Gungahlin Community Council

About Gungahlin Community Council

GCC meets on the second Wednesday of each month (except January) 6. 30pm at Gungahlin Club. See http://gcc. asn. au

Gungahlin Community Council Description

Gungahlin Community Council (GCC) is a voluntary, not for profit, community-based association operating in the Gungahlin district of Canberra, in the Australian Capital Territory. This area covers the north-northwest of the ACT between the ACT /NSW border, the Barton Highway to the south, and the Federal Highway to the east, including the village of Hall.



Interested in what's going to happen with the Home Hardware Site ? Curious about what the Jacka Stage 2 development will look like ? Want to know where the CSIRO Ginninderra project is up too ? Or just want to hear from the local police about what's been happening in Gungahlin ?
Then come along to the next GCC public meeting 6:30pm on Wednesday September 12 at the Gungahlin Club!!


Those of you who listen to ABC radio may have heard something about the Gungahlin cinema this week - here are the details (courtesy of the ABC) ...
Gungahlin residents were promised a cinema, and it is coming… eventually.
The block of the land is there however there’s a legal dispute currently in the Supreme Court. An injunction was put on the developers by a cinema operator, United Cinemas, and any development on the land has been blocked ever since.
... Here’s the simplest way to explain the argument: United Cinemas allege they had an agreement with someone acting on behalf of the developers (Gungahlin Lifestyle), who then opted to go with another cinema operator instead. The developers say that man wasn’t acting on their behalf.
The case will be in court next month, where hopefully there’s more clarity around what’s happening.
Please remember that this matter is within the Supreme Court at the moment.
For those who are interested in a more comprehensive explanation and more background, there is a pointer to a public document about the case from 2016 at cinema-complex/
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A chance to learn how to live with light rail!


Light Rail will be in the town centre on Sunday.


Tonight's public meeting has speakers from Evoenergy and Mulligans Flat Woodland Sanctuary


Remember that 6:30pm tonight marks the first meeting at our new permanent location, Gungahlin Club. One of the reasons for the move is that you can have dinner or drinks during the meeting, for example, a parma for a farmer.


One of tonight's speakers is Jason from Mulligans Flat Woodland Sanctuary. We will hear about plans for an upcoming development application for their new Visitor/Learning Centre in Throsby.


I wonder if the current blackout being experienced in parts of Gungahlin is advertising for tomorrow night's presentation from Evoenergy? 6:30pm at Gungahlin Club - everyone is welcome.
The presentation is on their program of works and discussing their focus for 2018/19 as it relates to the Gungahlin region, but I'm sure someone will mention the timing of this blackout ;)


Were almost finished with day 3 of the Better Suburbs citizens’ forum, where 50 Canberrans are shaping a vision of what City Services could be. Spirits are pretty high, and we have a mixture of optimism about the process.


There’s a fun,and easy way to feel happy and healthy. It’s walking – and everyone is welcome to take part. Come along to our regular walks to meet new friends and boost your health.
What: Yerrabi Pond Over 50’s Walking Group
When: Weekly on Friday, 10:30am (starting August 10th)
... Where: Yerrabi District Park BBQ Area of Wunderlich St, Gungahlin
More at ng-group/
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Outdoor puppy playgroup announced!
Gungahlin pups and dog owners are invited to Yerrabi ponds district park Amaroo to join a puppy playgroup for puppy dogs. Bring social interaction and exercise for your puppy. Pet play toys supplies and treats provided. For more info contact casey. Email. pH. 0421099935


We are bussing around Canberra this morning with the Transport Canberra and City Services team and the Better Suburbs program, learning more about what TCCS does.


Tonight's public meeting focuses on Transport Canberra and the upcoming changes to the bus network


After last month's public meeting had to move from the library to the Gungahlin Club, we are considering making the move permanent. The library was unavailable for us last month which forced the temporary move, however the new venue worked very well, including better parking, better projector and screen, on site food and beverages available, and a few other niceties.
Before we finalise the decision, we are seeking feedback, both for and against. Please share your thoughts here, via, or via our contacts page where you can remain anonymous if you wish (though you will not receive a reply if you do not provide a valid email address). We will also open the floor at our meeting this week if you would like to discuss it there.
This week's meeting remains at Gungahlin Library, 6:30pm on Wednesday.


All welcome!
This month we have a presentation from Transport Canberra titled "An Integrated Transport Network for Canberra". We will also briefly discuss a potential permanent change in meeting venue. Note that this meeting is at the Gungahlin Library as usual.
... An Integrated Transport Network for Canberra A network of light rail and buses designed to offer greater service coverage and frequency, seven days a week at peak and off-peak times across Canberra.
* The New Bus Network - towards Integrated Public Transport for Canberra (20 mins) – Duncan Edghill * Light Rail update (10 mins) – Meghan Oldfield * Questions
Transport Canberra is presently in an 8-week consultation process with the public about the planned New Bus Network for Canberra. The process commenced on 18 June, 2018 and will conclude on 12 August 2018.
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A drop in information session regarding the Gundaroo Drive stage 2 duplication will be held on this Thursday 5 July in Training Room 1 at Gungahlin Library from 4.45 - 6.15 pm. Members of the project team will be available to provide updates and information on the project.


Car City or Clean Transport. Listen live at 5:30. If you can't pick listen live then come back to and listen at a time to suit you.


The ACT Planning Strategy Refresh is livestreaming the first of their Speaker Series tonight from 5:30pm. If you wanted to make it along but couldn't, tune in online instead.

More about Gungahlin Community Council
