Valentyna Crane, Artist

About Valentyna Crane, Artist

I choose to emphasize joy and happiness of our everyday life through my artworks. It gives energy to embrace the world with the positive attitude.

Valentyna Crane, Artist Description

I've been painting my entire life so far.
My wonderful parents supported my desire to study through art school and then through art college.
Love of painting is something in your blood: it is both a curse and a blessing. You see things others don't, you notice something no one knew was there. Then you are pointing it out, you are painting it and your work touches someone’s heart and soul, sometimes making them cry and at other times, smile. All the while it's making them feel better – healing them.
Life took its course. Many things happened that have shaped me to be the artist I am today.
Once I've stopped making any art at all: I thought about it as something that took my precious time, and I thought I will be better off without it - who needs to look at all these little things around us anyway? I'm too busy living my life!
But there was a lesson in it for me - the more we suppress our heart's true desire, the more our own life becomes toxic, not only for us but also for people we deeply care about. It is so easy to get caught up in everyday life, we need a reminder! I've learned that it is essential to nurture ourselves and stay connected to nature.
Today my heart is filled with gratitude for everyone I've met on my journey to rediscover myself as the Artist who is able to heal with my paintings. I'm grateful for being able to share this path with my family, my friends and my community. We are supporting, and learning from, each other every single day. Without you, my life mission would not be fully possible.