A City A Story

About A City A Story

Hi! We're Christelle and Cédric. Travelling is our greatest passion, so one week after our first wedding we've decided to fulfil our long-time dream (and our recent vows! ) to embark on our biggest adventure so far and take a chance on doing what we like. Almost a year later we are about to resign from our full-time jobs (in Web development and Finance) to fly on a one-way flight to Central America with our 10 kilos backpack, a couple of laptops, cameras and most importantly DREAMS! We've been traveling a lot before this adventure but we never took the time to share our journeys. When we've finally decided to create a blog we realised that a lot of specific blog platforms existed (like for weddings) but only a few were specific to Travel. That's why we've decided to combine our skills and create A City A Story. Our Travel Platform will allow you to: # create and share travel related content (articles, pictures & videos) # use integrated travel plug-ins like interactive maps, kms calculators and Instagram feed # use our Budget Tracker and Analytics Tracker # be part of a travel communityWelcome on board with A City A Story, hope you will enjoy your trip with us! In Parallel we are also Freelancing in Web Development: https://www. linkedin.com/in /cedric-amoyal-83b5a747 / and Data Analysis: https://www. linkedin.com/in /christelle-baudrin-0a877345 /
Social Link - Linkedin: http://www. linkedin.com/company /acityastory
Keywords: information technology & services