Yoga Mandir. Iyengar Yoga Institute

About Yoga Mandir. Iyengar Yoga Institute

Iyengar Yoga Institute based in Canberra, Australia. Classes 7 days a week.

Yoga Mandir. Iyengar Yoga Institute Description

Yoga Mandir is an Iyengar Yoga Institute dedicated to the practice and study of Yoga as practiced by BKS Iyengar



'People speak about philosophy because they have read books. Philosophy is a way of living, not something to study.' BKS Iyengar. Sparks of Divinity


A practice of asana only becomes a practice of Yoga when it applies practice and detachment. Anything else is just stretching.


Props have now become very popular. However in Guruji’s early days the use of props was not there. Though wall ropes were used In his guru’s Yogashala the concept of using the props as a help in the practice of asanas was not delved into.
In 1937 when I was there then principle of Ferguson college came to me with some problems and sought relief. He was around 85 years old and I was 19. I want to make him do standing poses but his age compounded with his problems deterred him ...from even standing correctly. It then occurred to me that I would make him do Trikonasana and Parsvakonasana lying down. His legs however did not stay apart. So I kept a long wooden rod between his feet to stop his legs from coming closer. That was my first creation of a prop - a wooden rod.
Since then, more props have been created - some designed uniquely, some inspired from household gadgets or instruments available. Many refinements have been made and many ways of using them thought of. What remains unchanged is its purpose- a help in one's Yoga Sadhana.
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'The eight steps of yoga: Yama and niyama are the ethical methods within (individual) and without (social). Asana and pranayama are for perfecting the physical body. Pranayama and pratyahara are for control of the mind and senses. Dharana, dhyana, and samadhi are for realization of the Self' BKS Iyengar. Sparks of Divinity


Samyama Lab is a collaboration between South Asia Research Institute (SARI), Australian National University and Yoga Mandir where we work together to explore the meaning of Yoga and its practice in the modern world. Samyama, from Sanskrit, refers to philosophical inquiry within South Asian traditions of Yoga and Lab, from Latin, connotes the spirit of collaborative empirical experimentation.
Yoga recognises that we do not always see things clearly. Our perception is shaped a...s much by our expectations as by the objects we interact with. Experience of objects varies between individuals and points in time. A Samyama is meant to remove the tendency to project our fears and desires and to see things clearly. A Reflective practice is the means to conduct a Samyama and through a reflective practice begin a self-study (Svadhyaya).
An introduction to Samyama Lab, will be running at the Australian National University on August 4 in Canberra. Workshop details can be found via this link Yoga, Ethics and the Body.
Over the coming months Yoga Mandir will be working to expand the number of Remote Study groups and those involved will be invited to contribute to and participate in the Samyama Lab events.
There will also be opportunities for individuals to be involved. If you would like to be added to the list for updates on Samyama Lab events please email with your details.
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Start a Yoga Practice Group where you live!
For many years Yoga Mandir has been supporting students in remote regions to establish and maintain their practice. You don’t need to live near a school to learn Yoga. You learn Yoga through a practice and Yoga Mandir has programs for individuals and groups. Now’s your chance to start a group in your region…
Those enrolled in Remote Study group access study material and audio practice recordings to support individuals to ‘get on the... mat’ regularly. The practice group meets once or twice per week where one person Leads a sequence. You don’t need to be in Canberra (or even be in Australia) to be involved. Remote Study Group is not a replacement for a teacher and enrolment assumes that you have a good grounding in Iyengar Yoga. More details at…/remot e-student-study-group
We welcome contact from individuals or groups who wish to know more or would like be updated on future events. So get in touch
We will shortly be releasing details of some great initiatives Yoga Mandir is involved in 1. Yoga Mandir will be introducing 3 day workshops for Remote Study Groups so that those enrolled from around the country can come together across a weekend with members from other groups to evolve the skills necessary to lead or form a group in your area. This is a great way to meet other like minded individuals, and work with those around you. 2. Samyama Lab is a collaboration between South Asia Research Institute at the Australian National University (ANU) and Yoga Mandir and we hope to work with Remote Study Groups to explore why people practice Yoga. Samyama refers to the last 3 limbs of Yoga (Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi) woven together. Samyama is the basis of Reflective Practice and the Samyama Lab will explore the meaning of practice in the modern world. There will be opportunities to contribute and to participate in the study and practice of Yoga as well as attend future events with national and international speakers. yama-lab 3. An introduction to Samyama Lab will be running at ANU on 4 August in Canberra. Yoga, Ethics and the Body workshop details at cs-and-the-care-of…
Get in touch if you want to be on the list for updates or want to know more on the events mentioned above as details are released. Email with your contact details and Yoga background.
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Use of Props exhibition all this week at Yoga Mandir
'Patanjali says have your own breath as a support. If the mind is all the time fluctuating you can stop it by a long exhalation. Have a long exhalation and a long inhalation and keep the exhalation in a suspended state. Be able to suspend the breath so you become quiet; your nerves quieten. So even Patanjali uses a kind of support for the consciousness so it can be purified. We have to purify our own body - improve the circulation, improve digestion, improve our muscles, which are lazy and not working. We have to use the props to improve'. Geeta Iyengar. Geeta Talks about props. Yoga Vaani 1998


Use of props exhibition is running all week at Yoga Mandir.
‘... Even for Guruji it was not easy to create props but definitely there was something in his mind. I would say he was always in yoga in that sense. Even now he thinks in a different way to others. There was not an authoritative book regarding props but certainly the clues were available. Guruji began to think about these props. His practice gave shape to the props.’ ... Geeta Iyengar, Geeta Talks about props. Yoga Vaani 1998
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‘Do not accept what you attained as something definitive. If you can do that, then try to go further’. BKS Iyengar. Sparks of Divinity


To Celebrate the 4th International Day of Yoga Yoga Mandir together with the Indian High Commission will be conducting a free Yoga Class at the celebrations day on Sunday 24 June at Albert Hall Canberra
Come and join us to celebrate the International Day of Yoga. Albert hall 100 Commonwealth Ave, Yarralumla ACT 2601
... Please bring your yoga mat and take your position by 9.55am
See the details at class-albert-hall
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Exhibition on the use of props During O-Week from 18-24 June, Yoga Mandir will be running an interactive exhibition on the use of props in Iyengar Yoga.
This interactive display is comprised of descriptions on the evolution of each prop and is accompanied by photos and images. Each prop will be on display and visitors can not only view, but also experience the use of these props as described in each installation panel. Details…/exhibi tion-use-props-o-week


Come along to our free class for mothers and their babies during O-Week. The first two years of a new-born’s life is full of change and exploration and this period is often the busiest for new parents. Our Mother-Baby class lets mothers bring their babies with them while they practice together. Date: Wednesday 20 June Time: 11.15am-12.15pm This class caters for mothers and their babies 0-2 years of age.... Doors open 15 minutes prior to class. Details of the ongoing Mother- Baby classes can be found at her-baby-yoga
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O-week at Yoga Mandir is our week of being open to the public and your chance to experience what Iyengar Yoga is all about.
From the 18-24 June Yoga Mandir is open to the public. So come and be part of the action. There are a range of free classes throughout the week from Monday to Sunday. Our mother-Baby and childrens classes are free too. Take a class, view the exhibition, talk to our teachers and meet the crew at Yoga Mandir.
... See the details at -18-24-june
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Bite on Sutra. Iyengar’s image of non-coffee drinkers is a lovely image that reveals our attachment and identification with objects.


We asked our students to write down what Yoga Mandir means to them. These are some of the submissions. Yoga Mandir is a community of like-minded people who come together to learn, study and practice Yoga. We have programs for children and young adults, beginners and committed practitioners, those with injuries and medical conditions, trainee teachers, teachers and teacher trainers. Our students study the philosophy and practice of Yoga. Join us and be part of this vibrant community.


Thanks for this entry to the Yoga Mandir drawing competition Edie. Edie aged 9. Vrschikasana- scorpion.
‘I like it because it helps me clear my mind‘
... Let your child experience the benefits of Yoga. Children’s classes are designed to be fun and energetic, with a focus on body awareness, concentration and relaxation. The sequences of yoga asanas will let children experience joy and freedom. details at ldrens-yoga-classes
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Another entry from the Yoga Mandir drawing competition. Oliver aged 6. Savasana-Corpse pose ‘because its relaxing’
The children on their mats and Demeter (the teacher) in the centre. The look of pleasure in the eyes is lovely too. Great work Oliver
... Let your child experience the benefits of Yoga. Children’s classes are designed to be fun and energetic, with a focus on body awareness, concentration and relaxation. The sequences of yoga asanas will let children experience joy and freedom. details at ldrens-yoga-classes
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In this excerpt from Yoganusasanam 2015 Geeta describes how to self study in Urdhva Hastasana. It’s a cause and effect paradigm as we apply an action and observe its effects. The mind is made stable. Experiential learning!


The next round of applications close on 15 May
Yoga Mandir offers scholarships for international teachers to participate in our Teacher Development program. Two scholarships are awarded each term to certified Iyengar teachers living outside Australia. 1. Scholarship A: for Certified Iyengar Teachers... 2. Scholarship B: for Intermediate Junior Level 3 teachers and above.
Application details can be found on the Institutes website at…/interna tional-teacher-schol…
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Props have now become very popular. However in Guruji’s early days the use of props was not there. Though wall ropes were used In his guru’s Yogashala the concept of using the props as a help in the practice of asanas was not delved into.
Since then, more props have been created - some designed uniquely, some inspired from household gadgets or instruments available. Many refinements have been made and many ways of using them thought of. What remains unchanged is its purpose- a help in one's Yoga Sadhana.


Carolines 'Mums & Bubs' classes have been wonderful. This term was my introduction to yoga, & she has really helped me relax & ease the tension in my tight back & shoulder muscles. Caroline provides a lovely calm atmosphere for all us Mum's & our babies. I highly recommend giving them a try.


Carolines 'Mums & Bubs' classes have been wonderful. This term was my introduction to yoga, & she has really helped me relax & ease the tension in my tight back & shoulder muscles. Caroline provides a lovely calm atmosphere for all us Mum's & our babies. I highly recommend giving them a try.


Carolines 'Mums & Bubs' classes have been wonderful. This term was my introduction to yoga, & she has really helped me relax & ease the tension in my tight back & shoulder muscles. Caroline provides a lovely calm atmosphere for all us Mum's & our babies. I highly recommend giving them a try.

More about Yoga Mandir. Iyengar Yoga Institute

Yoga Mandir. Iyengar Yoga Institute is located at 42 Mort Street Braddon, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory 2612