Ahl Albait Islamic Centre

About Ahl Albait Islamic Centre

We are an Islamic Community center based in Sydney, Australia.
Like our page to keep up to date with programs and events.

Ahl Albait Islamic Centre Description

Al Salam Alikom / Peace be upon you.

We are a large Muslim community center, located in Sydney, Australia.
The mosque was established in 1996, and underwent some major renovations in 2012.
The Centre is open for All Daily Prays (Fajr, Duhur + Asr & Magrib + Isha)
we have week programs of Saturday Islamic classes for school students and also Koran classes on Tuesdays.
We have the weekly Friday sermon which is held at noon.
The major events are the Koran recitations during Ramadan, and the commemoration of Imam Husein's martyrdom during Ashura.
We are happy to answer any more question that you may have, please messages if you do have anything to ask.



What has Deceived you about your Generous Lord يا أَيُّهَا الإِنسانُ ما غَرَّكَ بِرَبِّكَ الكَريمِ


Eid Prayer: Wednesday, 8:30am. Eid Mubarak to you all. صلاة العيد: الاربعاء ٨:٣٠ صبحاً. كل عام وانتم بخير.


Submit to Allah (SWT) - Sheikh Nami Farhat


يدعوكم مركز اهل البيت الاسلامي الأسترالي لإقامة اعمال يوم عرفة المبارك يوم الثلاثاء المصادف ٢١/٨ بعد صلاتي الظهرين مباشرةً بزيارة الامام الحسين يوم عرفة وبنعي قصير على مصيبة مسلم ابن عقيل من سماحة الشيخ حيدر ناجي الصمياني ومن ثم دعاء الحسين (ع) يوم عرفة. سوف يكون هناك عرض باللغتين العربية والانگليزية على شاشات معزولة للنساء والرجال.


هدية استغفار الامام الجواد - شيخ حيدر الصمياني
استغفر الله الذي لا اله الا هو الحي القيوم الرحمن الرحيم ذو الجلال والاكرام بديع السماوات والارض من جميع ظلمي وجرمي واسرافي على نفسي واتوب اليه.


Find Yourself - Sheikh Nami Farhat The Chosen Death series


Why do we perform Hajj? - Sheikh Nami Farhat The Chosen Death series


We are overwhelmed with the number of entries received. All the students who participated are deserving of praise. Thank you for taking effort in putting up such wonderful work. May the Imam (a.s) Himself be your reward inshAllah. The submissions have made the decision for the judges very difficult and challenging. ... We hope to announce the results on Saturday 21/7/18. Stay tuned!
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For ABIC school students, ONLY!


Ahl Albait Islamic Centre would like to announce that Eid (al Fitr) prayer will be held on Friday 8 AM for those who follow the rulings of Maraji who believe in the "unified horizon".
For followers of other Maraji please wait for confirmation about Eid prayers.


MashaAllah I'm not in Australia but I always follow your programs and posts, InshaAllah please be sharing all your programs on YouTube so we will be watching till we get to Aussie InshaAllah. May Allah bless your effort and grant you love from Ahlulbayt (AS) May Imam Mahdi accepts your service.


MashaAllah I'm not in Australia but I always follow your programs and posts, InshaAllah please be sharing all your programs on YouTube so we will be watching till we get to Aussie InshaAllah. May Allah bless your effort and grant you love from Ahlulbayt (AS) May Imam Mahdi accepts your service.

More about Ahl Albait Islamic Centre

Ahl Albait Islamic Centre is located at 29 A Queen Street, Auburn, New South Wales 2144