Regional Wellbeing Survey, University Of Canberra

About Regional Wellbeing Survey, University Of Canberra

The Regional Wellbeing Survey examines the resilience and wellbeing of rural and regional Australians, and liveability of their communities

Regional Wellbeing Survey, University Of Canberra Description

Since 2013, the University of Canberra’s Regional Wellbeing Survey has been examining wellbeing, resilience and liveability in rural and regional Australia, through a survey completed by more than 13, 000 people each year.

The survey is funded by the University of Canberra and a number of organisations with an interest in the wellbeing of people and communities in rural and regional Australia. It is a collaborative effort supported by more than 100 rural and regional organisations, including community groups, farming organisations, local councils, rural development groups, and health organisations, amongst others. Anyone interested in joining our network of survey partners and supporters can do so by emailing regionalwellbeing@canberra. edu. au.

The survey collects data on more than 600 indicators of wellbeing, resilience and liveability, including:
• Health and wellbeing
• Liveability of local communities including friendliness, jobs, landscape and social connectedness
• Access to services and infrastructure including
o Education
o Health
o Roads
o Telecommunications
o Childcare
o Aged care
o Retail shops
o Fresh food
o Professional and financial services
• Household financial wellbeing
• Community economic performance
• Local leadership and governance
• Community consultation and participation
• Community involvement and volunteering
• Social capital – connections with friends, family and community
• Crime and safety
• Local landscape
• Local environmental health.

More about Regional Wellbeing Survey, University Of Canberra

Regional Wellbeing Survey, University Of Canberra is located at University Drive South, Bruce 2617
1800 981 499