Premiere Settlement Services

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 17:00

About Premiere Settlement Services

Premiere Settlement Services (PSS) is a private service, provided to help new arrivals in Canberra ACT, Australia to become part of the Canberra community.

Premiere Settlement Services Description

Australia is one of the most popular destinations for the overseas skilled workers and international students to migrate under General Skilled Migration (GSM) and Student-Visa system initiated by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP). The current ‘Skills Select’ system helps to ensure that the skilled migration programme is based on Australia’s economic needs. A significant number of invitations to apply through ‘Skills Select’ for skilled independent and skilled nominated visas are currently being issued by DIBP. A range of student visas are also being granted to the interested international students who want to get higher qualifications from a wide range of quality educational institutes in Australia to develop their careers further and also to be permanently settled in Australia at the end of their studies.

The number of intending migrants who received nominations or sponsorships from State and Territory Governments from 1 July 2014 to the end of May 2015 are 13905 and 605 out of these were sponsored only by the ACT government. This data clearly indicates the significant number of skilled workers in Canberra ACT. However, unlike a number of settlement services available in almost every state and territories of Australia for some specific categories of migrant and refugee applicants there is no intensive settlement program for these skilled workers or international students to temporarily or permanently settle them in Australia as their new home.

In 2009-10 financial years, there was a government funded program named Canberra Settlement Services (CSS) to assist the newcomer skilled migrants in Canberra ACT in regards to their initial settlement by providing useful information, referrals and advocacy supports etc. Unfortunately, due to budget cuts that service has been removed; but, the need for such assistance is still there so importantly!

Therefore, we have put together this practical package to assist newly arrived migrants and students.

Regardless of the fact that the state nominated skilled migrants and Australian student visa holders are supposed to be capable enough with strong financial supports to take care of themselves during the initial settlement period, we believe they still require a range of settlement services to be competent with the basic settlement indicators in their new destination which is entirely a new world for them.

In order to address such a vital perspective of settlement as a continuous process, we have initiated a range of primary settlement services to assist skilled workers and international students who are to be granted the visas and committed to live in the ACT at least for two years since the date of arrival.

There may be assistance available through our referral service to help potential migrants and students to have professional help in preparing their visa applications and applications for Australian citizenship etc.

In future, our services may be extended and available in other states and territories throughout Australia.

About Us:
At the moment our team consists of two individuals, both of us were sponsored by the state as skilled migrants. It is from this experience that our passion to assist skilled migrants and international students is birthed.

Our primary goal is to provide an intensive package that will assist skilled migrants and international students to settle in Canberra in the best way possible.

This would cater for migrants’ whether arriving as individual or as a family unit. Experience has shown that a lack of understanding the culture and how Australian systems work can prove costly. At our service we will provide all the tailored settlement Information which will save your money. In addition, you have the added benefit of peace of mind, knowing you will have a friendly face to assist during the first few months of moving to Canberra.

Our Services:
Premiere Settlement Services (PSS) is a private service, provided to help new settlers to become part of the Canberra community. The PSS is available to all skilled migrants who are nominated by the ACT Government to live and work in Canberra and international students who want to study under the universities or TAFE (Canberra Institute of Technology, CIT) in Canberra ACT.

Following your visa grant and arrival in Canberra, the PSS can provide support and advice to help you settle and start enjoying the wonderful lifestyle and employment opportunities on offer in our beautiful city.

Premiere Settlement Services (PSS) Program provides a comprehensive settlement service that will be tailored to meet the individual needs of ACT sponsored skilled migrants and international students. Through this program, the following pre-arrival and on-arrival services will be provided:

-Visa consultancy through out-sourcing and referral service
-Airport pick up
-Accommodation support
-Employment assistance
-Essential registrations (if applicable)
-GP registration (if applicable)
-School enrollments (if applicable)
-Local orientation
-Driving License support (if applicable)
-Referral to language course (for the partner)

1. Pick up from the airport (if required):

-Pick up hours are only 9 am to 5 pm on Saturdays and Sundays and between 7 pm and 9 pm from Canberra airport or, Jolimont Centre, Novotel, Northbourne Avenue, Turner (for clients reaching Canberra by bus from any other state).

-If you have missed your flight or if your flight has been delayed you must contact us as soon as possible so airport or terminal transfers can be arranged quickly and efficiently.

2. Initial meeting to discuss settlement needs:

-On arrival call PSS to arrange initial contact with you.

-An initial meeting will be arranged with the PSS Officers to discuss your settlement needs.

-Clients who have not yet rented or purchased a property, or enrolled children in school, will be offered a guided tour of Canberra showing the client’s choice of not more than two of the following town centres:

*Inner North
*Inner South

-The client will be shown the neighbourhood shops, schools, recreational areas, transport options and medical services.

-A follow-up call will be made to the client within 6 to 8 weeks to determine if any further assistance is required.

-PSS supports will be available for first three months from the day of getting involved with us.

3. Accommodation advice and support (if required):

-We will manage your short-term accommodation and will refer you to real estate agents and other sources of accommodation for long terms.

4. Employment support:

-After the initial meeting to discuss about settlement needs we will register you with Job Services Australia; an Australian government’s initiative for the job seekers.

-We will refer you to recruitment agencies.

-We will also assist you to re-structure your resume in Australian standard, understand the ‘Selection Criteria Statement’ with professional paid-e-books.

-We will help you to do some further courses if applicable with concessional fees.

5. Referrals to other agencies:

The appropriate referrals will be made based on assessment and needs of the clients.

Seeking PSS Assistance:
If you haven’t been in touch with any community connection in Canberra or, the connection you have found is not so close to seek some basic and additional supports, PSS will be with you throughout your initial settlement journey in Canberra ACT and Region.

In order for getting assistance from our friendly settlement team, just send us your resume using our e-mail address or, with contact details (i. e. mobile number etc. ) and we will respond to your interest via e-mail or phone call.

Fees and charges:
Our complete settlement package will cost you AU$ 700 (to be reduced for the students) including all supports described under ‘Our Services’. In order to have some partial supports, please contact us well in advance stating your needs and we will inform you on the fees for addressing those needs.

How to pay us:
We advise you to pay at least 50% of the cost via online bank transfer our bank account (to be informed when requested) with a supporting e-mail including the proof of the transfer. Alternatively, you can pay the full amount in cash on your arrival while meeting PSS settlement team member(s).

More about Premiere Settlement Services

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 17:00