Australian And New Zealand Endocrine Surgeons

About Australian And New Zealand Endocrine Surgeons

ANZES is a society of specialist surgeons that aims to achieve the highest standards in the practice of endocrine surgery.



Did you know?
Future metastasis in pheochromocytoma are associated with - age <35 - tumour >6cm... - tumour producing only noradrenline, and - extra-adrenal location.
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Dr Geoff Thompson (Mayo Clinic, Rochester) describes the deleterious effects of aldosterone excess on cardiac function. IAES post graduate course, Greece 2018


Reassuring evidence that we can follow TgAb as a surrogate tumour marker in our differentiated thyroid cancer patients with elevated antibodies after total thyroidectomy.


Disease progression in microPTC is associated with younger age. Prof Akira Miyauchi IAES Postgraduate course, Athens Greece 2018.


Trans oral thyroid surgery experience from Thailand. Ketwong presenting at IAES Postgraduate course, Athens Greece 2018.


Desmoplastic stromal reaction in medullary thyroid cancer predicts lymph node metastasis. Bruno Niederle, IAES Postgraduate course, Athens 2018.

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