniques to get your creative juices flowing


Great advise from our social media gurus at Helixx Media Management about verifying your Facebook Page.


Whats your favourite book?? For all the parents out there you would know that schools all around a currently promoting book week so i thought it would be a great opportunity to share all our favourite books. Ones that have inspired us, taught us, motivated us or simply made us happy. One that i love is by Dr.Seuss ... Oh, the places you’ll go. It’s a beautiful book that explains life has ups and downs but you choose how you proceed. It’s a book i love reading to my boys. What’s a book that inspires you? Share below.


Do you want a happy mind? Why not check out this great event coming up from one of our regulars.


Happy Friday friends. Can you help with this week's question?


Great meeting this week with Darren Wrigley from LiveNOW Consultancy sharing his tips on connecting and approach to business collaborations. As usual an inspiring morning with great people eating yummy food courtesy of our newest regular Kirsty from Sweet Cinnabun.


Let me tell you a story... About 18 or so months ago, Cameron and I were sitting in the car talking about what our perfect networking group would look like… it didn’t exists, so we decided to create our own. My mind went into a frenzy and I had a billion ideas bursting out. With months of preparation and planning we launched our first meeting Feb 12th this year. Our goal was to reach 20 regular weekly attendees within 12 months. As our 6-month mark approached this morning an...d I was reflecting on our journey so far, I realized we had taken our 10th application this morning. Half way to our goal. What started off as just a networking group has now evolved into so much more - a comfortable and honest space where people can come and meet likeminded people, learn, inspire and grow both personally and professionally. What an amazing feeling it is to know we have created this. My passion is connecting people to build better relationships so thank you to all who have supported this passion and dream so far and continue to believe in me. I know together we will achieve anything. Here’s to another great 6 months ahead.
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This week's brainstorming session. Can you help? #business #supportingotherbusinessowners #businessideas #networking #crgcreativenetworking #learnfromothers #yourexperience #sharingourknowledge #ontheroadtosuccess


We are very excited to be introducing Darren Wrigley from Livenow Consultancy as our special guest speaker for August. Want to join us? Register now. Lets get inspired together.


A great read from the Digital Mums Directory around social media competition rules.


Yes... oh the opportunities it can bring


Food brings people together

More about Crg Creative Networking

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 17:00