Forces War Records

About Forces War Records

The professional military genealogy specialists, records from WW2, WW1, Boer War, Crimean War and beyond. See: www. Forces-war-records. co. uk

Forces War Records Description

The professional military genealogy specialist with records from WW2, WW1, Boer War, Crimean War and beyond. Our Military Records site is the ONLY location where you can find military records of over 10 + million British Armed Forces personnel exclusively cross matched with over 4000 Regiments, Bases and Ships of the British Armed Forces going back to before 1350, making your military genealogy task much easier and more complete.

Our site is split up into different sections with name searches of forces records for those personnel who either died in battle or those still alive today, and our history search details information of just about every unit ever created in the British Armed Forces.

You can even save your military records searches and bookmark pages of interest to your profile once you have completed a free registration with us, to help you in your quest to put back together the pieces of history you are looking for.

Forces War Records is the only site to have collated this information in one easy to use cross-referenced database whereby you can cross-match personnel against the units they served in, making it very easy for you to build information on their service history.

Good luck in your search.

The Forces War Records Team.

More about Forces War Records

Forces War Records is located at new hall, market place, melksham, Wiltshire sn12 6ex