Targeted Hypnotherapy

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 12:00 - 20:00
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: -

About Targeted Hypnotherapy

Canberra based specialised provider of clinical hypnotherapy and strategic psychotherapy services. www. au



(or alternatively...A Beginner's Guide to NLP) Mountains of material have been written about Neuro-Linguistic Programming or "NLP"; much of which has inadvertently cultivated misunderstanding and myth. I’m frankly astonished at how many people know of it, yet really know nothing about it, all at the same time. I suspect for some it’s simply a cool acronym to drop into conversation at the pub or in an interview, in the hope of sounding interesting. [ 1,117 more word ]…/0 6/jedi-mind-tricks-…/


Consider this.
Strength doesn’t come from what you can do... it comes from overcoming the things you thought you couldn’t.
... When was the last time you did so?
I find it amazing that I get the chance to help people do so almost every day.
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How might you change yourself, if you could?


How many of us can relate to this?
I’m helping people recognise this life changing perspective almost every day now in some way. Loving it.


Phobias and Fears. As I often mention, people are generally fascinated by the whole notion of hypnotherapy and ‘”working with the mind to bring about positive change”. In fact I’ve written a separate article on that very subject. The one area that I’m most regularly quizzed on though, when cornered at cocktail parties and social gatherings; and perhaps because it’s so close to home for many, is the subject of… [ 7,147 more words ]…/w hat-are-the-top-100…/


Welcome to Part 3 of my “Anxiety 101” series. If you need to catch up with what’s been written so far, you can visit my blog pages and read: Part 1: “I’m not @#&@%$# anxious!!!" and Part 2: “I’m Anxious, I Knew It, I’m Doomed, Oh My” The Story So Far… In Anxiety 101, Parts 1 and 2, we explored some of the commonly held misconceptions about anxiety, examined a few of the myths and stigmas attached to it and aired some important truths. [ 2,949 more words ]…/a nxiety-101-part-3-i…/


Do you have a hard time with focus, concentration and generally paying attention? Is it effecting you in the workplace and your career? Perhaps it’s your teenager or HSC student that suffers from poor attention skills? Perhaps it’s even putting lives in danger if it’s happening as you drive or ride? It’s often more apparent to others than to ourselves. [ 970 more words ]…/t he-dying-art-of-foc…/


Prelude The next time you're at a boring social function and want to reach for a topic that will be sure to impress, enthrall and liven up conversation with entertaining conjecture and's the subject for you. (If that doesn't work incidentally, try this) Introduction You might have heard the term “placebo effect”. It's a term regularly misused and misunderstood. [ 1,643 more word ]…/t he-placebo-effect-a…/


The Story So Far… In Anxiety 101, Part 1: “I’m Not @#&@%$# Anxious!!!”, we confronted the possibility that many readers might unknowingly suffer from anxiety in one of its multitude of forms. That's not to say they weren't acutely aware something was amiss; they just hadn't tagged it as "anxiety". As a result, some might now reluctantly admit they’re more anxious than they realised. [ 1,066 more word ]…/a nxiety-101-part-2-i…/


I’m not @$#£€%@ anxious!!!
Sound familiar? Well, it should. Many people initially react to the suggestion “they’re anxious” with denial; often vigorous denial. Perhaps that stems from the once-held belief that anxiety was a sign of weakness or emotional frailty. After all, how could one be a successful “leader”, captain of industry, role model, safe pair of hands, parent or in fact any form of competent, in-control, take-charge person…male OR female…and be anxious? [ 1,053 more word ]…/a nxiety-101-part-1-i…/


Recover and Rebound From Retrenchment
Watch my short YouTube Video on "Hypnotherapy to help those experiencing retrenchment" GE&t=10s , Retrenchment is perhaps one of the most difficult things you’ll cope with in your professional life. Apart from the obvious potential impacts on your career momentum, it can have profound impact on your self-esteem and confidence, your personal life, relationships and health. ...
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Most of us would like to be better...but is that realistic or doable?
With some hypnotic help, yes it is! Check this out and please share if you know someone who could use a little help :).
We all recognise that in today’s business world, continuous self-improvement is a necessity. But let me guess. While you know it’s important it’s often tough finding the time and motivation to actually do something about it. So often, you don’t… Ringing any bells? ... There’s actually a wicked little Catch-22 that relates to this. You recognise you can’t afford to fall behind on your game performance, your KPI’s and targets. Can’t lag behind your competitors or the latest rising stars. That eats at you. But rather than motivate you it somehow slows you down. Brings you down. Makes you feel demotivated. Perhaps even sees you go into a slump or worse still, spiral into burn-out. You know you should be doing something about it, but you need another self-help book like a hole in the head. How do you regain your edge, adapt and get back on top? It’s all in the mind…and that’s where I can help you. Take a look at my short video on clinical hypnotherapy for Professional Performance Enhancement. I can guide you to achieve significant change in how you think, feel and operate in a few short weeks. Supercharge your focus, motivation and performance. Is that giving you an unfair advantage? Possibly…but you’re worth it, right?
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I'm often asked to explain the difference between Hypnotherapy and traditional "talk based" therapy techniques such as psychology and psychotherapy.
Traditional therapies will spend many months, perhaps even years, exploring the origins of your issue and "why" it occurs.
As a clinical hypnotherapist, I don't. My therapy is about focused treatment, towards real outcomes and sustainable, positive change.
... Check out the article American Health Magazine produced comparing both time and effectiveness: raisal.php
Consider this metaphor. If your house is on fire and you've determined you want help, you call the fire brigade. When the brigade arrives, you probably don't want to spend hours admiring the fire and pondering its want it OUT...NOW.
If YOU or someone YOU KNOW have been struggling to put out the fire for too long, please SHARE this page, and feel free to get in touch.
Email: Website:
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More about Targeted Hypnotherapy

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 12:00 - 20:00
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: -