Newlife Anglican : Oran Park

Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: 09:30 - 12:00
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: 08:45 - 12:00

About Newlife Anglican : Oran Park

NewLife is the name we've chosen to speak of the fresh start that Jesus offers, the gathering of His people who are located in Oran Park, and the hope we're keen to breathe into everything we do. Get in contact - we'd love to start a conversation. .

Newlife Anglican : Oran Park Description

We've started a brand new church and are really keen to connect with people who are considering God's place in their lives as well as believers in Sydney who are ready to think again about God's call to make disciples of all nations.

We are meeting at our new building Cnr Central Avenue & Marcus Loane Way 10am on a Sunday morning and are praying that God will cause our fellowship to grow one transformed life at a time.

Come and join us, whether you know Jesus already - or would like to start the journey.

Please 'friend' or 'like' us on Facebook to stay in touch;

We'd love you to follow us on twitter too: www.

Or see Pastor Stuart's blog here:



“All lies are told out of self interest, because we live in a world under sin. But now we have right-standing, right-status and right-relationship, in Christ Jesus. It is His initiative.”
Guest speaker and Missionary Tony Wright | “Romans: The Righteousness of God” sermon series.
Download his message from our website, or subscribe to NewLifeOranPark in iTunes.
... #newlifeisfoundhere #sermon #sermonnotes #sermonseries #sermonquote #church #churchleaders #churchleadership #leadership #speaking #love #Christ #GoodNews #gospel #Christian #Sunday #apostle #anglican #truth #NewLifeSermonNotes #NewLifeAnglican #NewLifeOranPark #Romans
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Jesus for the Curious is a four week course where you can investigate who the man from Nazareth was for yourself.
It's great for adults who've got kids with questions about God they can't answer, or those who've wanted to revisit what they learned in school or church many years ago.
You won't be asked to pray or read the Bible - just bring your curiosity and questions. It starts tomorrow night - August 7th at 7:30pm up at the church on Central Avenue (just look for the big ...glowing tower!) I hope to see you there,
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Join us for a practical and engaging evening that will help you become a better parent.
We’ve invited Justin Coulson to present a fun and interactive seminar for busy parents who want their kids to be better, themselves to be calmer, and their family to be happier. Justin is a highly sought-after international speaker delivering keynote speeches and workshops to boost wellbeing and improve relationships for parents, teachers, students and employees.
... Justin is an Honorary Fellow at the Centre for Positive Psychology in the Graduate School of Education at the University of Melbourne. He is a consultant to the Federal Government's Office of the Children's e-Safety Commissioner, and has acted (and continues to act) in an advisory capacity to well-known organisations including Beyond Blue, the Raising Children Network, Life Education, Intel Security, and the Alannah and Madeline Foundation.
We’d love to have you join us so sign up now as tickets are strictly limited.
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"The world will tell you to get rid of God. Romans shows us how to get right with God.”⠀⠀
Lead Pastor Stuart Starr | “Romans: The Gospel of God” sermon series.⠀⠀
Download Stuart's message from our website, or subscribe in iTunes.⠀⠀
... #newlifeisfoundhere #sermon #sermonnotes #sermonseries #sermonquote #church #churchleaders #churchleadership #leadership #speaking #love #Christ #GoodNews #gospel #Christian #Sunday #apostle #anglican #truth #NewLifeSermonNotes #NewLifeAnglican #NewLifeOranPark #Romans
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Find out who Jesus is for yourself. By spending four weeks asking your questions and examining the details of Jesus's life you can discover who the carpenter from Nazareth truly was.
Our course if for anyone who's curious and begins on August 7th at 7:30pm up at the church.
More details here:…/j esus-for-the-curious/
... I look forward to seeing you there,
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Predestination - more than many other words throughout the Scriptures - can often be very polarising to Christians, from across a spectrum of denominations. And whilst every single instance of 'predestination' in the Bible is set in a context that is supposed to bring courage and hope, it is often a stumbling point, and can often be synonymous with the words “arrogant” and “hypocrisy” when used by non-Christians.
Interestingly, the words #predestined and #elect have their ety...mological roots in the Greek word “eklektos”, which means “picked out” or “chosen”. In today’s culture, we use a similar word for choosing our political representatives - those who we have deemed worthy to hold our collective views, perspectives and beliefs on our behalf, and to enact change and bring about proper governance within our society through them. We use this word as a democratic term of leadership for one who is heralding something bigger than just any one of us, for the good of something "more". It is inclusive, it is expansive, and it is always inviting us into something new.
At NewLife Oran Park, we long to see NewLife in Jesus in every home - it is a vision of salvation, for the good of the community and the glory of God. We see integral words like #predestined and #elect as offering a call to hope, an invitation to community, to offer a fresh start with God. These words we recognise here, are essentially verbs - they are much less nouns, and much more a call to action.
We’d love for you to join us in this remarkable invitation of grace and responsibility to do something with this world - to enact change, to witness growth, to see the eyes of the blind opened, to loose the chains of injustice and to set the oppressed free. ~a #NewLifePartner
#newlifeisfoundhere #Christ #Christmas #sermonnotes #hope #revelation #truth #NewLifeSermonNotes #NewLifeAnglican #NewLifeOranPark #Romans #Jesus #Gospel #Power #Righteousness
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Value your prayers for this crazy team from Norwest Anglican and NewLife who have come together to put on our kid’s day camp today. Pray kids hear the message of new life in Jesus and join His Team!


How often do we compare ourselves to “that” social media influencer - you know, the one with a million followers: the woman who has invented a new way of allowing millions of people to have access to fresh drinking water; or the man who has donated millions of dollars to the plight of refugees; or a thousand other people we read about every day online. It’s not that any of these are bad - we pray unashamedly for God to raise people up to seek justice, truth and equality acros...s our world like them! The problem is how we allow it to be a comparison to the much different path that all of us uniquely walk.
For all the internet is, (and there are obviously a million reasons why the internet is a giant leap forward), it can create in us a skewed perspective of reality. It has a way of making us feel smaller and insignificant compared to those who are doing "more". It can have a way of devaluing a gift that which ONLY YOU can give.
But when you sit with someone who is suffering; when you share with someone who is without; when you pour out that which is most precious to you for the good of someone else - it is more valuable than all the followers on the web. Holy and pleasing to God.
Your sacrifice is more important than you know and will often mean the world to someone. And no one may ever know. ~a #NewLifePartner.
Download your Daily Reading Plan and read along with us, at ng-guide/
"Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God – this is true worship. #Rom12_1".
#DailyBibleReading #BibleReadingPlan #goodmorning #bible #Godsword #prayer #motivation #verse #bibleverse #GodsMotivations #gentleness #enlightment #encouragement #patience #prayer #inspirations #faithful #peace #salvation #spirituality #hope #Jesus #verseoftheday #love #GospelOfGod #bless #BibleStudy #BibleQuotes #BibleScripture
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Our super talented team are dressing up the auditorium for Friday’s Big Epic Fun Day themed around the World Cup. Love their work! Value your prayers for the 100+ kids who will be on site to have a fun, safe day, as they learn about joining the best team - Jesus’s.


A great day of fun in the school holidays.
You’re invited to join us for a full day of adventure filled with games, craft, food, teaching about Jesus and… fun!
Our Soccer World Cup themed Kids Day Camp is for kids from school years Prep to 6 and will run from 8:45am-4:30pm on Friday 13th at NewLife Anglican Church, Oran Park.
... Places are strictly limited and pre-registration is essential. Follow the link to our Eventbrite for tickets below. Tickets are $33 each and include food and craft for the day. Discounts available for multiple siblings.
Sign up now - we'd love to see you on the 13th.
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Excited to see plans that commit to putting rail underground through the existing suburb of Oran Park and protect the beauty of Cobbitty and Camden.


NewLife is doing Christmas in July. Join us for a great night out together at the Camden Valley Inn. It's a no kids night but you are free to bring your own tinsel and tiny trees!
There's no set menu - order what you'd like - and pay as you go. In short it's really laid back and you're not constrained in any way - we'd just like to hang out and we're using the icy temps as an excuse :-)
We've got some seats set aside at the Inn so if you can RSVP here by July 9th that would be super helpful.


We love reading the Word of God together and to encourage each other to be living out our Faithful value as a church we have a daily Bible reading plan. If you've got your own - keep going! If you don't have one perhaps you'd like to join ours. Just remember the day of the month and that's the chapter of Acts we'll be reading across June together. Encouragement, faith, hope, and the foundations of our Christian community are recorded here - dive in!


When I think of the bigness of a God who flung stars into space and who wrote the laws of the universe and spoke creation into existence; a God who spins electrons and sets the path of each infinitesimally small particle according to His pleasure; when I think of a God who measures time and numbers our days with the span of his hands - it stands to reason that a God this big should make me feel minuscule, unnecessary and even irrelevant.
But when I meet with the One who knows... my deepest fears, my most secret thoughts, and my most inner desires; He has a way of calling me out of myself, through His affirmation and validation of who I am. He causes me to leave my fears behind and into something new.
In my life, (and with much-needed perspective), the things that look like random, chaotic, and even painful trials, have turned out to be a carefully, choreographed and orchestrated moments of growth and renewal. How wonderful is it to know that we can trust God with all of it - the God who purposely knit you and put you together just the way that you are. ~a #NewLifePartner
"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb". #Ps139_13.
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‘Stop, Revive, Survive’ is a day set aside to focus on our marriages.
Relationships seldom die because they suddenly have no life left in them. Rather they whither slowly because they have not had the kind of up-keep, work, time, love and caring that they require to flourish.
A marriage needs work to thrive and a couple need knowledge and skills to work effectively.
... Geoff and Kathy Leader will be helping us on the day through directed teaching sessions and time set aside to discuss and work on issues together as a couple.
Take some time to Stop, Revive, Survive and put it into your calendar now. If you've got kids now is the time to book your baby-sitting for Saturday June 9th 9-3pm.
If you'd like to know more drop us an email via
The cost of $15 per head ($30 a couple) will cover all food for the day.
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Today is the big day! This morning for the first time you’ll have your choice of three times to worship with us at NewLife Anglican. We’d love to see you bright and early at 8:45am, or slightly more causally at 10:30am, or to finish the day well at 6pm.
Join us to discover hope, community and a fresh start with Jesus.
... #new #church #oranpark #newlifeliveshere
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More about Newlife Anglican : Oran Park

Newlife Anglican : Oran Park is located at Cnr Marcus Loane Way and Central Avenue, Oran Park 2570
0438 093 412
Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: 09:30 - 12:00
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: 08:45 - 12:00