
About Guardian_Gent

I am here to help men better themselves if it's style needs public speaking, general conversation skills, interviews, grooming or dating



I WALK SLOWLY, NEVER BACKWARDS. I think about this every day. For me, it's a story of failure.
You are aloud to fail, it's what you do after that defines you and makes an impression on others around you. I will never take a step backwards, I learn and move forward. I adapt and overcome.
... We are often scared to fail! That's right, I said it, as men we are scared of failure, so we dont do things, we dont achieve what we want in life and this is a trigger for depression and an unhappy existence.
I have been there, I know how it works, let me help you move to the better you the positive you it all starts with a small change for the better.
If you want help with style, grooming, conversation skills, public speaking, or sales skills I give advice online for free consultations are $50ph or 3hrs for $100
#style #stylist #image #imageconsultalt #betteryou #instagood #insta #canberra #wearecbr #canberramen #men #betterman #selfhelp #speakup
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Good morning guys Let's talk positive thinking. I believe, this is the number one reason for success. Positive out, positive in.
Negative thoughts are so easy to succumb to and can have a massive effect on your life.
... This story is one of my faves and something I try and remember when life is getting me down. An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy. “It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.” He continued, “The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.
The same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too.” The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?” The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.” If you feed the bad wolf, you're giving it the power to beat the the positive. To only see the dark. I feed my good wolf by getting up in the morning and starting the day positively making my bed not dreding going to work but being happy i have work to go to Sometimes lads its the little things that can that have the largest impact
If you need help with style, grooming, confidence, dating, public speaking or general conversation skills i give online advice for free consultations are $50 per hour or $100 for 3 hours #confidence #style #men #grooming #twowolves #sayings #imageconsultant #canberra #wearecbr #camberramen #selfhelp #stylist #betteryou
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G,day Boys Today we are talking being creative on date night. If you are with someone, chances are they just want to spend time with you. Date night dosen't always have to be fine dining and activities that costs a lot of money.
A walk around a lake, a picnic in a park, a pie festival, laying around watching movies, cloud watching are all winning date ideas. ... Ideally, your partner is invested in you, not your bank account. Be creative and go out of our way to not rely on our wallet when thinking of date ideas.
If your looking for help with style conversation skills public speaking or grooming let me know im always around and online advice is free!!! Consultations are $50ph or 3hrs for $100 #men #confidence #selfhelp #style #mensfashion #malemodel #fashion #goodmorning #canberra #wearecbr #suit #perfume #forher #realman #betteryourself #stylist #imageconsultant #suitup #bluesuit #greysuit
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Wow the 1st 100 followers one of many milestones for me and my future thankyou again everyone


It's not hard boys be the role model young aussie men need.
Not all men are predators but all men can help to stop this! #men #confidence #selfhelp #style #mensfashion #malemodel #fashion #goodmorning #canberra #wearecbr #suit #perfume #forher #realman #betteryourself #stylist #imageconsultant #suitup #bluesuit #greysuit #allmencan #support #safe #rights #equality


G'day gents! All this week we are talking men's health.
AMHF(Australian mens health forum) have put together this post of stats to get a better understanding of men's health in Australia. What issues would you like to bring light to this week?
... Too many times I hear blokes squawking "what about us!?" during any women's week or day... this week is for us!!! So get chatting!
If you need help with style conversation skills public speaking or grooming let me know! I'm always available and online advice is free consultations are $50ph or 3hrs for $100 #men #confidence #selfhelp #style #mensfashion #malemodel #fashion #goodmorning #canberra #wearecbr #suit #perfume #forher #realman #betteryourself #stylist #imageconsultant #suitup #bluesuit #greysuit #menshealth #speakup #helpafriend
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Meet the bear
Sorry not sorry for the bathroom selfie, but lets talk dressing a bigger bodies. Guys im a 6"3 120kg strongman, a super difficult shape to dress but with the right infomation, by listening to the style rules and look at difrent ways of dressing, you can still look professional while fitting in your clothes and being comfortable.
... Its not hard boys, but trust me, this makes a huge difrence when it comes to an interview or going out making any form of impression!
Bear out If you need help with style, conversation skills, public speaking or grooming let me know! I'm always around and online advice is free. Face to face consultations are $50ph or 3hrs for $100.
#men #confidence #selfhelp #style #mensfashion #malemodel #fashion #goodmorning #canberra #wearecbr #suit #perfume #forher #realman #betteryourself #stylist #imageconsultant #suitup #bluesuit #greysuit #strong #strongman #bigboy #fitted #tailored
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Alright guys serious talk
I know, I know it's frustrating when somone says your privileged just for being you, considering they dont know your story. But guys, it's the truth we do get alot of privileges handed to us. Did we ask for them no, but we need to recognize that they are there and use them to lift others. That is what being a Gentleman is all about.
... Are we, as men, the only ones afforded privilege? Hell no, others have privileges we dont. But if you focus on what you dont have, you will never enjoy what you do.
I want to hear from you (men, women, however you identify) I challenge you to comment with something your privileged to have and how you can use that to better the world.
Okay, I'll start, I'm privileged to know when I go on a date the worst thing I have to worry about is a lull in conversation, not for my safety. Using this privilege means I will make sure every person that I meet feels comfortable and safe.
Bear out
If you need help with style conversation skills public speaking or grooming let me know im always around and online advice is free consultations are $50ph or 3hrs for $100
#men #confidence #selfhelp #style #mensfashion #malemodel #fashion #goodmorning #canberra #wearecbr #suit #perfume #forher #realman #betteryourself #stylist #imageconsultant #suitup #bluesuit #greysuit #justice #strong #masculine #privliged #helpothers
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Good afternoon Gents!
Today we are talking chivalry, and if it is actualy dead? It's pretty simple guys, NO! Not even close! Chivalry is a part of you and how you treat people. It's not going out of your way its just being a gentleman doing the right thing.
... Open the door, give her your jacket, be their exception, not the rule. Chivalry is not dead, just lazy men trying to do less. Don't let them set the standerd for the modern man.
Dont be average be defiant be better!
If you need help with style, conversation skills, public speaking or grooming let me know. I'm always around and online advice is free. Consultations are $50ph or 3hrs $100.
#men #confidence #selfhelp #style #mensfashion #malemodel #fashion #goodmorning #canberra #wearecbr #suit #perfume #forher #realman #betteryourself #stylist #imageconsultant #suitup #bluesuit #greysuit #inspo #chivalry
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first suit!!
Guys please dont go out and buy the 1st $199 black suit you find its a mistake!
For your first suit always go for a grey or blue suit they offer great flexabillity when it comes to shirts ties shoes and belts that can accompany them almost any colour can go with blue or grey
... The black suit only lends itself to white shirts plain ties and black lethers 🤮 boring!
If you need help with style conversation skills public speaking or grooming let me know im always around and online advice is free consultations are $50ph or 3hrs for $100
Like and share this post on Facebook @guardiangent to go in the running to win 3 free hours with me
Bear out
#men #confidence #selfhelp #style #mensfashion #malemodel #fashion #goodmorning #canberra #wearecbr #suit #perfume #forher #realman #betteryourself #stylist #imageconsultant #suitup #bluesuit #greysuit
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The 1st of many steps for myself and the men of canberra!
If you need help with style conversation skills public speaking or grooming let me know im always around and online advice is free!!
Consultations are $50ph or 3hrs for $100!!... #men #confidence #selfhelp #style #mensfashion #malemodel #fashion #goodmorning #canberra #wearecbr #suit #perfume #forher #realman #betteryourself #stylist #imageconsultant
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More about Guardian_Gent

Guardian_Gent is located at Canberra, Australian Capital Territory 2905