Adonis Athletics Castle Hill 24:7

Monday: 08:00 - 11:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 11:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 11:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 11:00
Friday: 08:00 - 11:00
Saturday: 07:30 - 10:00
Sunday: -

About Adonis Athletics Castle Hill 24:7

Adonis Athletics Castle Hill. The premier training and athletic performance facility in the hills district.

Adonis Athletics Castle Hill 24:7 Description

The Adonis Athletics Vision:

Being strong, powerful, fit and in shape is not just a thing for athletes to strive to achieve. Every person on the planet must always be striving to achieve their individual peak potential athletic abilities because really everyone is an athlete and therefore should be athletic. Athleticism has been confined in this society to include only those that are labelled as athletes, however physically there is no difference between athletes and those who hold desk jobs. All healthy humans have been blessed with the same number of limbs and movement abilities. It is our job at Adonis Athletics to open the eyes of the masses to the fact that just because you don’t get paid to play a sport does not give you an excuse to sit at home behind your computer or television and become frail, weak and broken. The introduction of many technological advances are now destroying the age old habit of exercise and movement and killing the population from diseases that can easily be prevented. Every person – male or female – must train their mind and body to be strong, powerful, fit and become a champion within their genetic potential, abilities and goals

In addition to this Adonis Athletics specialises in bringing out the very best in all athletes who choose to dedicate their time and their lives to becoming the best that they can be on the field. We achieve this by employing proven methods and teachings from the Eastern Bloc countries whose advanced training techniques and developments were far ahead of their time and were producing the best athletes in the world even til today. There is nothing fancy about what we do but it works and in our short time in existence we have created the champions to prove it. The first priority always is to become strong – really strong – through the employment of methodologies from weightlifting, powerlifting, strongman training, gymnastics and bodybuilding. From there everything else is easy.

We do what we do because up to now others have tried to do it and failed miserably. We do what we do because the health and fitness industry has been only geared towards fattening the pockets of those in charge leaving people who pay for gym memberships dazed, confused and frustrated. We do what we do because athletes and those with a hearts of warriors have nowhere else to go. We do what we do because people are charged a premium to drive to the gym and walk on a treadmill. We do what we do because these days the term “gym” seems to have become synonymous with the term “health club”. We do what we do because we are the one stop shop for all your needs to being the strongest, fittest and most powerful human being and athlete you have ever been. We have everything you need and nothing you don’t. All your training is executed in a coaching environment under the supervision of experienced coaches who have both the knowledge and experience of top level competition.

You wont find any mirrors, any carpet or shiny equipment at Adonis Athletics. As long as you respect the coaches and others around you then you can yell, scream, bleed, sweat, crank up the music, drop weights and use chalk. The hardcore environment that we create is priceless and unbeatable at creating results, period.

We are Australia’s one and only premier hardcore training facility, we are not a gym we are Adonis Athletics.

Call now!

Carlos 0420 783 500
Will 0402 771 287



Diet tip: you don't struggle to lose weight because you eat carbs after 6pm everynight.
You struggle to lose weight because you haven't got your energy balance right. Meaning you're eating more calories than you otherwise need and don't move enough.
Calorie deficit + moving more = fat loss
... #adonisathleticscastlehill #adonisathletics #adonisathleticscampbelltown #adonisathleticspaddington #adonisathleticspenrith
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Do you have trouble with: - Falling forward - Good morning squat... - Getting stuck in the hole - Struggle to maintain position - Foot placement/width - Deciding heels or flats - Squat plateauing - Bracing We'll be going through and addressing all of this and more in the upcoming squat workshop.
It will be 100% practical. Come ready to squat as we will be breaking down the squat from top to bottom and everyone is going to work up to a heavy weight so technique can be analysed. You can even max out if you wish.
All the knowledge we have and have applied to our lifters to achieve PBs as well as National and World Record squats will be passed on to everyone on the day in one jam packed session.
Only 12 spots available. First come first serve.
Contact us on to register.
#adonisathleticscastlehill #adonisathleticspenrith #adonisathleticscampbelltown #adonisathletics #adonisathleticspaddington
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Adonis Athletics is about the pursuit of bettering one’s character. We believe that you are a product of your environment and as such we relentlessly look to provide a deeply conductive environment to this pursuit of strength and self improvement.
An environment where its members encourage each other and rub shoulders with the best athletes around with ambition.
An environment where you have access to the best coaches with the highest, up to date knowledge to help you achieve... your goals.
An environment free of nonsense and ego and filled to the brim with support, encouragement and a single-minded ambition of each and every person to be the best they can be.
We are here to bring strength and conditioning to the public in an affordable way. We are here to provide a one stop shop for anyone who is in pursuit of becoming bigger, faster and stronger using not only scientifically backed knowledge but through experienced, knowledgeable coaches who have spent time in the trenches with countless clients and athletes and helped them reach the top.
We believe we are the optimal choice for those seeking to improve in strength sports, bodybuilding and body recomposition and athletic performance. The problem we solve is providing you with all the information and resources needed to take the guess work out of how to improve body composition, become stronger and more athletic once and for all.
#adonisathletics #adonisathleticscastlehill #adonisathleticapenrith #adonisathleticsampbelltown #adonisathleticspaddington
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The last 4 weeks of @garyle_ training cycle has seen him doing high bar, front squats and nothing heavier than 97.5kg with some beltless work for 3 sets of 8's.
Plenty of posterior chain work to compliment this in his accessories.
Come to think of it he hasn't done any low bar (comp style squat) work probably in over 6 months or more.
... Anyways, beside the point. This is 170kg for a 10kg pb at 63kg bw. Just over 2.5x his bodyweight. ‚ûñ‚ûñ‚ûñ‚ûñ‚ûñ‚ûñ‚ûñ‚ûñ‚ûñ Where some people go wrong is the thinking and mentality that they need to do more, more volume, more intensity, more work and more everything.
Whilst this may work, there will come a point where more is not necessarily great. Where you will hit your maximum recoverable volume and a point of diminishing returns.
What do you do then? a good idea would be to work on periods of lower volume and intensity to re-sensitise to volume work. Beltless work is definitely one of my go to far in off season and re-laying foundations.
If you or someone you know is stuck and have plateaued with training, try a different approach. Perhaps what we've mentioned above. Let us know how you go.
Train smart!
Squat optimisation workshop coming up in a few short weeks. Stay tuned, we'll be releasing more info real soon üòÅ
Coach @willz_prime #adonisathleticscastlehill #adonisathleticspaddington #adonisathleticspenrith #adonisathleticscampbelltown #adonisathletics
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Ready to Kick Monday in the Hoo Haa with the Adonis Fam


Summer is only 15 weeks away!
Get a head start on that summer body now!
If you're looking for some motivation and accountability and a chance to win some prizes then read on. The summer strong program is launching to help you burn some fat, slap on some muscle, look great and feel like you can wrestle that bear from The Revenant.
... Summer strong is a 10 week challenge through which we will guide you step by step by giving you a nutrition plan, training routine and answering all your questions along the way. We will even have scheduled conditioning classes 3 times a week to help torch even more fat and get yourself in serious shape.
When you sign up you get: ‚è∫Adonis Athletics shirt ‚è∫Full training program for the entire 10 weeks ‚è∫Complete nutritional guidance with weekly feedback from coaches ‚è∫Full 24 hour gym access for the duration of 10 weeks ‚è∫Free key tag ‚è∫Access to short and intense classes 3 X a week ‚è∫ Ful Coaching ‚è∫Accountability from coaches ‚è∫Access to our private groups and support network ‚è∫A more shredded, stronger and confident you, polished, ready to hit the beach
The summer strong program starts on 3rd of September.
Classes on Mondays, Wednesday's and Thursdays. From 6.45pm-7.30pm. Share and tag your friends, join together and receive a discount!
Click the summer strong link in below for more info and to register!
#adonisathleticscastlehill #summerstrong #transformations #transformingthehills #iifym #flexibledieting
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It’s 7am in the morning, about 12degrees outside and you have to pull a heavy deadlift before you go to work. What do you do?
@adventuresofjimbo cracked a 300KILOGRAM deadlift this morning with no sign of a step backward both metaphorically and physically! This guy trains his glutes off and today is reaping the rewards! After breaking his ankle in a horrific accident it is a true test of mental and physical strength to be doing what he is today! Well done Jimbo, you can sle...ep well tonight! #dealift #300 #300kiloclub #powerlifting #adonisathleticscastlehill #adonisathleticspenrith #adonisathleticscampbelltown #adonisathleticsgranville What are your thoughts @dr.deadlift should be have used a band?
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Throwback to the time Matt did the tour de France. @strongmanmattias
#tbt #chtbt #adonisathleticscastlehill #adonisathleticspenrith #adonisathleticspaddington #adonisathleticscampbelltown #adonisathletics


We still remember the day Sahan walked in and having never lifted a single weight, learning how to hip hinge from the ground on his knees. Now look at him, safety bar squat 100kg. Pretty sure his best squat is around 130kg. Don't quote me, bench 75-80kg and also deadlift 180kg.
You don't have to be great to start, buy you have to start to be great! üí™üëäüí™üëäüí™üëäüí™üëäüí™üëä üí™üëä Regrann from @insta_be4st1 - This is my 2nd training session back from a break. I did a daily max text for Safety Squats and got 100kg for a single. This is a 30kg PB INCREASE ‚¨ÜÔ∏è The last time I did a daily max test for Safety Bar squats was 2 years ago. Thanks @strongmanmattias and @alex_drummerbear for the spot, @v_drpower for the video and the morning crew for the support üëäüèæ @adonisathleticscastlehill @aronturner_96 @gazfit_pt @adventuresofjimbo @jordanarico #adonisathleticscastlehill #powerlifting #dailymax #safetybarsquats #pbs - #regrann
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Make the new week one to remember.
#kmitd #adonosathleticscastlehill #newweek #mondaymotivation


Let us preface this caption by saying that this transformation wasn't 100% our doing. @lou_belll had dropped a fair whack of this weight prior to joining us on her own accord. üëè With her permission, we really just wanted to share her story in hopes it can shed some light for other females out there on a similar path.
She sent us this picture after she put it together herself to see how far she's come in her own journey as a reminder of the hardwork she has put in to get to wh...ere she is today, not just physically but also emotionally and mentally.
Where we actually stepped in was about 5-6 months ago where we were already taking care of her training and by now, also her nutrition.
She wasn't in a happy place, eating 800-1000 calories a day and for a long while she though that the less she ate the more weight she would lose.
She eventually recognised that this was an issue and we helped educate her towards a better relationship with food and ultimately, to a better training experience and a transformation not only in her physique but a more sustainable lifestyle and strength continues to climb. She hit her first triple digit deadlift just over a month ago!! ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖" ;Before training at adonis and working with Will on nutrition I was eating between 800-1000 calories made up of mainly carbs thinking that was healthy. I’m now eating more than I ever have, tracking my macros and actually enjoy eating more now. I never thought I could look the way I do, eating as much as I do, especially when we were on closer to 1800 calories a day.
Still lots of progress to be made but I would say my relationship with food and nutrition has changed the most for the better. Not afraid of food anymore haha" ‚ûñ‚ûñ‚ûñ‚ûñ‚ûñ‚ûñ‚ûñ‚ûñ‚ûñ‚ûñ‚ûñ If you're looking at this thinking this could be you, well, it can be. If you're willing to put in the work.
Catch Lou on @lou_belll or @lou_lifts_shit for and find out how she did it.
#adonisathleticscastlehill #transformingthehills #iifym #flexibledieting #bodycomposition #fitspiration @ Adonis Athletics Castle Hill 24:7
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@zacwilcockson pulls 290kg in a skills test. Slightly harder than it should have been, partially due to technique. But this is still a 10kg gym PB.
If you have had the pleasure of knowing Zac, he sets very high expectations upon himself.
He wasn't happy with this pull even though it's a gym PB. He's done 300kg in comp and 315kg on a deadlift bar at the deadlift for dollars for beyondblue.
... He wasn't happy partly because he thought he was capable of more. I was happy with this though, and I explained to him why.
1) training without caffeine/pre-work out last few cycles
2) no peak
3) not in a competition setting with the same level of arousal/andrenaline and environment.
All the above add to the key performance factors that we have to take into account. So to only be 10kg away from best competition pull on a stiff bar and hit a 10kg gym PB, where technique wasn't all there and none of the above modalities is definitely something to smile about. ‚ûñ‚ûñ‚ûñ‚ûñ‚ûñ‚ûñ‚ûñ‚ûñ‚ûñ‚ûñ‚ûñ Further more, another mistake a lot of people make is basing their training weights in gym off their competition PBs. Doing this might have you grinding and missing reps mid cycle and it'll catch up and cook you pretty quick. ‚ûñ‚ûñ‚ûñ‚ûñ‚ûñ‚ûñ‚ûñ‚ûñ‚ûñ‚ûñ‚ûñ Train smart. Set realistic expectations. If you're unsure of what's realistic and what isn't, hit us up. We may be able to guide you in the right direction.
#adonisathleticscastlehill #powerlifting #deadlift #ipf #australianpowerliftingunion
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"Without a sense of caring, there can be no sense of community" ‚ûñ‚ûñ‚ûñ‚ûñ‚ûñ‚ûñ‚ûñ‚ûñ‚ûñ‚ûñ‚ûñ #tbt to earlier this year when we raised $40k for beyondblue.
A passion project that we've been running the last 3 years now.
... Be there to join us in next year's event. It's going to be big. ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ Regrann from @adonisathleticscastlehill - Deadlift For Dollars 2018 cheque has been drawn! * A total of $40,523 was raised from our Deadlift for Dollars event for @beyondblueofficial * This will be presented to one of the GM’s of Beyond Blue this Sunday at the NRL Beyondblue Cup. * This cheque signifies the efforts of everyone who came, donated & supported our event. This wouldn’t of been possible without you all. * Thankyou everyone for their patience & support. * Stay tuned for the handover. #adonisathleticscastlehill #beyondblue #deadliftfordollars #notweaktospeak
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Only 18 years of age with 240kg on his back and moves it faster than most would with an empty bar.
Coaching client and athlete Ewan Belgrove back to training after taking the gold medal at the recent IPF World Championships. We've just begun our prep for Nationals in October where we hope to put up a even bigger total than we did at Worlds.
What total do you think he will punch out at the APU Nationals?


We never have to look very far for inspiration, we have a heap of guys & girls under our roof who are inspiration to their peers without even realizing it.
Take James Hu aka @schoolboy_hu for example, this guy tore the miniscus in his right knee earlier this year on January 4th, but this was no cause to give up lifting or use it as an excuse to be a potato.
He got himself sorted with the help of @captaingingerbeardlifts aka Alex from Your Health Sport & Spine and got back on... track with a rehab program.
Having not seen Jimmy in the last 3 months whilst I was away, I've kept tabs on his training through social media and it's been awesome watching him make a come back from afar.
Finally caught up this morning in house and it was great to see him squatting with such confidence after being given the all clear to load up.
It was something special and if that's not enough to inspire you to kick Monday in the nuts then nothing will.
Hope everyone has a solid training week.
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Question time. What environment are you training in? When you smash a PB who are you surrounded by? The people training around you would you consider them family?
There are many factors that make up a great gym and here at @adonisathleticscastlehill we pride ourselves on having a family environment. Somewhere you can come on your worst day to feel your best. Somewhere you can be supported throughout your journey. Somewhere you can be challenge and pushed to be the best you ...can be. Somewhere where you leave smiling.
If this is something you’re unfamiliar with just watch this video of @theotherjonoray pulling his way into the 200kilo club and then watch the crew celebrating and congratulating him. If this isn’t something you are used to maybe you should pop in and gives us a visit to find out what it’s all about.
Well done Stingray, welcome to the club! #adonisathletics #adonisathleticspenrith #adonisathleticsgranville #adonisathleticscampbelltown #adonisathleticspaddington #wherethestrongbelong #powerlifting #strongman #weightlifting #family #crew #squat #bench #deadlift
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When the boys make it onto powerlifting motivation.
Regrann from @powerliftingmotivation - What’s going on here @carpo_strength @powerliftinglol - #adonisathleticscastlehill #adonisathletics #adonisathleticscampbelltown #adonisathleticspaddington #adonisathleticspenrith #powerliftingmotivation


When the boys make it onto powerlifting motivation.
Regrann from @powerliftingmotivation - What’s going on here @carpo_strength @powerliftinglol - #adonisathleticscastlehill #adonisathletics #adonisathleticscampbelltown #adonisathleticspaddington #adonisathleticspenrith #powerliftingmotivation


Adonis is more than just a gym. It has an excellent culture that makes all welcome. The coaches are very knowledgeable and can help novice and experienced lifters in equal measure. Would recommend Adonis 100%!


Adonis is more than just a gym. It has an excellent culture that makes all welcome. The coaches are very knowledgeable and can help novice and experienced lifters in equal measure. Would recommend Adonis 100%!


Adonis is more than just a gym. It has an excellent culture that makes all welcome. The coaches are very knowledgeable and can help novice and experienced lifters in equal measure. Would recommend Adonis 100%!

More about Adonis Athletics Castle Hill 24:7

Adonis Athletics Castle Hill 24:7 is located at 6/9 Salisbury Road Castle Hill 2154, Castle Hill, New South Wales, Australia 2154
Monday: 08:00 - 11:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 11:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 11:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 11:00
Friday: 08:00 - 11:00
Saturday: 07:30 - 10:00
Sunday: -