Beesheh Gard

About Beesheh Gard

Biesheh gard is a friendly bushwalking page aims to help us explore NSW bushwalking earas. The name of "Biesheh gard" is persian meaning of bush walker.

Beesheh Gard Description

You know hiking is good for your health. But do you know just how good it is?
If you are heading out for a hike this weekend, take note of all the good you are doing for your body.

For adults, regular aerobic exercise such as hiking leads to:

-Improved cardio-respiratory fitness (heart, lungs, blood vessels)
-Improved muscular fitness
-Lower risk of coronary heart disease and stroke
-Lower risk of high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes
-Lower risk of high cholesterol and triglycerides
-Lower risk of colon and breast cancer, and possibly lung and endometrial cancer
-Increased bone density or a slower loss of density
-Reduced depression and better quality sleep
-Lower risk of early death (If you are active for 7 hours a week, your risk of dying early is 40% lower than someone active for less than 30 minutes a week. )
-Weight control; hiking burns up 370 calories an hour (154-lb person)
Hiking with kids

Kids get many of the same benefits, including:

-Improved cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness
-Better bone health
-Less chance of becoming overweight
-Less chance of developing risk factors for heart disease, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes
-Possibly reduced risk of depression and feeling less stress, more ready to learn in school
-Sleeping better at night

What’s more, hiking exercises almost every part of your body: legs, knees, ankles, arms, hips and butt, abdominals, shoulders and neck. “Hiking exercises your body and your mind, and nourishes your imagination, ” says Ignacio Malpica, a certified fitness instructor and personal trainer in Boulder, Colorado. “It creates awareness in your eyes and ears and the rest of your senses. ”