Kids At Play

About Kids At Play

Kids at Play promotes the health and wellbeing of ACT children aged 0-5 years through healthy eating and physical activity www. kidsatplay. act. gov. au

Kids At Play Description

Kids at Play promotes healthy eating and active play messages that will help guide children in being healthy throughout their lives. Kids at Play also provides information to help families reinforce these healthy messages at home.

The program focuses on increasing physical activity levels, reducing screen time
and improving healthy eating.

The five key messages that Kids at Play promotes are:
- Breastfeeding - Good for Baby, Good for Mum
- Tap into Water Everyday
- Active Play Everyday
- Switch to Play Everyday
- Munch into Veg and Fruit Everyday

Kids at Play has been developed by the Heart Foundation, ACT Health and ACT Sport and Recreation Services. The program offers a number of resources to assist early childhood services and parents, including factsheets, posters, a Kids at Play manual and the Kids at Play website.