Armidale Courthouse Trust

About Armidale Courthouse Trust

We aim to create a hub for arts and culture in the old Armidale Courthouse and a legal museum housed in the Sheriffs Office

Armidale Courthouse Trust Description

DRAFT Proposal to:
Preserve the Fabric and History of the Old Armidale Court House
Establish an Arts and Cultural Hub and Performance /Exhibition Space in the Building

Site overview

The building has been well maintained, there are no urgent works pending
Ten large offices and the main court room
Large forecourt area open to the south
Minor rooms include male and female toilets, 3 other toilets old cells and store rooms
Access from Moore St, Faulkner St and Beardy St
Category 5 computer cabling throughout and multiple optic fibre lines installed
Reverse cycle fully ducted air conditioning
Prime position for public access
Iconic recognition status
Some off street parking
Large entry forecourt for public events
Access to the Mall for extended outdoor events

Arts Hub and Performance /Exhibition Space
Armidale has a long history of excellence in the performing arts. In order to capitalise on and develop this cluster of talent and expertise we believe that a Hub for the performing arts is essential. The creation of similar centres for fine arts and music have not only increased interest in those artistic pursuits but have attracted teaching expertise and created extraordinary opportunities for young people seeking arts based careers or simply the significant personal development afforded by the performance arts.
In 1983 The New England Regional Art Museum opened the doors to its home in Kentucky Street
In 1999 Armidale became the Third City of The Arts.
In 2005 The New England Conservatorium Of Music was established in the Old Armidale Teachers College.
It is now time to create a permanent Arts Hub for Armidale
An Arts Hub will:
Promote artistic excellence and professionalism
Provide training and support for individuals and groups
Provide an affordable, accessible, intimate and flexible performance and exhibition space.

This submission has two major objectives:
Preserving the historic building and its long history and making it accessible to the public.
As a focal point for creative projects, performances, exhibitions and displays in the city.
The main courtroom would make an ideal performance space, with an estimated audience capacity of 120 it could be used by the wider community at a reasonable rental rate for theatre, dance and music recitals as well as exhibitions, seminars and product launches.
It is important to note that the building could be put to immediate rudimentary use ie no reliance on fund raising before opening the doors to the public.
This proposal does not seek to compete with the Civic Precinct project but rather looks forward to the creation of those dedicated theatre spaces that will showcase the developing talent nurtured by an arts hub.
Business Plan
The project aims to be self sustaining in the long term but will need to seek grants and community donations for the refurbishment that underpins the business plan.
To sustain the building, its maintenance and the arts hub in the long term several income streams are proposed.
The Old Courthouse has 10 'office spaces' 4 of which could be rented to businesses, NGOs or professionals using a shared services /facilities model that could be readily provided in the building.
The Old Sheriff's Office could serve as a legal museum plus further NGO space
A well appointed piano bar in Court no. 2 opening onto the western garden area.
An art-house cinema
A regular performance space for contemporary music
Regular drama, seminars, exhibitions and recitals
Schools would be invited to stage their productions in this space

The iconic nature of the building and its central location make it a desirable target for corporate sponsorship

Income and expenditure estimates are included at appendix A

Possible Legal Structure
A public building of such high community and historical value should remain publicly owned, while ongoing management of the site should be vested in a not for profit legal entity, possibly 'The Armidale Courthouse Trust'.

Possible stewards:
Armidale Dumaresq Council
The University of New England
The National Trust

Possible structure of the ACT (a suitable acronym in every way)
A constitution which lays out the aims and objectives
A management committee with oversight of the project.
Permanent seat on the committee for the organisation that exercises stewardship of the site
An Executive Officer with an Arts and business background
Elected committee members

Changes To The Building
While the preservation of the building and its history is of great importance the change of use would require some renovation and and equipment installation.
The following is an indicative but not exhaustive list of preservation and changes.
Demolition of the two client interview room constructed in the 1970s creating a larger space in the main court room
Refurbish the existing court room 2 to create a piano bar
Create better access to the western garden as an outdoor area serviced by the catering facilities
Create disabled access to toilets
Install a catering area behind the piano bar to the north
Remove the carved coat of arms and other significant pieces from the main courtroom to be displayed in the legal museum.
Create a reception area and history room to contain and display as much of the original furniture and historic documents as possible. The current reception area on the south east of the building is a likely location.
Use as much of the main court room furniture as will suit the change of use purpose.
Maintain as far as possible all the original doors, windows, skirting and architrave.
Install 6-8 removable lighting bars in the main courtroom using winches installed and concealed in the roof space
Install lighting and control equipment
Install a sound system to suit a variety of performances
Install an intercom system
Install a large concealable projection screen in the main court room
Possible upgrade of power to the building to accommodate larger loads from lighting and cooking equipment
Create dressing rooms and a green room that could double as a conference room.
Create secure private areas for tenants and performers.
Install as many PV panels as possible.
Upgrade fire equipment to suit new purpose

More about Armidale Courthouse Trust

Armidale Courthouse Trust is located at 207 Chinamans Gully Rd, Metz, New South Wales, Australia 2350