Inrange Diabetes

Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Inrange Diabetes

InRange Diabetes wants to help you better manage your life with diabetes. For more info go to http: \\ au

Inrange Diabetes Description

I don’t know about you, but if I were going to take diabetes advice I would be more likely to take it from someone who is living with diabetes themselves. At the age of 10, my mum and I went to the doctor following me having a cold for a week. On the spot my doctor diagnosed me with type 1 diabetes and told us to go straight to the hospital. The only other things I remember her saying was that I was likely to have a limb amputated one day, that I could go blind and that it would be difficult for me to have children.

My mum was the most affected by this diagnosis; all I heard and was terrified about was that you have to stay in hospital, I just wanted to go home! My mum threw herself into finding out everything she could about type 1 diabetes so that she could take the best care of me and teach me the right things. The doctor continued to be of no help, she didn’t offer any useful books to read and didn’t really offer any valuable information. I did meet a wonderful Endocrinologist at the time who helped us through this hard transition and a couple of fantastic nurses but the hospital stay was purely to learn how to do my own injections, this took one week; my doctor told me I could not leave the hospital until I was doing my own injections.

Ever since I was a child I have tested my blood glucose levels independently and have done insulin injections first with needles and vials and then with insulin pens. I made the difficult decision to convert to an insulin pump in 2012 when I commenced work as a full time Registered Nurse and I have never looked back.

In my life I have lanced my fingers 75, 000 + times, I have injected my arms, legs and abdomen more than 30, 000 times and I have changed my insulin infusion set more than 512 times.

It is due to this doctor’s compassionless and apathetic treatment of me that I am thankful for her. Without her, I would not have been driven to make a diagnosis of diabetes a better experience for others.

This doctor motivated me to become a Diabetes Educator; to be an empathetic Diabetes Educator who has sat in the same chair being diagnosed with diabetes, to be a Diabetes Educator who understands exactly what it feels like when you are told you have to inject yourself with insulin every day for the rest of your life, to be someone who could answer questions in a way people understood, to be somebody who could give you useful resources to help you understand in your own time and to understand that you may have questions at odd times of the day, to be a Diabetes Educator who understands that you think about everything in a day in relation to your diabetes and how it will be affected, a Diabetes Educator who understands that you think about many things in the future and how they will be affected by your diabetes. That is who I am today.



First real day back to Diabetes work after Mat Leave. A slow start of 4 days a month but first day back at Kingston today! Excited to be officially collaborating with @feedinc @jenellecroatto to help people live a better life with diabetes! If you need support with your diabetes come see me in Kingston, Yass or Goulburn! Call to book an appointment today!
#diabeteseducation #diabetesnsw #bg #insulinpumptherapy #continuousglucosemonitoring #helpme


Same breakfast, very similar pre meal glucose level, VERY different result! Why? First pic is today, second is yesterday. You can see from the little blue square at the bottom of the pump screen where i did my breakfast bolus and on both days this photo was taken about half an hour after. I'm not sure of the reason for the major difference but i would say my normal is more like in between the two days.
#medtronicdiabetesaus #continuousglucosemonitor #upsanddowns #testboluseatrepeat #whoknowswhy #why #breakfast #postprandial


Unicorn? Personally I'm not fan of the 't1dunicorn' but seeing a 5.5 (or 100 mL/dL) is still fun. My target BG is more like 5.0 (90). What's your BG goal?
#t1dunicorn #testboluseatrepeat #bgmonitor #bg #contournext #ascensia #mygenteel #saveyourfingers #inrange #medtronicdiabetesaus


Will I ever learn? I emptied this a couple weeks ago and resolved that i would put my used test strips away neatly in a zipped section.. that clearly didn't happen! Lets try again! I have added a small snack zip lock bag to my meter case to attempt to resolve this issue. Have you found a solution to the build up of used test strips?? Please share, i beg you!
#bg #bgmonitor #testboluseatrepeat #toomany #inrange #contournext #ascensia #help


What's in your BG meter case? Far too much, like mine? How does this all even fit??
#overkill #testboluseatrepeat #bgmonitor #contournext #medtronicdiabetesaus #ascensia #640gminimed #t1dlookslikeme #t1d #type1strong #type1diabetes #mygenteel #saveyourfingers


An odd morning but the rest was pretty normal bumping and nudging to keep the bg's InRange. I wonder what my eggs and toast will do tomorrow? Have a lively Saturday night everyone! #bumping #nudging #sugarsurfing #surfing #bg #continuousglucosemonitor #640gminimed #medtronicdiabetesaus #testboluseatrepeat #breakfast #t1dlookslikeme #t1d


How odd, my body doesn't think i had breakfast 20 mins ago... will it stay flat or will it drop? I pre-bolussed by about 5 mins so nothing at all really and did my normal bolus for eggs and toast, 30 grams of carb... tested to check and it was spot on (4.1 bg reading), treated with 15g of juice, lets see what happens! #testboluseatrepeat #upsanddowns #trialanderror #continuousglucosemonitor #contournext #glucose #breakfast #eggsandtoast #juicebox


? Low carb Anzac cookies with a delicious chewy centre! I used slightly less sugar as per normal and half almond meal instead of flour. They turned out really well! Lower carb home made cookies both helps and confuses me because ultimately i just have no idea how many carbs are in these? 5 grams? 10 grams? Either way, they will be eaten and enjoyed and i will just correct as i see fit and maybe work it out by the time their finished! 🙄😏
#t1d #t1dlookslikeme #carbs #lowcarbs #bg #bgmonitor #inrange


Lancet change friday. Common, it must be about time to change your lancet, none of us do it often enough! Save your fingers, change your lancet today! Comment when you have!
#saveyourfingers #lancet #lancetchangemonday #bg #bgmonitor #type1strong #beyondtype1 #t1d #t1dlookslikeme #doit


Hba1c day! No matter how many times i get these and how good the result is i still feel nervous every single time. It is just like receiving a report card and regardless of the number somebody has a reason to judge that result. Even if it is "good" you get accused of having too many lows. Pre CGM it sometimes seemed like you just couldn't win but at least we can now prove that we haven't been having high and low spikes continuously in order to get an HBa1c InRange! My guess is 5.6%, lets see how close i am!
#power #continuousglucosemonitor #enlitesensor #640gminimed #medtronicdiabetesaus #empowerment #testboluseatrepeat #highsandlows #bg #hba1c


In Australia, if you text 0410 526 562 when you are feeling depressed, suicidal, or just need someone to talk to, a crisis counselor from White Wreath will text with you. Many people don’t like talking on the phone and would be more comfortable texting. It's a free service.
You never know who may need to see this. Spread the word.❤️
Available 5am-8pm Monday to Friday


3.8 this afternoon while playing outside so decided it was time for afternoon tea! Most of a juicebox for me, the big kid decided he had to finish it... and a bowl of yummy berries for the blondie while sitting on the driveway in the sun! 😍 diabetes doesn't rule my life, its just along for the ride!
#pumpsout #medtronicdiabetesaus #pumppeelz #pimpmydiabetes #insulinpumptherapy #insulin #pumpinginsulin #outdoors #testboluseatrepeat


I thought i had discovered a negative point about #mygenteel. These tests respectively are with my normal Lancet device on my finger, with genteel on my palm, on my arm and on my foot. These were all taken at the same time on the same day. I can't recall when i had last eaten so will have to test it again another day.
Explained - on checking FAQ's on the My Genteel website it suggests that the fingers and palms will rapidly register changes in BG levels, however, alternative sites will have a 20 minute delay if the BG level is rising or falling rapidly. They suggest alternate sites as accurate if testing in the middle of the night or before meals.
#mygenteel #saveyourfingers #accuracy #bg #bgmonitor #highbg #hyperglycemia #delay


What does CGM mean to you? I just realised that it is 330pm here and i am only doing my second test of the day now! We returned home from hospital yesterday and bub is well but slightly more demanding of my time. CGM allows me to spend time looking after my kids when i need to and not having to check my BG ten times a day just to stay InRange. Don't get me wrong, some days i do that anyway.. but when i can't, CGM is a complete life saver! That, funnily enough, normally allows me to avoid things like life savers!
Its days like these when i really notice the 2 hour warm up period between sensors!
#lifesaver #contournext #continuousglucosemonitor #continuousglucosemonitoring #640gminimed #enlitesensor #warmup #inrange #testboluseatrepeat #medtronicdiabetesaus #medtronicdiabetes #bg


Haha, my yesterday... note the spike around noon.. this is where i made a poor choice for lunch, that was DELICIOUS (chicken schnitzel sandwich AND a coffee) and where i also became VERY distracted by my new toy, my genteel! I knew my pump was buzzing at me whilst i was checking it out but i did not look at it until when i did i had 14.3 and an arrow up, woopsy!! Easily solved with a hefty bolus!
I would never normally have a coffee WITH my lunch but i hadn't had time in the morning despite wanting one desperately so i had to do it!
#saveyourfingers #mygenteel #medtronicdiabetesaus #medtronic #640gminimed #640g #enlitesensor #24hrgraph #continuousglucosemonitor #fail #bolus #testboluseatrepeat


Personalized stickers, so many to choose from!! Love my genteel!! #mygenteel #saveyourfingers #lancing ,#bloodglucose #painfreelancing #painfree


MY GENTEEL! I finally bit the bullet cost wise (or had my parents do it) and bought it and its pretty cool! Im going to only use it over the next week and see how i feel about it in comparison to my normal Accu-Chek Fast Clix and will do a bit of a review next week.
#mygenteel #genteel #painfreelancing #bloodglucose #blood #accuchek #fastclix #type1diabetesinpregnancy #type2diabetes #type1strong #type1diabetes #t1d #t1dlookslikeme #beyondtype1 #thanksmomanddad thanksmumanddad #saveyourfingers


I've got a My Genteel lancing device!! Thanks mum and dad!! I'm super excited because I've been wanting to try this out for a while. BG tests don't actually cause me pain but i have been using my fingers for 24+ years so its probably about time i gave them a break! Please excuse the shabby chic background decor, im in hospital with my little bub and using you for entertainment!
Danii Foundation (DANII) Diabetes AustraliaDiabetes: Forever & Always Diabetes Support Diabetes Daily Diabetes T One Team Cure Diabetes Australia Diabetes NSW & ACT Medtronic Diabetes
#shabbychic #mygenteel #painfreelancing #genteel #bg #contournext #bloodglucose #blood #type1diabetesinpregnancy #type1strong #type1diabetes #t1d #t1dlookslikeme #beyondtype1 #lounging #t1strong

More about Inrange Diabetes

Inrange Diabetes is located at Regus Offices, 1-4/15 Tench Street, Kingston, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory 2604
Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -