Asia Pacific Solidarity Network

About Asia Pacific Solidarity Network

The Asia Pacific Solidarity Network (APSN) is a network of activists who are building solidarity with and support for movements for social justice, genuine democratisation and self-determination around the Asia Pacific region.

Asia Pacific Solidarity Network Description

What is APSN?

The Asia Pacific Solidarity Network (APSN) is a network of activists around Australia who are building solidarity with and support for movements for social justice, genuine democratisation and self-determination around the Asia Pacific region.

Key APSN policies include:

* Opposing Australian intervention into Asia Pacific countries aimed at strengthening the imposition of neo-liberal and austerity policies by the IMF, World Bank and transnational corporations

* Opposing all Australian support for, and links with, repressive regimes in the Asia Pacific region

* Building support for the progressive and radical movements in Asia Pacific countries that are fighting for genuine democracy, social justice and economic sovereignty, in particular the People's Liberation Party (PPR, Indonesia), the Socialist Party of Timor (PST, East Timor), the National and the Malaysian Socialist Party (PSM, Malaysia).

* Opposing all attempts by the Australian government to shirk its responsibility for dealing with refugee flows and shift it to Australia's poorer neighbours, such as Indonesia and East Timor

* Opposing Australian collaboration with the US in any military or other actions subversive of the sovereignty of the peoples of the Asia and Pacific, starting with opposing Australian support and training for Indonesia's military, particularly it's abusive Kopassus Special Forces and Detachment 88 anti-terrorist unit, Australian support for the US war in Afghanistan and calling for an end to the ANZUS alliance and US bases in Australia

* Building support for progressive organisations and movements working in areas currently being targeted by the US and /or Australia, starting with Afghanistan, Pakistan and Palestine

* Working to build links with, and generate support for, all organisations in the Asia Pacific area who are fighting against neo-liberal globalisation and US and allied military interventions in the region.