Michelle Moray - The Holistic Naturopath

Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 18:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Michelle Moray - The Holistic Naturopath

I'm a Canberra based naturopath and holistic health practitioner. My work is to bridge the gap between you and optimal health and vitality.

Michelle Moray - The Holistic Naturopath Description

I take a holistic approach to treatment, focusing on uncovering the underlying cause of any acute or chronic condition whilst providing targeted treatment tailored to each individual. My main modalities include herbal medicine, nutrition and iridology.

What you can expect in your first consultation…
In your initial consultation, the presenting complaint will be examined first. You will be asked questions about the history of the complaint and what triggers the symptoms.

A tongue and /or iris examination will be performed to gather further information. A review of all the bodily systems will be covered to gain a more in-depth understanding of your internal state of health, and uncover the underlying cause and any contributing factors.
A review of your diet is also usually conducted.
At the end of the consultation you will be provided with a treatment plan which includes herbal medicines and /or nutritional supplements along with any necessary dietary and lifestyle recommendations. Treatment outcomes and how soon results can be expected is also discussed.

Depending on the chronicity of the presenting complaint /condition, follow-up consultations will be necessary to monitor progress and continue with treatment.



How to make your regular banana smoothie into a nutritious one cheaply?? Just add flaxmeal! Flaxmeal is ground up flaxseeds and just 1-2 tbsp is all thats needed. The nutritional uniqueness of flaxseeds features 3 nutrient aspects - omega-3 fatty acids, high lignan content, and mucilage gums - which makes this humble seed high in both soluble and insoluble fibre, good for digestion, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, hormone and insulin regulating. Not only this, but science research has shown that consumption of flaxseeds can reduce the risk of certain types of cancers! (Breast, prostate and colon cancer) #theholisticnaturopath #foodsheal #foodasmedicine #sciencenerd


BAKING SODA FOR MUSCLE SORENESS AND ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE Did you know that sodium bicarbonate (or baking soda) is not just used in baking. It is often used to reduce heartburn and indigestion because it acts as an antacid in your body.
The same antacid properties also transfers to your muscles during exercise, which can potentially prevent fatigue and enhance your athletic performance.
... During intense exercise there is a build up of lactic acid in the muscles, which is responsible for that sore achy feeling the next day.
You can prevent muscular fatigue from occurring by ingesting 0.2mg per kg of body weight of baking soda in 1L of water 20 minutes before your workout.
Sodium bicarbonate acts as a buffering agent by bringing acid out of your working muscles and into your blood. This allows you to produce more energy and keep your muscles contracting at a rapid rate thereby improving performance. However, be sure to use aluminium free baking soda!! #homeremedies #bakingsoda #bobsredmill #fitness #preworkout
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Seeing that it is a full moon tonight I thought this will be a bit of fun to share! I am Creator of Profound Strength ✨ I am definitely feeling the need to be strong lately and I have always seen myself as a creator so quite apt I think! What is your solar eclipse identity and can you relate to it?? #feelingthoselunarvibes #moon #energies


A baby Gingko Biloba tree! These are one of the world's oldest living tree species, having survived approximately 150 million years unchanged. Used in herbal medicine, gingko is a great herb to support healthy ageing - as it improves circulation around the body including the brain. A must in any practitioner's dispensary! #herbalmedicine #gingkobiloba


Stay away from this nasty stuff!


And the cure? ...probiotics! (Lactobacillus rhamnoses species with exposure to peanut protein)


Study shows how sunlight/vitamin D affects our gut bacteria, in turn controlling Vitamin B production - The resulting lack of pantothenic acid (B5) adversely affects the immune system, producing a "pro-inflammatory" state associated with atherosclerosis and autoimmunity.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/275 15213/


Very insightful article. Real cause of addiction is explored...negative environment=low dopamine levels=need for bonding=bonding with drugs (aka addiction)


Love this analogy! We don't need to be victims of our genetics. What lifestyle habits can you change today to improve your long term health outcomes?


Vitamin D plays a huge role in regulating our immune system and its usually a deficiency that leads to colds and flus.


Gut Friendly Super Food!
Pot set yoghurt (Meredith Goat's yoghurt) + slippery elm + chia seeds + cinnamon for taste
Eating healthy doesn't need to be complicated or expensive.
... This combination is a great snack for intestinal health: natural pot set yoghurt is a probiotic food full of beneficial bacteria, slippery elm is a prebiotic (feeds your gut bacteria which is essential for good bacterial balance) and chia seeds high in omega 3 and 6 and fibre, (essential for colonic health)
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Cholesterol lowering drugs have many adverse side effects. The best way to tackle the issue of high cholesterol is through diet and natural supplements


Busy doing some research for one of my fertility clients. Pre-conceptual care is one of the most vital aspects to maximise fertility and ensure a healthy offspring. One in 3 conceptions is spontaneously aborted during the first three months of pregnancy. This risk is reduced when both partners are in a state of optimal health.


I've currently started drinking match tea because of it's amazing health benefits - one of them being that it is packed with antioxidants.
Antioxidants are naturally occurring chemical compounds that prevent aging and chronic diseases. In other words they are the body’s defense agents and the more you have, the better equipped your body is in fighting infections and disease and preventing aging.
Looking at the testing method known as ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity)..., we can see that matcha possesses an amazing twenty times more so than pomegranates or blueberries and has more antioxidants than any other superfood!
One cup of matcha tea is the equivalent of drinking 10 cups of brewed green tea because matcha is the straight, stoneground tea leaves.
Matcha tea is an easy and simple way to add powerful health benefits to your everyday diet.
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Did you know that stress causes an imbalance in your gut bacteria? We all know that our gut flora is absolutely vital to our digestive health, but stress changes its composition in our gut, shifting it in a less favorable manner. Under chronic psycho-social stress, mice develop a condition called dysbiosis, the relative overabundance of bad bacteria coupled with low amounts of good bacteria in the gut. This imbalance is associated with digestive problems like IBS and Crohn’s disease. Not only does stress alter the balance of our bacteria, it also reduces our gut’s microbial diversity. Interestingly, the less diverse our gut bacteria, the more likely we are to be overweight and have allergy problems!


Did you Know? Chronic stress leads to negative changes in the gut, while relaxation promotes gut health. And in reverse, poor gut health exaggerates our stress levels, while improvement in gut health lowers stress. Isn't it time that you addressed your stress levels before it wreaks havoc to your gut and health?

More about Michelle Moray - The Holistic Naturopath

Michelle Moray - The Holistic Naturopath is located at Unit 1, Level 1, 17 Market Street, Belconnen, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory 2617
Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 18:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -