Australian Muslim Marriage

About Australian Muslim Marriage

'AMM' is dedicated in providing Islamic Marriage Services under the direction of eminent sheikhs in our community (Sydney, NSW, Australia).

Australian Muslim Marriage Description

We aim at strengthening the muslim family through this noble act.

Allah has created man and woman to accompny each other, so that they can procreate and live in peace and tranquility according to the commandments of Allah and the directions of His Messenger.

The Qur'an says: "And Allah has made for you your mates of your own nature, and made for you, out of them, sons and daughters and grandchildren, and provided for you sustenance of the best. " [Noble Quran 16: 72]

"And among His signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that you may dwell in tranquillity with them, and He has put love and mercy between your hearts. Undoubtedly in these are signs for those who reflect. " [Noble Quran 30: 21]

"O you young men! Whoever is able to marry should marry, for that will help him to lower his gaze and guard his modesty. " [Al-Bukhari]

We are dedicated in providing Islamic Marriage Services under the direction of eminent sheikhs in our community (Sydney, Australia). Our main aim is to help our brothers and sisters in finding a suitable spouse to complete half of their deen, InshaAllah.

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Things to know before posting a comment on AMM:

1. Do not talk directly to someone. Please involve your wali (guardian).
2. Do not put your mobile number on the AMM page
3. Maintain Islamic Adab






Today is Arafah. Are you fasting?


As Salamu Alaikum,
We at Australian Muslim Marriage are constantly trying to help our Muslim brothers and sisters in getting married. If you are still looking to get married, this opportunity is for you.
We can provide you with direct contact details (email IDs) of users you prefer. There is a fee, which comes with it. If you are looking for upto 3 emails - $24.99, upto 7 emails - $54.99, upto 10 emails - $69.99.
... Step 1: You can make a PayPal payment of any amount mentioned above on: Step 2: Email (mentioned at the bottom) us with the PayPal transaction number, along with the type of partner you are looking for. Please mention: Gender, Age, Marital Status, Location.
We have a database of thousands of users but if we are unable to provide the details, we will refund you the full amount. Though, we do not take any guarantee that the user will reply, but alhumdulilah all email IDs will be authentic. Also, if you find that an email is not authentic, please email us and we will send you another one.
May Allāh bless you and reward you for choosing the halal way.
Your brother in Islam.
Br. Tayyib Australian Muslim Marriage - Sydney, Australia Website: Email:
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I wish I could see the days when purity takes leadership and filth gets demolished..... what a joyous day it would be indeed. I think I’ll be celebrating every single day! In shaa Allah. 🤲




Forgive people and move forward. – Don’t live your life with hate in your heart. You will end up hurting yourself more than the people you hate. Forgiveness is not saying, “What you did to me is okay.” It is saying, “I’m not going to let what you did to me ruin my happiness forever.” Forgiveness is the remedy. It doesn’t mean you’re erasing the past, or forgetting what happened. It means you’re letting go of the resentment and pain, and instead choosing to learn from the incident and move on with your life. Remember, the less time you spend hating the people who hurt you, the more time you’ll have to love the people who love you.


Learn and recite: 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud (May Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (ﷺ) used to say: "Allahumma inni as'alukal-huda wat- tuqa wal-'afafa wal-ghina (O Allah! I ask You for guidance, piety, chastity and self- sufficiency)". . Riyad as-Saliheen Arabic/English book reference: Book 1, Hadith 71


Unable to give birth? Read what the Qur’ān says:
Allaah (the Mighty and Glorious) says, “I (Nooh) said (to them): ‘Ask forgiveness from your Lord, verily, He is Oft-Forgiving. He will send rain to you in abundance, and give you increase in wealth and children, and bestow on you gardens and bestow on you rivers.’” [Nooh 71:10-12]


Let go of your grudges. Let the bitterness die tonight. Make a decision today that it’s time to move forward. And begin again. New, this time. Never forget that what has passed you by was never meant to befall you. And what has befallen you, was never meant to pass you by. Know that sometimes Allah withholds from you, in order to give you something better. Keep your heart focused on Him, and He will take care of the rest. And remember: you will stumble, but that’s part of the path. Keep going. Keep rising, and refuse to give up. 🌹 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم، بارك الله فيكم


When we think of a religious person who Allāh loves, we tend to think of a man who has a beard, wears an 'imama and a jubba, always lives in the mosque, constantly prays, fasts and recites the Qur'an.
But you know who we tend to forget that Allāh loves?
▪The mother who manages to get up for Fajr despite sleeping less than an hour because her baby was up all night. ... ▪The young person who is fighting depression but still musters the strength to get through the day because of a belief that he has in Allāh. ▪The woman who has to hurry through her prayer because her little one is crying. ▪The man who lays down the mat and prostates whilst at work. ▪The lady who wears the hijab correctly in public despite the pressures. ▪The student who lowers his gaze in an environment in college and university because he is conscious of Allāh. ▪The individual who wants to fast throughout the month but his medical situation doesn't allow it. ▪The one who leaves the house in the morning to earn halal so he can feed the family and look after the kids. ▪The guy who leaves what he used to do because it was wrong and returns to Allāh in remorse such that he often feels down. ▪The one who can barely recite a page of the Qur'an and doesn't have a great voice but still sits there and tries. ▪The people who didn't know anything about religion until later on in life but still have the power to humble themselves and seek knowledge.
Piety has many forms and comes in different shapes
If you are obeying Allāh in whichever way you can, then be pleased and know that Allāh loves you. Something small for one man is like climbing a steep mountain for another, and Allāh knows that. He won't let the tears, the tiredness, the effort, the good intentions and the striving go to waste.
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If the West is going to insist that Muslims should be prevented from wearing "religious clothing" (niqab, hijab) in public spaces, like classrooms, then they might as well insist that Muslims - men and women - go around buck naked because everything we wear is religiously prescribed.
We shouldn't secularise the hijab by calling it "religious clothing". It is no more "religious" than a man's shirt or trousers. The hijab is simply a suitable covering to fulfill the Islamic stan...dards of public decency. Covering the awrah is religious, not the item of clothing.
- Sister Zara
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"By the sun and its radiant brightness; By the moon as she follows him." (91:1-2)
What! are you the more difficult to create, Or the heaven (above)? (Allah) has constructed it; On high has He raised its canopy and He has given it order and perfection; Its night does He endow with darkness and its splendor does He bring out (with light). (79:27-29)


Narrated 'Aisha : In the life-time of Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) the sun eclipsed, so he led the people in prayer, and stood up and performed a long Qiyam, then bowed for a long while. He stood up again and performed a long Qiyam but this time the period of standing was shorter than the first. He bowed again for a long time but shorter than the first one, then he prostrated and prolonged the prostration. He did the same in the second Raka as he did in the first and then finish...ed the prayer; by then the sun (eclipse) had cleared. He delivered the Khutba (sermon) and after praising and glorifying Allah he said, "The sun and the moon are two signs against the signs of Allah; they do not eclipse on the death or life of anyone. So when you see the eclipse, remember Allah and say Takbir, pray and give Sadaqa." The Prophet then said, "O followers of Muhammad! By Allah! There is none who has more ghaira (self-respect) than Allah as He has forbidden that His slaves, male or female commit adultery (illegal sexual intercourse). O followers of Muhammad! By Allah! If you knew that which I know you would laugh little and weep much.
Sahih Bukhari
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Never miss your prayer.


O Allah....


Your shroud (kafan) might have already hit the market.
Fear death, ask for forgiveness and obey Allah.


Dawud on Divorce: The worst men divorce their wives for trivial reasons.
Raja’ reported: Dawud ibn Abi Hind, may Allah have mercy on him, said, “I sat with the learned jurists and I found my religion with them. I sat with the preachers and I found softness in my heart. I sat with the elders of people and I found manhood among them. I sat with the worst of people and I found that one of them would divorce his wife for an offense that does not even amount to a hair.”
Source: al...-Mujālasah wa Jawāhir al-‘Ilm 485
عَنْ رَجَاءٍ عَنْ دَاوُدَ بْنِ أَبِي هِنْدٍ قَالَ رحمه الله جَالَسْتُ الْفُقَهَاءَ فَوَجَدْتُ دِينِي عِنْدَهُمْ وَجَالَسْتُ أَصْحَابَ الْمَوَاعِظِ فَوَجَدْتُ الرِّقَّةَ فِي قَلْبِي وَجَالَسْتُ كِبَارَ النَّاسِ فَوَجَدْتُ الْمُرُوءَةَ فِيهِمْ وَجَالَسْتُ شِرَارَ النَّاسِ فَوَجَدْتُ أَحَدَهُمْ يُطَلِّقُ امْرَأَتَهُ عَلَى شَيْءٍ لَا يُسَاوِي شَعِيرَةً
485 المجالسة وجواهر العلم
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Asalam aleykum

I just wanted to say I need a Muslim

Girl that can be my other half i will make her happy InshaAllah

I don't care if she is ugly or beautiful

I just want her to love me for the sake of Allah

More about Australian Muslim Marriage

Australian Muslim Marriage is located at PO BOX 308, Lakemba, New South Wales, Australia 2195