Active Exercise Physiology

About Active Exercise Physiology

Exercise Physiology, Personal Training, Small Group Training, CrossFit Sapphire, Nutrition Coaching. Services available at Bega.

Active Exercise Physiology Description

Exercise Physiology, Personal Training, Better Body Project, CrossFit Sapphire, Mobility. All sessions are fully supervised and tailored to suit you.



If youŌĆÖve ever thought about coming and training with us at Active EP in Bega, then now is the time!
1. Simply claim your free week group training trial (Monday-Saturday)* to test out our sessions by clicking the link below
... 2. When you love what we offer, if you purchase a membership or visit pass in the month of August, you will receive a $50 discount! (New clients only)
­¤ÆźBeat the spring rush and get started now­¤Æź
Check out the video below to get a sneak peak at our different sessions OR
Claim your free trial HERE: rial
*Conditions apply. We only accept 5 free trial clients per week, so we may contact you to move your trial date if others have already booked. Offer valid for 18 years and over. In some cases medical clearance may be required prior to participation - if you are unsure please contact us before claiming the free trial.
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Well done on the the good work you do for the local community Renee Gallagher ­¤æÅ­¤æÅ #activeepsuperstar ­¤ī¤­¤ī¤ŌĆ”/h omelessness-is-on-tŌĆ”/


Our CrossFit Sapphire coach @alanabanana84 has been getting inspired by the efforts of #thecrossfitgames athletes, today completing a half marathon on the @concept2au rower ­¤ś│­¤ś│ Awesome effort Alana, better you than me ­¤ÖģŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ­¤ÖģŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ! #crossfitsapphire #crossfit #activeep #rowing #crossfitgames #nuts #bega


Saturday arvo sessions at the gym ­¤Æ¬ #activeep #crossfitsapphire #crossfit #watchingthecrossfitgames #bega


My 8yo wrote his own training session ready for tomorrow ­¤Æ¬ Looks like a good plan to me! #whoneedspaper #crossfit #crossfitsapphire #wantstobelikematfraser @mathewfras #crossfitkids #bega


BodyBalance ­¤Öī Did you know we have 2 sessions of BodyBalance per week on our timetable? This session is a mixture of Yoga and Pilates to improve your core strength and stretch out those tight muscles, leaving you feeling relaxed and restored at the end of the hour. This session is an important add on to the strength and conditioning we give our clients on a daily basis in our other sessions, to ensure to create balance in their bodies. Every Tuesday at 6.10pm or Fridays at 10am. For more information visit or shoot us a message to organise to come along #activeep #bodybalance #yoga #pilates #movebetter #bega


Sunday Funday with the vests - ŌĆ£JosieŌĆØ ­¤Öī #crossfitsapphire #crossfit #herowod #sundayfunday #weightvests #alwaystraining #bega @ Active Exercise Physiology


Boxing WOD is now on our timetable ­¤źŖ­¤źŖ
Boxing classes is where I began my business in Bega all those years ago and it was good fun to get back into it tonight.
5.10pm ThursdayŌĆÖs for now and weŌĆÖll add on another class when we find a suitable time, so let us know if you are interested!
... Well done to the first crew who took on the bags tonight ­¤Æź #activeep #boxingwod #thebestprojectyoulleverworkonisyou #bega
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Great post demonstrating a hip hinge from the team at Movement Enhanced.
An important movement pattern to have in your tool kit, the hip hinge is something people often struggle to learn as they want to squat down into it. But once you get it right, the hamstrings definitely get a good workout.


Did you know we are the ONLY registered CrossFit box on the Sapphire Coast? We run 5 Ō£ŗCrossFit Sapphire sessions per week, tailoring our programming to all fitness levels and abilities. But be warned, CrossFit is addictive! Get in contact with us today to organise your first session ­¤Åŗ’ĖÅŌĆŹŌÖé’ĖÅ @crossfitsapphire #crossfitsapphire #crossfit #activeep #bega #sapphirecoast #addictive


Donna is a SUPER Champion!!
Winner ­¤Ååof our 12 Wk Challenge AND is our May Active EP Champion of the Month­¤æŖ­¤Æź
Donna has worked super hard over the last few months, nailing down her consistency to training and nutrition. Despite a busy life of work involving lots of travel, managing farms, school volunteering and all the demands of kids, Donna has managed to train with us 4 times per week every week and has sorted out her nutrition whilst on the road. SheŌĆÖs super strong and is ...consistently getting results, leading her to now see that her ultimate long term goals are possible. But the best of all, her once harshest critic, Miss L is now her biggest supporter, telling us how proud she is of her mum and all she is achieving! Well done Donna, I love working with you and receiving all your little text message check in and wins along the way ­¤Öī #activeep #betterbodyproject #crossfitsapphire #champion #12weekchallengewinner #consistencywins #progressissuccess #thebestprojectyoulleverworkonisyou #bega
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What an awesome week from our Active EP crew at the gym and some of their kiddies at the school athletics carnivals ­¤Öī­¤æÅ­¤Öī­¤æÅ Great work team ­¤Åå­¤Åå #activeep #betterbodyproject #crossfitsapphire #champions #thebestprojectyoulleverworkonisyou #bega #team #crew


Yes!!! Let me guess you - havenŌĆÖt moved in hours and youŌĆÖre seriously hunched over.
Well, I think itŌĆÖs time you took a break. 5mins is all it will take and then you can get right back to it.
... Try the following thoracic spine series to open up through your mid and upper back.
­¤Åŗ’ĖÅŌĆŹŌÖé’ĖÅ Workout
ŌĆó See video
­¤ōØ Description
ŌĆó 3 movements ŌĆó 10-15reps/side per movement ŌĆó 1-3 rounds
­¤æē Tag your work colleagues or study buddies who need this in their lunch time break
­¤æē Send us a message if you want to come along and try out our 8.30am Saturday morning Mobility sessions, where we spend 45mins guiding you through movements like this to keep your body working optimally.
#betterbodyproject #betterthanyesterday #thebestprojectyouwilleverworkonisyou
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Still practicing! One day handstand walks will be easy ­¤żö#crossfitsapphire #handstandwalks #handstands #alwaystraining #crossfit #bega


­¤Æź Movement Preparation ­¤Æź
Try the following workout.
­¤ōØ This is a great do at homework workout or dynamic warm up for a workout involving any knee flexion movements (squats, lunges) and overhead pressing movements (strict press, Push Press) for anyone with component movement patterns in the squat and overhead press and moderate core strength.
... ­¤Åŗ’ĖÅŌĆŹŌÖé’ĖÅ 4 rounds with 90s rest between sets.
ŌĆó Single Arm KB Front Squat (Right) x 5-8reps ŌĆó Single Arm KB Overhead Press (Right) x 5-8reps ŌĆó Single Arm KB Front Squat (Left) x 5-8reps ŌĆó Single Arm KB Overhead Press (left) x 5-8reps ŌĆó Star Side Plank x 15-30s/side ŌĆó KB Deadbug x 12reps
­¤ōØ Equipment required ŌĆó Kettlebell (KB)
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What a morning ŌśĆ’ĖÅ Our trainers Jake & Georgia organised a mini road trip to our favourite beach for a Sunday morning workout with some of our crew. Stairs, sand, sun, surf and movement make for a great start to the day!Finished the session off with a chat and a coffee. Thanks to those who came and participated, and massive thanks to @jake_closter and @georgiawills__ for all of their work organising the session. Tathra, you turned it on again ­¤Öī #activeep #betterbodyproject #crossfitsapphire #bega #tathra #thebestprojectyoulleverworkonisyou #stairruns #team #crew


Thank you @cadencehealthcourses! I enrolled in one of their nutrition courses last week and didnŌĆÖt expect to receive this nice surprise in the mail today ­¤śŹ And as an added bonus, so far the course is great ­¤Öī #activeep #betterbodyproject #cadencehealth #greatservice #nutrition #bega


Ever wondered what a BETTER BODY PROJECT session looked like? ­¤æĆ
Here is our Monday crew in their final week of our current program block going through their routine.
We currently have the availability for 7 new members. If you are interested in supervised, customised, professional training to help you achieve your goals, then get in touch and we can have a chat to see if we are a good fit for you.


­¤Æź Movement Preparation ­¤Æź
Whether itŌĆÖs some morning movement to start your day or a warm up for your workout today, this movement series is the perfect addition to your routine.
Ō£ģ Blood Flow ... Ō£ģ Muscle Activation Ō£ģ Joint Stability
­¤Åŗ’ĖÅ 3 rounds ­¤Åŗ’ĖÅŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ Movement 1. Bird-Dog 15reps/side Movement 2. Plank x 30s Movement 3. Static Glute Bridge x 30s Movement 4. Plank Walkouts x 5
#betterbodyproject #betterthanyesterday #thebestprojectyoulleverworkonisyou
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Amazing supportive atmosphere! Kim + jake = awesome!!!


Amazing supportive atmosphere! Kim + jake = awesome!!!


Amazing supportive atmosphere! Kim + jake = awesome!!!

More about Active Exercise Physiology

Active Exercise Physiology is located at 2/28 Buckajo, Bega, New South Wales 2550