Healing Foundation

About Healing Foundation

The Healing Foundation is a national Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisation with a focus on community led healing solutions.

Healing Foundation Description

The Healing Foundation is a national Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisation that partners with communities to address the ongoing trauma caused by actions like the forced removal of children from their families.

We work with communities to create a place of safety, providing an environment for Stolen Generations members and their families to speak for themselves, tell their own stories and be in charge of their own healing.



Did you miss our youth healing webinar? The recording is now available! Speakers included Professor Helen Milroy, a leader in Indigenous mental health and trauma; young advocates Tonii Skeen and Karlie Stewart; and Joel Wenitong, a respected community mentor and member of The Last Kinection. Find out what our panel had to say about #IntergernationalTrauma and #OurFuture https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtsXx49gl BY&t=1011s


Have a listen to Healing Foundation CEO Richard Weston talking to Speaking Out on the impact of trauma #OurFuture http://www.abc.net.au/…/programs/sp…/ richard-weston/10071646


The Healing Foundation has been honoured to be part of Garma 2018. Bringing together community, business and political leaders for #TruthTelling - Let’s continue to share, learn and grow.


Happy National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day!
Did you know today began as a way to celebrate the birthdays of Stolen Generations members who didn't know their own birthdays as well as celebrate all children? To learn more, visit: http://aboriginalchildrensday.com.au/


Have you been seeing the countdown posters for National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day? Here’s today's from 2015 – head over to the SNAICC-National Voice for our Children Facebook page to check out more. #ChildrensDay #Indigenoushealing


Are you looking for resources to understand more about the Healing needed in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities? We have great content on our YouTube channel like our Intergenerational Trauma Animation, view it here: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vlqx8EYvRbQ #OurFuture #IndigenousHealing


Renowned child and adolescent psychiatrist Professor Helen Milroy shared her insights into Intergenerational Trauma: “ Intergenerational Trauma can be seen as impacts through the generations, so the parent, the child and the grandparent can show the effects of Trauma”. Watch Professor Milroy explain more here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUhpWnd9o nQ&t=2s #OurFuture


First Peoples Disability Network has today launched an important report on the experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with disability, Culture Is Inclusion. Learn more: https://fpdn.org.au/ #CultureIsInclusion


Send your #OurFuture questions through via the #OurFuture hashtag or via the online stream chat at: http://healingfoundation.org.au/children- and-young-people/…/


The Healing Foundation has today launched a new education resource that explains where Intergenerational Trauma comes from and how it impacts young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. Watch the video and visit our website for more resources: http://healingfoundation.org.au/children- and-young-people/…/ #OurFuture


We are going live in 15mins. Don’t forget to tune in at 10:30am here: www.ustream.tv/channel/the-edge-external- events


We are going LIVE at 10:30am - If you are having difficulties watching on our website please watch through the UStream site here: www.ustream.tv/channel/the-edge-external- events


#SpeakerAnnouncement We are delighted to announce the speakers for Our Healing, Our Future: shaping strategies with our young people webinar on 24 July at 10:30am. The Brisbane live event will be a live stream on our website as well as watched in venues at Canberra, Darwin and Sydney. #OurFuture
Learn more about our speakers via our website: http://healingfoundation.org.au/children- and-young-people/…/


The Healing Foundation is hosting a webinar about healing for young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders on 24 July, 10.30am to 12:00 pm AEST, at the State Library of Queensland. Join in at: http://healingfoundation.org.au/children- and-young-people/…/
Our Healing, Our Future: shaping strategies with our young people brings together a panel of young people and experts to discuss lived experience of Intergenerational Trauma, strategies for creating positive change, and buildi...ng up our young people to develop strong healing programs.
To be part of this very important discussion join us in person or online.
If you would like to be part of the live audience at the Edge Theatre at State Library of Queensland, please contact community@healingfoundation.org.au by 21 July 2018. Lunch will be provided following the webinar so please include any dietary requirements when you register.
If you can’t make it in person you are invited to tune in online at 10.30am AEST by visiting our website.
Wherever you are in Australia you can join the conversation by using the hashtag #OurFuture or by posting a question in the live chat facility via the link above.
See More


Aunty Lorraine Peeters and her daughter Shaan have worked with more than 3000 survivors as part of their unique healing work and the Marumali Program™ to increase the quality of support available to Stolen Generations members #becauseofherwecan


46 years ago today the Aboriginal flag was flown for the first time.
It was designed by Luritja artist and land rights activist Harold Thomas from Central Australia.
Harold Thomas said the black was to represent the Aboriginal people of Australia. The yellow represents the sun, giver of life and protector. And the red represents the red earth and the red ochre used in ceremonies and Aboriginal peoples’ spiritual relation to the land.

More about Healing Foundation

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