Grief Wise

About Grief Wise

Grief Wise is a local compassion-building community project. Grief Wise aims to promote discussion and reduce fear around death, dying, grief and loss.

Grief Wise Description

Grief Wise is a local compassion-building community project. Grief Wise aims to promote conversations, provide education and resources, and reduce fear and stigma around death, dying, grief and loss.

Death, grief and loss affects us all. Approaching our own death, or that of someone we care about can be frightening and isolating, as those around us can pull away due to their own fears and not knowing what to say. By talking about these issues Grief Wise aims to create communities that respond instead with connection and compassion.

Grief Wise is for everyone but please note *this is not a space to receive counselling or therapy*. If you need support urgently please call:

Lifeline - 13 11 14
Suicide Call Back Service -1300 659 467
beyondblue Support Service -1300 22 4636
(Australia Only).