Better Health By Daniela

Monday: Closed
Tuesday: Closed
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: 9:30 AM – 2:30 AM
Friday: 9:30 AM – 2:30 AM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

About Better Health By Daniela

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Better Health By Daniela Description

This is my story
My story begins in Zadar, Croatia, a beautiful town on the Adriatic coast, of what was then Yugoslavia. I had a lovely childhood and life until the 1990s war. I was 21 when it started, with two children aged 10 months and a newborn. I was shocked, lost and scared for myself and my family. When I moved to Australia, it was like I won the lottery. It was not easy to start our lives in far-away Australia with little or no English and no clue where we are. I went to TAFE, studied English. For a while I worked with the elderly and disabled before working as an admin and accountant for my husband’s newly-opened business.
In 2003 i had my forth baby boy. We were all so happy and the little one brought joy & happiness in our family, but just when you think everything is working out, sickness strikes.

This is where my interest in essential oils and alternative therapy begins. It started with a day in 2005 that I will never forget. It was Christmas night; I had come home from work & started to get ready for a Christmas dinner with workmates. I had just finished my shower when suddenly I fell unconscious. I was found like that by a friend who came to pick me up for the work dinner. Once awake I was still on the floor, unable to move or talk. I remember being in Wollongong hospital, thinking I am dying, telling my friend to let my family know I love them. Despite my situation, tests found nothing and doctors told me I should just be released. At home, the situation did not get better and I had trouble breathing. I was admitted to hospital again and put on a ventilator, but once again, doctors found nothing wrong & sent me home. Finally, I saw a neurologist who send me to hospital for further tests and I discovered that I got Guillain-Barrè Syndrome.

Guillain-Barrè syndrome is an autoimmune condition. It is a form of nerve inflammation resulting in a spreading paralysis. The cause is unknown, but the trigger seems to be certain acute viral or bacterial infections. My own body had turned on itself, there was no known cure and recovery was a slow process, with lots of ups and downs. A nightmare had begun once again, like I was 22 and back in Zadar; I wanted to die. I could not walk, talk or do every day normal things like shower and go to the toilet. I was so angry with myself, with my body, wondering why this had happened to me. When the neurologist told me that I will need to use a wheelchair or pushing frame for the rest of my life, that was point where I woke up! I could not allow myself to be sick, I had my family to take care of. When numerous doctors failed to give me any hope for recovery, I gave up on conventional medications, threw all my prescriptions away and started my journey to recovery on my own.

It took me almost 3-5 years to talk, walk or function normally. My digestive system is still affected & those nerves may never recover. I have ended up in hospital due to massive bloating, once again in so much pain that I thought I would die. Doctors’ methods had not changed and that did not go well with me. More painkillers, more procedures, more drugs that put toxicity into my body, causing even more problems rather than fixing. At this point, I had started to lose feeling in my legs due to the bloating and like before, I was angry & frustrated. I turned to essential oils, both applying them topically and ingesting. A changed diet and colonic hydrotherapy helped me on my way to recovery.

Through my journey, I have learnt an age-old truth and that is in order to be healthy, you need to have a healthy digestive system. It is said that all disease begins in the gut, so if it is not healthy, everything else will be damaged. I learnt this the hard way, but I hope my story conveys the importance of truly looking after oneself, physically and mentally. I hope also to inspire others to never give up on themselves, even when current conventional medicine might tell otherwise. Natural, alternative healing worked for me and while I cannot predict how it will affect you, sometimes there is nothing left to lose. The choice is yours to either be sick and receive band aid solutions, or to heal your body from deep within.

Life can be like a fairy tale, like spring when everything awakens, blooms and breathes with new life. Our mind plays a big role in our life; it can bring us to perfection or destroy and push us to the ground. When more people in the world would look at life positively, instead of spreading hate, starting wars, acting upon negative actions – when we spread love, laughter, happiness, when we care for each other, help each other or give each other positive words of encouragement & comfort, without pretences or ulterior motivations, then this world would be heavenly. We are all made up of the same atoms and molecules; no matter where we are from or what our differences are on the outside. If we gave each other a chance and let collective love and happiness rule this life, we’d see a lot less grief, & a lot less of all the actions that go against the virtues of humanity.




Daniela thank u for massage today was awesome. I came out a new person your techniques are smoother. One happy camper her can't wait for next one.

More about Better Health By Daniela

Better Health By Daniela is located at 37 Cordeaux Rd., Figtree, New South Wales, Australia 2525
Monday: Closed
Tuesday: Closed
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: 9:30 AM – 2:30 AM
Friday: 9:30 AM – 2:30 AM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed