Australian And New Zealand Bone And Mineral Society

About Australian And New Zealand Bone And Mineral Society

ANZBMS is a collegiate organisation for scientists and clinicians involved in bone and mineral metabolism research in Australia and New Zealand.



Last day to submit abstracts for the ANZBMS ASM! Conference program is up on the website alongside the many social functions that are being held during the conference, make sure to have a look when registering! nference-program/ cial-functions/


Abstracts for the 28th annual scientific meeting of the ANZBMS have been extended until Friday the 8th of June! The ASM will be held in Queenstown from the 2nd to the 5th of September 2018. Register for the conference as well as the social functions for both students and senior researchers.


Shout out to all our Early Career Investigators! Jump on over to the ANZBMS Early Career Investigator Facebook group, and JOIN to stay connected with your fellow Early Career Investigators!
Who is an Early Career Investigator (ECI)? Anyone who is currently undertaking a higher degree or current researcher within 10 years from the award of a PhD or MD.


Conference week is here, the inaugural combined meeting of the ANZBMS and IFMRS, in conjunction with JSBMR begins this Saturday June 17th. Registration is still available through the website and abstracts for the meeting are now accessible online. ion_Highlights


ANZBMS Early Career Researcher Committee presents: "It's Going Tibia Alright: Surviving and making the most of your first postdoctoral position"
A panel of mid- and senior-career researchers sharing their career journey and answering your questions on the important issues we face as early career investigators. Our panel:
Prof Sakae Tanaka, University of Tokyo Hospital... Dr Paul Baldock, Garvan Institute of Medical Research Dr Belinda Beck, Griffith University A/Prof Rachel Davey, University of Melbourne Prof Jillian Cornish, University of Auckland
This session is an excellent opportunity for early career investigators and students to engage with experienced researchers in an informal setting.
Come and visit us at the ANZBMS Early Career Investigators stall to submit your question! You can ask the panel your questions directly during the session or we will ask them on your behalf (anonymously)!
All early career investigators are welcome and encouraged to attend! That is all current higher degree students or researchers within 10 years of attaining a PhD/MD. If you do not fit this category but would still like to attend, please feel free to come along!
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Exhibition Arena, Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre
The Welcome Function is a fantastic opportunity for delegates to catch up with old friends from past conferences. This is also a great networking opportunity for students and the trade.
To register, access your dashboard and select the 'Welcome Function' add-on.
... Cost: Included with registration Additional ticket: $60.00
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Boulevard Room, Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre
The Conference Dinner is without a doubt the social highlight of the conference. With entertainment by Magic Carpet Ride, a 3 course meal and drinks included, this is an event not to miss. So dress up, bring your best dance moves and groove your way into the wee hours of the morning.
To register, access your dashboard and select the 'Conference Dinner' add-on.
... Cost: $50.00 (with regsitration) Additional Ticket: $110.00
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An informal meet and greet for all members of the ANZBMS to interact, share their research and ideas, and join in some games with prizes to be won.
Aussie BBQ and Drinks are included.
To register, access your dashboard and select 'Meeting of the Minds' Networking Function' add-on.
... Cost: $55.00 Student/ECR cost: $25.00
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The countdown is on until the inaugural combined meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Bone and Mineral Society (ANZBMS) and the International Federation of Musculoskeletal Research Societies (IFMRS), in conjunction with the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research (JSBMR). Don't miss out on exciting events held during the conference including the Bones and Brews: Meeting of the Minds BBQ on Monday 19th June 2017 from 7:00pm - 10:00pm This informal meet and greet for all ANZBMS and IFMRS members will allow interaction between societies, sharing of research and ideas, and games with prizes to be won. Held at Soleil Bar at Rydges, South Bank, this is an event not to be missed. More information on the conference website.


Dear Colleagues and Friends,
We live in an age where opinions can be easily and widely broadcast both through conventional and social media. Few would debate the importance of freedom of speech but free speech comes with a responsibility for its consequences. Opinions expressed by prominent personalities not based on evidence can be widely disseminated and accepted as fact – but may be erroneous, and even potentially harmful.
Recently, celebrity chef Pete Evans gave his opin...ion on dietary calcium and bone health, particularly when calcium is obtained from dairy foods. Mr Evans is reported as saying that “calcium from dairy can remove the calcium from your bones", and can worsen osteoporosis (reported by the Sydney Morning Herald, the Guardian, ABC, and other news outlets; and more recently broadcast on the programme Sunday Night (26 March 2017) seen by 1.4 million Australians). Mr Evans does not have either medical or scientific qualifications; and the Australian Medical Association has expressed grave concerns that Mr Evans is disseminating misinformation and by so doing may endanger lives (…/ama-accu ses-pete-evans-of-end…).
The Australian and New Zealand Bone and Mineral Society, Osteoporosis Australia and the Endocrine Society of Australia collectively reject Mr Evans’ nutritional views on calcium, particularly his opinion of the effect of dairy foods upon bone health. In 2009 we published a joint position statement on Calcium and Bone Health (…/issu…/190_0 6_160309/san10083_fm.pdf). In 2016 we issued a joint statement reinforcing the importance of calcium in bone health throughout life and reassuring men and women with osteopaenia or osteoporosis that a good dairy intake does not have adverse consequences upon bone health ( he-benefits-of-diet…).
Today, and with the help of Prof Kerrie Sanders, we have published a piece on The Conversation ( -do-our-bones-get-c…) providing further information about calcium, bone health, and dairy foods. We are motivated by our desire that the Australian public receive scientific facts, not by conspiracy with big business or pharma, and this article has not been sponsored by the dairy or any other industry. We hope this will be useful not only for men and women with osteoporosis but also for the general community.
Emma Duncan, President, Australian and New Zealand Bone and Mineral Society Warrick Inder, President, Endocrine Society of Australia Peter Ebeling, Medical Director, Osteoporosis Australia
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The Programme and Local Organising Committee Chairs, and the Presidents of the IFMRS, ANZBMS and JSBMR, extend their warmest invitation for you to attend the inaugural combined meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Bone and Mineral Society (ANZBMS) and the International Federation of Musculoskeletal Research Societies (IFMRS), in conjunction with the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research (JSBMR).
This exciting international meeting will be held in Brisbane, Australia, over 17-21 June 2017. Following the conference, you and your family will have all of Queensland to explore or if you only have a day before your flight, perhaps just going whale watching on Moreton Bay, where the Brisbane River enters the sea.


The Programme and Local Organising Committee Chairs, and the Presidents of the Endocrine Society of Australia, the Society for Reproductive Biology and the Australian and New Zealand Bone and Mineral Society extend their warmest invitation for you to attend the combined Annual Scientific Meetings at the popular Gold Coast Convention Centre from 21-24 August.
The programme organising committee consists of members from all three societies and endeavours to present you with the ...latest and most exciting data from these respective fields with a range of international and national leading speakers. The benefits of this large scale collaborative meeting include: broader content areas, efficiency in meeting attendance and costs for delegates and trade partners, a more diverse variety of sessions, and increased attendees.
Our scientific programme includes invited plenary presentations, symposia and seminars, meet-the-professor sessions, basic and clinical abstract presentations, young investigator awards, and interactive poster sessions. Our speakers are drawn from a truly international profile, with themes in contemporary endocrine, reproductive and musculoskeletal science.
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On behalf of the Australia and New Zealand Bone & Mineral Society, it is my great pleasure to invite you to attend our 24th Annual Scientific Meeting to be held from Sunday, 7 September to Wednesday 10 September, 2014, in Queenstown, New Zealand.
As in previous years, we will endeavour to present you with the latest in clinical and basic bone and mineral research. The programme committee will be chaired by Ian Reid and Jill Cornish, and I am confident that the 2014 programme ...
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More about Australian And New Zealand Bone And Mineral Society

Australian And New Zealand Bone And Mineral Society is located at 145 Macquarie Street, Sydney, Australia 2000
+61 2 9256 5461