Bekstarr Health, Fitness & Lifestyle Coaching

About Bekstarr Health, Fitness & Lifestyle Coaching

I love working with women to empower them about their self worth and body image. I operate with a non-diet and weight-neutral perspective.

Bekstarr Health, Fitness & Lifestyle Coaching Description

We love working with people to help them feel better about themselves and their bodies. We write personalised programmes for all our clients.



Definitely one of my favourites ❤️


Exactly. #yourbodyyourrules


Word! 👊


#sorrynotsorry about the swearing! Hands up🙋‍♀️ who gives fucks for magical shit that sets your soul on fire!


Yes 👊👌


Re-invention, transformation, change and growth are processes that can occur at any point in our lives.
We don’t have to wait, stop or apologise for these things.
We are allowed to be different to who we were last year, last week or yesterday AND who we will be tomorrow, next week or next year.
... It’s okay. You are still YOU.
#transformation #reinventyourself #healthateverysize #haes #bodypositive #bopo #selfacceptance #beyourself #yourbodyyourrules #yourlifeyourway #feminism #women #selflove #healthandwellness #healthandfitness
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"To you, bodies like mine have not earned peace with our own skin. To you, people like me, people like that stranger in a crop top, do not merit a simple ease with the bodies we have always had. And because of that, I struggle to feel that simple ease with you"
A great read.…/im-body-positive-a s-long-as-you-re-not…


Haha this is good 🙂


It’s hard to filter out all the noise of what we “should” be doing. Once we practice self-awareness we start to not only know what WE need but we can TRUST ourselves more and then HONOUR our choices. Even if (ie when) we make mistakes!
#yourbodyyourrules #yourlifeyourway #bodyrespect #haes #healthateverysize #selfcompassion #selfawareness #healthandfitness #healthandfitnesscoach #bodypositive #bopo #bodyimage #embrace #ihaveembraced


🌟Remember you aren’t anyone else but you, at any other time but now ...
Be where you are now.
Not 10 years ago or 5 years from now.... You’re not her/them/him. You’re you! Right here. Right now.
Comparisons can be a pretty unhelpful behaviour that either results in us feeling ‘better than’ or ‘worse than’.
This may go across many areas like beauty, age, body size, fitness, career, finances, experiences... the list goes on.
Not only do we compare ourselves to others but we do it to ourselves too.
🌟Try to catch yourself when you feel jealous or not good enough, invite the feeling in and feel it.
🌟Be curious about the feeling and remind yourself it’s okay to feel like this.
🌟Consider your own unique qualities and strengths.
🌟Remember you aren’t anyone else but you, at any other time but now!
So, be you, now.
#embrace #beyou #bodyrespect #healthateverysize #haes #yourbodyyourrules #yourlifeyourway #selflove #healthandfitnesscoach #bodypositive #bopo #bodyimage #selfawareness #nocomparison
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There are more ways to #exercise and move our bodies than you might think....some fast, some slow, some gentle and some tough and ALL of them are okay! Check it out on the blog
... #weightneutral #bodypositive #bopo #haes #healthateverysize #yourbodyyourrules #yourlifeyourway #nondiet #healthandfitnesscoaching #online #women
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I really love this one from Rupi Kaur, it’s so beautiful and true.
#yourbodyyourrules #yourlifeyourway #selflove #bodyrespect #bodypositive #bopo #haes #healthateverysize #fitness #health #feminism #coaching #weightneutral #nondiet


Physical activity is beneficial on many levels. From belly dancing to boxing, or yoga to weight all counts. Everyone has their ‘thing’ and that might change over time too. I encourage you to be curious and explore what movement you enjoy.
Bek x
#joyfulmovement #exercise #haes #yourbodyyourrules #healthateverysize #bodypositive #bopo #yourlife #yourway

More about Bekstarr Health, Fitness & Lifestyle Coaching