2528 Project At Crew Park

About 2528 Project At Crew Park

The 2528 Project started as a Child Friendly initiative by Healthy Cities Illawarra and is now co-ordinated by an incorporated community association.

2528 Project At Crew Park Description

The Child Friendly by Design 2528 Project has been a Communities for Children funded program for over 4 years. With the initial intention of creating a child and family friendly space in Warilla that would one day become a sustainable community capacity building project.
A recent independent evaluation of the Healthy Cities Illawarra Program has shown that the project has surpassed all original expectations, delivering a multi faceted community program built on the aspirations of children and families in the local area.
Today the 2528 project is managed by an incorporated organisation. A Community Business with a board of directors make the decisions for the organisation, it's activities and the recruitment of volunteers.
The 2528 Project at Crew Park, is a business in it's own right. They have a constitution (a set of rules to which they operate) a clear aim and a number of values that support the delivery of good quality activities for children and families in the local area.
The Project is managed by volunteers and has a number of community advisors that support the development and guidance of the program. The project has a membership fee and survives on donations and grants.

Show your support by 'liking' this page and sharing it with others.

For more info or to see how you can be a part of the project drop us line here and we will get back to you.

History of the project -
Following a round of community consultation in 2012 Crew Park in Warilla was identified as an area that community members wanted to see improved for themselves, their families and the broader community.

To date we have brought together a working group who have been responsible for supporting the planning and delivery of a wide range of community activity. This has included children's afterschool and holiday open access play in the park sessions, volunteer training, community cooking initiatives, sports sessions for children and the securing of funds to improve the park environment.

Children from the local schools all have the opportunity to contribute to the planning and designing of the physical improvements and the program of activities ensuring that the focus of the project remains with children and families in the area.

The project has been funded by Communities for Children Shellharbour for a further year (June 2015) and needs community members with a passion for working with children and other community members to come forward and support the project to ensure its long term sustainability.



New Morning Tea session - everyone welcome!!!!!!!!


Wednesday 3pm - 4pm at the Op Shop Hall. Afternoon Tea, Games and Craft :)


Calling All Tweens! Come and let us know what you thought of camp


Join along in the fun! Register this week :)


We gathered today for a pizza party to celebrate the end of our term working from BaptistCare. We consulted on what the project would and can look like for the children, played games, shared memories, had a laugh and of course had Pizza!


We are hosting a pizza party for children to celebrate the end of term as well as our next steps!


CityServe, Shellharbour City Council, Healthy Cities Illawarra, 2528 Project and members of the community came together to show Crew Park some love.
With over 70 people, we stained equipment, removed graffiti, mulched garden beds, planted some natives, painted equipment, created a playable serpent and created more art poles around Crew Park. What an incredible day!


First hour in!


Let the preparations begin for our working bee begin! ­¤ÉØ Join us and show Crew Park same love 8AM- 3PM


On the 23rd of June, we will be joining in with local organisation to show some ŌØż’ĖÅ for Crew Park. Come with your kids, grandchildren, parents and neighbours to the event. There will be plenty of food, laughter, work and activities to get involved in!
Crew Park has been an important community meeting place for people of all ages, lets come together and show we care for community spaces
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The children were itching to learn some new skills this week at our activities! We explored the drum, learned the basics beats and learned a new rhythm. Thanks for the support of BaptistCare, children and families for your support


We have been following the journey of Beyond Empathy and their work with children in the community, they are Fabulous! Emotive! and in some ways confronting BUT always insightful, precious and so worth going to see! This will show at the Gala Cinema in Warrawong so keep an eye out for it!


CALLING ALL CHILDREN - WERE YOU PART OF THIS GROUP? If you were we need your help on the 23rd June at 10am! We will be giving your art poles a coat of paint and would like you to come and do this so we can keep your art work the way you designed it! If you didn't get to design a pole last time round come and help with the new poles :)


Dear Parents and Friends,
At the end of last term, it was decided that we would stop our afternoon activity program and spend some time working on the issues that had led to this decision.
... In the time since the activities stopped we have met with organisations that can help with support, supervision and activities for children. We have met with parents to gain support for managing behaviour and with our volunteers who give up their time to help deliver the 2528 Project. We have also submitted requests for financial support to employ a worker.
Through the conversations we have had with children and their parents, we all think it would be good to go back to basics and get children and families involved in a project that children want, feel connected to and value and as such join in respectfully. This project has always been about community, trust and connection to each other. Some of that has been lost and we see children treating each other appallingly. An agreement on what childrenŌĆÖs expectations are. How they wish to be treated by their friends and how they will behave towards others and the project equipment (including the park equipment) from all children who want to come to activities.
To do this we will be holding several different activities prior to returning to delivering an open access project at the park. We think this will be safer and easier to supervise whilst we are working on some of the important things that need to be in place. Starting Wednesday the 30th of May, we will be running a program for the rest of term 2 from the hall in Baptist Care Community Centre (next to the op shop).
We will be inviting the children who regularly attend the 2528 Project activities to help us find out what they want from the project, agree some rules for behaviour and join in a drum program that will get them to think about harmony, community, respect and listening. Information for these activities will follow.
Thank you for your interest and support
Regards, 2528 Management Team
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2528 Project would like volunteers to help with some new activities that we will be delivering soon. You can find out more info at the expo or call 0450 89 6081


Join in a community event to raise Funds that will go to Cancer Council NSW. There will be entertainment by singer Matt Walker!
Every cuppa you serve this may makes a difference. Cancer council works across every area of every cancer, from research to prevention and support.

More about 2528 Project At Crew Park

2528 Project At Crew Park is located at Warilla. Lake Illawarra. Mt Warrigal & Barrack Heights, Shellharbour, New South Wales 2528