Inaturally For Horses

About Inaturally For Horses

Welcome to iNaturally for Horses - for everything you need to keep your horse healthy and happy. Because you love him!

Inaturally For Horses Description

I love horses. I also love nature and science. So, bring all three together is easy. You can find information on everything you need to know for your horse's health, inside and out.

The iNaturally for Horses products are all plant based, with no chemicals or other nasties that can hurt your horse. They are formulated to heal and rebalance your horse's health.

If there's something specific you need to know, contact me and I'll do my best to help you.



Are you reading your horse's cues correctly. They can be deceiving - iNaturally for Horses


Do horses experience stress the way we do and can prolonged stress lead to chronic fatigue as outlined in this article?
What do you think?
Think about what it might be like for a horse to experience a monotonous training routine, day after day, with no variation from riding in circles or repeatedly practicing skill sets.
... How does a horse respond to being stabled with incompatible neighbors or dealing with difficult herd dynamics in pasture?
An interesting article ~ iNaturally for Horses
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Bringing horses and science together for better training results. Understanding how your horse learns and why he responds in a certain way is the key to success. What do you think? ~ iNaturally for Horses


Have you ever wondered what you horse can see? It's quite different from you ~ iNaturally for Horses


Even when it's cold, muddy, windy and just plain miserable out there, who'd rather be with their horse? ~ iNaturally for Horses


Meadowsweet - such a versatile and useful herb for horses ~ iNaturally for Horses


Do you have any helpful tips that work for you and your horses that you can share? ~ iNaturally for Horses


What's a great caption for this photo? ~ iNaturally for Horses

User /…/is-chamomile-th…


Combining nature and science is what iNaturally for Horses is all about. This is a great read with solid information ~ iNaturally for Horses


Sunbleaching can be a real pain, especially on bays and blacks, even on chestnuts. Check out the why and what to do about it in the latest blog ~ iNaturally for Horses


A weed to look out for - the marshmallow weed pictured here grows extensively in this area. But this weed is not the Marshmallow Leaf and Marshmallow Root herb (Althaea officinalis) that has soothing properties for the digestive, respiratory and urinary tracts ~ iNaturally for Horses


Turmeric and black pepper - a popular recipe used by many for their horses and dogs. Do you have a success or not to positive story to share on this subject? ~ iNaturally for Horses


That feeling you get when your horse snuggles into you - it makes all the challenges disappear ~ iNaturallyforHorses


If only...... :) ~ iNaturally for Horses


The naturally healthy horse. Yes! ~ iNaturally for Horses

More about Inaturally For Horses