
About Nrg2Perform

NRG2Perform - "Where the ordinary don’t belong" Our CEO, Craig Johns, has 25 years global experience working in all aspects of the sport industry, including not-for-profit organisations, education, commercial businesses and sports clubs.

Nrg2Perform Description

NRG2Perform is the only membership coach and solution provider, in the Asia Pacific region, who is solely dedicated to the sports market.

We stand out from the crowd with our online interactive membership community that allows you to learn, understand and share ideas with other like-minded membership organisations and businesses.

NRG2Perform is an independent membership coach and provider working with small to large-sized sport organisations and businesses on strategic membership initiatives and solutions to create and improve engagement, value and revenue-generating programs.

We focus on enhancing the experience for your members and consumers. This involves taking traditional membership structures, ideas and strategies, and making them relevant to meet the ever changing sporting landscape and your member’s needs.

NRG2Perform customises the delivery to your organisation or business membership requirements. This may include a presentation to your staff, an interactive workshop with your team, keynote speaking at your conference, and an extensive project or review of your membership structure, strategy or initiatives.

Our CEO, Craig Johns, has 22 years global experience working in all aspects of the sport industry, including not-for-profit organisations, education, commercial businesses and sports clubs. His extensive understanding of successful membership programs and creative approach to the future of membership based organisations allows him to work with you to find suitable initiatives for future growth and sustainability. He is considered a clear, concise and compelling speaker who focuses on providing practical insights into enhancing the experience for your members and consumers.

More about Nrg2Perform

Nrg2Perform is located at Canberra, Australian Capital Territory 2602
+61 (0) 415 675 939