Anne Pieters - Naturopath, Kinesiologist, Bowen Technique, Kyogle.

Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: -

About Anne Pieters - Naturopath, Kinesiologist, Bowen Technique, Kyogle.

Utilising naturopathy and kinesiology to restore the body and mind to health and wellness.

Anne Pieters - Naturopath, Kinesiologist, Bowen Technique, Kyogle. Description

I operated the Kyogle Natural Health Clinic from March 1989 prior to moving to Mackay in August 2004. I have been working from my home since then.
My interest in the natural therapies world began when I found myself as a young Mother who not only suffered migraines but also had sons that suffered from allergies, ear infections and asthma. Not able to get satisfactory help with orthodox medicine in those days studying naturopathy was my only option or so it seemed.
After becoming a naturopath I have continued to study Kinesiology, Homoeopathy and Bowen technique as I was always searching for more answers.



I will be taking a break from 10th July to 1st August. No more appointments available now till 1st August but feel free to message to make an appointment for August.


Appointments for naturopathy, kinesiology, live blood screening or Bowen now available Wednesday afternoon. Nearly 30 years experience. Registered for health fund rebates. PM me to book appointments Wednesday or to book a time.


Allergies. This week May 13th to 19th is food allergy awareness week.
Does your pet, pollens, grasses or dust, or food send you into a sneezing frenzy, headachy, bloated, itchy skin or eyes etc? If so you may have an allergic condition such as hayfever, asthma, eczema, or food allergies. This happens as your body sees these as harmful agents known as allergens, your immune system then releases histamines. Histamines job is to muscle out of your body the allergen by any means ...possible. This may include runny nose, itchy swollen eyes, constricted airways, bloating and diarrhea, or skin reactions etc. Why the body produces extra histamine (hence people often take anti histamine medications) can be a variety of factors such as inflammation in the digestive tract, damage to the digestive tract : a condition often referred to as leaky gut. An imbalance of good and bad bacteria in the intestinal system. A holistic approach to treating allergies therefore utilises herbs and nutrients, diet and lifestyle to help repair the gut, improve your ability to tolerate allergens and reduce reactive symptoms. Ayurvedic herbs, quercetin, bromelains, avoiding processed sugars and fats as well as medicinal mushrooms can all be useful in treating allergies. I offer allergy testing along with holistic treatment programs so that you can once again enjoy life without all the symptoms of allergies. Feel free to contact me for more information.
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Apologies to those people I seem to be talking a long time to reply to. Lately our internet seems to be out a lot. It is an Activ8me problem not us and unfortunately it is our means of communication as we also use wifi calling. Hoping all the mothers out there are having a relaxed day with the family.


Bowen is a simple non invasive technique that can work wonders.


Starfruit or Carambola.
At the moment we have a glut of starfruit which has led me to seek what to do with so much fruit. Starfruit is probably one of the most nutritious of the tropical fruit. They are low in calories 31 calories per 100gm. They contain a dietary fibre that helps protect the mucous membrane of the colon from toxic substances.... Starfruit have a high content of vitamin C and B vitamins. They contain Potassium, Zinc and Iron all important for healthy cell regeneration and stabilizing the heart rate and blood pressure. Starfruit are known to help combat hangovers and help prevent morning sickness in pregnancy. They are very refreshing sliced and eaten when fully ripe. We have been juicing with apples, watermelon, citrus, pears and apple mint . I find a little bit of other fruit adds to the flavour. We have dried them made cakes and a jam with ginger and cardamom. Good also for chutneys. If you are wondering on a backyard fruit tree why not consider a carambola.
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Back at work after a refreshing week away. I have only 1 spot available this week on Thursday at 12.45pm. Still spaces available next week.


I will not be available next week for appointments due to being able to enjoy a week with grandchildren. Back on deck Monday 30th April. Feel free to message for appointments or other enquires during this time.


Spaces now available tomorrow morning. Contact me to book a time.


Detoxify and cleanse. Detoxification is a process that your body undertakes every day to help eliminate toxins and restore a healthy balance. We are constantly exposed to toxins even just walking down the main street of Kyogle. (car exhaust fumes etc). Pesticides, chemicals in our foods, alcohol, smoking, diets high in saturated fats, refined carbs etc. Detoxifying can help you look and feel even healthier. Some things that may indicate a need to detoxify include digestive co...mplaints, skin ailments, hormonal imbalances, poor energy, weight gain or difficulty shedding weight, food intolerances. A detox should not make you feel unwell it should gently help ease the burden of the toxic load. it does need a good diet of fruits and vegetables, low in animal fats and alkalising and anti inflammatory foods along with appropriate herbs to stimulate the liver, regulate healthy digestion and heal the gut. Feel free to contact me for more information.
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Wishing all clients,family and friends a happy, healthy and safe Easter.


Further to the 2 recent articles I wrote here on magnesium and vitamin D. 2 of the most frequent nutritional deficiencies.


With Easter approaching next weekend spaces are filling up. However there is still spaces Monday 11am, Tuesday 2.15pm, Wednesday 10.30am and Thursday at 12.30pm. Pm or phone to book a spot.


Here is an article about Bowen Therapy. Bowen is a technique which works slowly but surely. For best results we have 3 treatments with a week in between. It is always nice to have a drink of water and go for a walk after a Bowen treatment.


Sitting in the Crowne Plaza in Surfers Paradise attending a seminar on allergies.


Vitamin D the Sunshine Vitamin With plenty of sun you would think why Vitamin D deficiency. Simple we all use sunblock or cover our skin so as not to burn. Then we run inside when it gets to hot, or we work indoors. It is estimated that 73%of adults are deficient in vitamin D. Dietary sources of vitamin D are limited to egg yolks, and oily fish mostly.... Vitamin D is important in helping keep our immune systems healthy, reducing colds and flus, as well as helping manage more serious auto immune conditions. It also helps absorption of calcium so helps keep our bones strong. Low levels of D have also been associated with some cancers and other chronic conditions including cardiovascular disease and diabetes. It may even help support your mood and be beneficial for depression. Often it is easier and safer to supplement as being outdoors can expose us to UV rays that can pose more harm than good. If taking a supplement it is important to be a good quality as being a fat they are exposed to oxidation and prone to deterioration. So you need a quality vitamin D with proven stability. If you opt to get from sun you need to make sure your arms and shoulders are not covered and the best rays for sun are 11 am to 3pm approx. Make sure not to stay out to long at a time. Contact me for more information.
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Have you been doing your yoga lately. Personally I prefer Pilates but may need to do more downward dog poses. Researchers recruited women over age 60 who had practiced yoga for at least 8 years and compared them to women who had not practiced yoga. All participants were scanned using MRIs and the yogis had significantly greater thickness in the region of the brain responsible for attention and memory. Results show the ability of yoga to change the structure of the brain and protect cognitive function into old age.

More about Anne Pieters - Naturopath, Kinesiologist, Bowen Technique, Kyogle.

Anne Pieters - Naturopath, Kinesiologist, Bowen Technique, Kyogle. is located at Green Pigeon, Kyogle, New South Wales 2474
Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: -