Shinrin-Yoku 森林浴 Canberra

About Shinrin-Yoku 森林浴 Canberra

Experience a deeper and more meaningful connection with nature, allow yourself to slow down, enjoy being 'in the moment' and nurturing your mind-body-spirit wellness with a forest bathing walk.

Shinrin-Yoku 森林浴 Canberra Description

The Japanese practice of Shinrin-Yoku, which translates to “forest bathing”, refers to spending time taking in the atmosphere of the forest for the purpose of enhancing health and well-being.
It is a scientifically validated nature therapy that was developed in Japan during the 1980s to address stress related illnesses. Research showed that it could boost immunity, lower blood pressure and stress hormone levels, thereby reducing anxiety, depression and other stress related conditions. It has now become an established approach to preventive health care and healing in Japanese medicine, and today it is becoming one of the fastest growing health and wellness trends in the USA, Europe and Australia.

Shinrin-Yoku Canberra is now introducing guided Nature and Forest bathing walks to the “Bush Capital” and the ACT. A forest bathing walk is not a hike nor undertaken with the primary goal of physical exercise. It is calm, meditative and not rushed, and we will usually only cover less than a kilometre over a two and half hour walk.
It is also not a naturalist walk but one privileging sensory perception, without the need to mentally engage in identifying and naming the nature around us.

A forest bathing walk is a powerful tool for maintaining mind, body and spirit wellness. By slowing down and opening our senses, we can begin to more deeply perceive the spirit of the landscape around us, its messages, a sense of being one with our natural environment and the peace that it brings.