Anzjuli Venter

About Anzjuli Venter

Anzjuli Venter is a South African born, Aussie raised actor, musical theater performer, singer, director and writer.
Anzjuli is based in Sydney and professionally represented.




Back on set for Acting Investigations!


We've officially begun filming "Acting Investigations" and what a journey it's been thus far!
I'm really enjoying the positive energy on set - this is me, end of day 3, I got a bit cut up and dirty but hey, all in a days work!
Check out our official facebook page Acting Investigations and our insta account of the same name and give us a like! We need your community support!!
... Thank you! <3
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Super happy to be the 'leading lady' in this add! 😉 It came out beautifully and the cast and crew was so lovely!


18 days till filming starts! Aaaah! Exciting times! This journey has taught me so much! Power. Tenacity. Team work!
If you haven't yet liked our Insta and fb pages what are you waiting for! 'Acting Investigations' is waiting for you! Connect to the new kids on the block!


Excited and feeling pumped today! Havin a whole lot of Faith as I take my first big step into making my webseries! Set to shoot in 3 weeks!
💜 Keep dancing towards your goals! 💚


I feel as though people get this a lot when I'm around. I'll laugh about something completely innocent and their all like "why is she laughing at me?!"


The older I become the more I realise just how much control I have over my life. How much I can say 'yes' or 'no'. How I can carve my own path. Make my own decisions. Envision my work and make it happen. But I also learn that you always need a team to help bring any idea to fruition! So today I take time out to say thank you to all the teams over the years who have supported, helped me and put up with my stress rants. Thank you! I wouldn't be here without you. And for my current team - bless your hearts!! You're my precious!!! 😚


Ready to rock and roll this week despite the cold! Making your own work is challenging, that's an understatement, but I think it also makes you very proud and give you a sense of self-fulfilliment, you are taking destiny into your own hands.
ROCK ON all you arty kids. Rock on.


Making dreams happen! The amazing AI team! Held auditions this week and by Goerge there's some fab talent in Sydney! Cant wait to cast and get my baby 'Acting Investigations' up and running!


Had the joy to be a part of this production entitled 'The Holy Grail'.
Check out my fight scene and enjoy the story 💚
Have a great long weekend everyone!
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Go You! You can do it! 😊


May the gift giving begin! Have a wonderful weekend you'll! 😚


Aaaaand thats a WRAP on 'Its all about Toby'
Awesome work team! Goodbye for now sweeties in Melbourne. I'll be baaack! 😉


80's glam rock music video done and dusted for the short film 'All about Toby'.


Had a wonderful time performing as the 'token white chick' for some fun Bollywood dance performances! I kid I kid!! 😋
I performed 5 dances, 2 Kathak (an indian classical dance) and 3 Bollywood!
I love not just being an 'actor' but a dancer, singer and artist too! More tools in my toolkit 😊


My new showreel is up and I'm very proud and excited to share it with you all!
Check it out here!


Check out my latest vid now -


It's a hit in more ways than one! Jg&t=2s

More about Anzjuli Venter

Anzjuli Venter is located at Sydney, Australia