Baptist Churches Nsw & Act

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Baptist Churches Nsw & Act

The NSW and ACT Baptist Association exists to advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word, deed and sign, through interdependent partnerships.

Baptist Churches Nsw & Act Description

OUR PURPOSE IS: The NSW and ACT Baptist Association exists to advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word, deed and sign, through interdependent partnerships.

Christ centred
• Enjoying a dynamic relationship with Jesus
• Relying on the Bible as foundational to shaping our understanding of Christ, our
faith and the world
• Being led and empowered by the Spirit to live a life of worship
• Believing God is able to do more than we ask or imagine

Mission Shaped
• Committed to the announcement and demonstration of the universal reign of God through Christ
• Motivated by love for God and others
• Seeing lives, communities and society transformed
• Biasing our resources toward mission, both locally and globally

Relationally committed
• Serving each other and working together, honouring the varied expressions of our faith and practice and our cultural diversity
• Actively promoting healthy unity through mutual collaboration, transparency and accountability
• Prioritising authentic relationships over programmes and structures
• Honouring marriage as an institution created by God as the foundation for
a lifelong faithful union of a man and a woman

People empowering
• Nurturing a disciplemaking culture that encourages, shapes and releases every person to glorify God in all of their life
• Investingstrategicallyintheidentification, developmentandempowermentofleaders
• Respecting our heritage whilst championing further innovation

Partnership Oriented
• Recognising and celebrating God at work both within and beyond our movement
• Partnering with like-minded bodies in the mission of God both locally and globally
• Evidenced by mutual respect, healthy dialogue, and where appropriate resource sharing and the development of common goals.

1. We see a movement of transforming, healthy communities
• Embracing faith and risk in a life of authentic discipleship
• Transforming lives in the power of Christ
• A culture of disciple making being normal and expected
• Diverse in expression and ministry yet united in purpose, values and foundational beliefs

2. We see a movement raising and empowering Kingdom-focused leadership
• A culture of leadership development across our movement
• Amplematureleadershiptoallowourchurches, groupsandnewministriestoflourish
• Healthy pastors and leaders serving our churches and groups with sustained vitality
• Leaders equipped and supported for their roles in the broader community

3. We see an extraordinary mission shaped movement of God across our churches and affiliated groups
• Proclaiming and demonstrating Christ’s love in holistic, culturally appropriate global engagement
• Growing faster than population growth to movement of 1000 healthy churches in a generation
• Support and involvement in church planting and pioneering work being normal
• Mutual support and partnership between our churches, the Association of Churches and its affiliated groups

4. We see a movement impacting our society, culture and world
• Cultivating significant positive societal change
• Asserting a prophetic voice, bringing Kingdom values into the public square.
• Advocating for and aiding the vulnerable, voiceless and oppressed

More about Baptist Churches Nsw & Act

Baptist Churches Nsw & Act is located at 5 Saunders Close, 2113
02 98689200
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -